Star Odyssey

Chapter 726: Seven SkyG.o.ds

Chapter 726: Seven SkyG.o.ds

Wendy Yushan shook her head, not minding Lu Yin’s words. “Sometimes, I really don’t understand him. He’d obviously entered the Innerverse, and he was even in the top thirty of the Top 100 Rankings. He must have seen some truly grand planets and had some unforgettable experiences, but in the end, he chose to return to the Great Yu Empire and become the emperor. He then led this una.s.suming state to conquer its surrounding territory. What was he planning? There’s no way he didn’t know that there were people from the Innerverse who wouldn’t let him off, but he did it anyways.”

“Are you talking about the people from the Starfall Sea who conspired to steal the Undying Manual?” Lu Yin asked.

Wendy Yushan nodded. “Those people remained hidden within the Great Yu Empire for many years, and they restrained Father both openly and in secret. But despite all that, he still persevered to protect this place. He even instigated Eldest Brother and Second Brother to fight and have a falling out. I truly don’t understand him.”

“Was he a lockbreaker?” Lu Yin suddenly asked.

Wendy Yushan shook her head and then asked in a puzzled voice, “Why would you ask?”

Lu Yin laughed. “I just suddenly thought about it. With his many talents, he might have known it.”

Not much later, Wendy Yushan left. She might have stopped by to thank Lu Yin or perhaps to find a relative to reminisce about her father with. Lu Yin had just fulfilled Undying Yushan’s lifelong dream that he had never been able to achieve. Wendy was also human, and her emotions would spill over occasionally; she could not remain entirely aloof at such a time.

If Lu Yin had been willing, he might have been able to embrace this beauty, but he didn’t. He did not even know what he was thinking.

He stood beside King Zishan"s palace while looking down below. He saw the feasting, the festivals, and all the people celebrating. Everything that these people were celebrating had been personally accomplished by him. He had completed a magnificent feat that n.o.body had ever managed to do before. To Frostwave Weave, Lu Yin was a hero, but to the other weaves, he was a ruthless and formidable person. Both of these aspects were Lu Yin, and he did not know how history would look back and judge these actions in the future.

For some reason, Lu Yin suddenly thought of Progenitor Chen. The Progenitor had been a character who history had not even dared to record. Could it be that Lu Yin’s ambitions were still too small?

At that moment, as he looked down at Zenyu Star, which was within the palm of his hand. The heroic feelings in Lu Yin’s chest expanded, and green lines enveloped his body before slowly turning blue. In the end, he was completely shrouded from head to toe with a blue aura, and among the blue were purple-red veins highlighting it. His battle force had improved along with his expanding ambition. It allowed his very essence to surge forth, and he had ultimately broken through and achieved eight lined battle force.

He had cultivated eight lined battle force at such a young age. If this information was leaked out, then it would definitely shock the entire universe.

The Sandmaster had been right. Improving battle force was not exclusively reliant on battle experience; it also depended on a person’s spirit and ambitions.

The universe contained both light and darkness. The lights of King Zishan"s palace had illuminated a large area of the planet, and to countless people, it was a brilliant sun that lit up everything around the palace, just as Lu Yin had lit up the whole Frostwave Weave.

However, inside King Zishan"s palace, on the other side of the bright light, Lu Yin suddenly felt gloomy and cold, as if he had fallen into an ice bath. The sounds of celebration all around him faded away, no longer able to enter his ears. It was as if he had been isolated from the surrounding area, thrust into a solitary room filled a certain chill.

Lu Yin didn’t dare move, and he saw an indescribably terrifying number of rune lines distort the surrounding s.p.a.ce and envelop all of Zenyu Star. Others could not see this, but it was crystal clear to Lu Yin. To his shock, these rune lines surpa.s.sed what he had seen on Elder Lohar, and the unprecedented level of danger had overwhelmed him, to the point where he did not even think to don his universal armor.

He was ready to crush the stone talisman that Mister Mu had given him at any moment.

“I’ve been looking forward to meeting you, Sir Lu Yin,” an icy voice called out. It sounded like metal grating on metal, and the noise was uncomfortable to the extreme. The moment the voice came out, a shadow simultaneously appeared on the ground, and it dispelled all the light as if its existence was the ant.i.thesis of light. The shadow also appeared beneath Lu Yin, and it seemed to be connected to him.

A single leaf fell from the branch of a tree, but it turned to ash the moment it touched the shadow, vanishing completely.

Lu Yin’s scalp went utterly numb. “Who are you?”

“Blackless G.o.d of the Neohuman Alliance’s Seven SkyG.o.ds.”

Lu Yin’s eyes narrowed, and his heart plummeted. The Neohuman Alliance?

“Sir Lu Yin, there’s no need to panic, as I’ve only come here to speak with you. I despise killing at every turn, as that only incites terror, which is of no help to the cause. When facing me, it’s no different than facing Wei Rong.”

Lu Yin went pale. “What is it that you want?”

“I admire Sir Lu Yin’s style of handling his affairs. You understand our Neohuman Alliance’s situation in the universe, and we consider the Outerverse useful as well. And although we may think that, we cannot take care of it just by ourselves, which is why we want to enlist the help of Sir Lu Yin.”

Lu Yin was taken aback. “You want to cooperate with me?”

“You could say that. As long as Sir Lu Yin wishes it, the Neohuman Alliance will give its all to a.s.sist you.”

“That’s impossible. Cooperating with you means that I’ll become the entire universe’s enemy.” Lu Yin rejected the offer without any hesitation.

Blackless G.o.d calmly replied, “n.o.body need know that you are cooperating with us.”

“That’s impossible as well.” Lu Yin was firm in his rejection. He was already holding the jade talisman in his hand, but he did not know if it would activate in time. He could only hope that Mister Mu would be able to rush to him in time!

Although Lu Yin was willing to use certain underhanded means when handling various matters, he had certain bottom lines that he would not cross. After he realized just how deep the Neohuman Alliance’s darkness went, he knew that he would never cooperate with them. This organization possessed the universe’s deepest darkness, and even Ku Wei from the Seven Courts had admitted to as much.

“It seems like Sir Lu Yin does not understand our Neohuman Alliance’s capabilities. If sir wishes to cooperate, then we can cause the central weaves to fall under your rule within a month,” Blackless G.o.d calmly explained.

Lu Yin was shocked. “You guys have that much influence?”

“Don’t doubt the Neohuman Alliance. We are enemies against the entire universe, but we have remained safe and sound even now. You can imagine our power.”

“What is your ultimate goal? Is it to turn humans into zombies?” Lu Yin asked. Even when he had Possessed that Specter clan member, he had not been able to discover the Neohuman Alliance’s true objective. That memory had felt forbidden, and he hadn’t even been able to probe it.

Blackless G.o.d continued, saying, “If Sir Lu Yin wishes to cooperate with us, then you will naturally know our objective. I can represent the Seven SkyG.o.ds and recognize Sir Lu Yin’s position in the Neohuman Alliance. You will then become one of our spokespeople in the universe.”

Lu Yin sneered. “After all humans have turned into zombies, I’ll also end up becoming one of your zombies. Is that meaningful?”

“It seems like Sir Lu Yin has declined my offer. No worries, as I still will not touch sir since I like making people give in. Violence is just one method, but it does not suit you. Today’s events will end here, and sir can slowly come to taste the desperation that the Neohuman Alliance can bring. That desperation will allow you to think things over.”

After these words were uttered, another leaf fell, but this time, it did not turn to dust. Instead, it landed on the ground in a very normal manner.

Lu Yin whirled back around, but he did not see anyone. The shadow on the ground that had been connected with him was gone, and the sounds of celebrations once again entered his ears. Everything had returned to normal.

The terrifying amount of rune lines instantly had vanished without a trace, almost as if they had never been there at all.

Lu Yin felt powerless, as he had just walked along the razor edge of death. If that Blackless G.o.d had so much as slightly moved a single finger, Lu Yin would have been finished.

Beads of sweat dripped off of his forehead. Lu Yin had not felt the sensation of not being in control of his own life in a long time. Unexpectedly, the Outerverse still contained such monstrous experts. If he had not unified the eastern weaves, there was no way that person would have appeared before him.

Lu Yin smiled bitterly. He had established the Great Eastern Alliance, but it seemed as though he had drawn out a few deeply hidden individuals. He had a feeling that he could now truly touch a new part of the universe.

“Monkey, are you sleeping?” Lu Yin asked.

“Eh, why am I sleeping? Strange...” The Ghost Monkey was puzzled.

“Have you heard of the Seven SkyG.o.ds?” Lu Yin asked.

The monkey was lost. “What sky?”

A certain distance outside the imperial palace, Ku Wei leaned against the wall and stubbornly stared at the building. He had tried to enter so many times, but he had been obstructed each and every time. The one blocking him was a Hunter, so it was not easy for him to enter.

Should he continue to look for Lu Yin? Brother Wei also considered searching elsewhere for the Yu family’s secret.

Suddenly, Ku Wei turned around and saw a figure slowly walking over from nearby. It was Lu Yin.

Ku Wei was delighted when he saw Lu Yin. “Bro, we definitely have a telepathic connection. Brother Wei was just thinking of you, and now here you are.”

Lu Yin replied, “Are you free? Let’s go and get a drink.”

“No hurry, let’s go. Take Brother Wei on a tour of the palace.” Ku Wei enthusiastically pulled Lu Yin towards the imperial palace, but he could not make the Royal Regent even slightly budge.

“Accompany me for a drink.” Lu Yin turned to leave before vanishing with a single step. His body had already moved a thousand meters away.

Ku Wei curled his lips. “It’s not like this is our bridal night, so why are you in such a hurry to have a drink?”

Although he was unhappy about his situation, he still chased after Lu Yin.

They ended up in that one small tavern that had a certain, familiar feeling.

Lu Yin had kept a special eye on this place, which meant that this small tavern could not be destroyed. Otherwise, when the Alliance Conference was announced, this place would have long since been torn down.

Ku Wei frowned after taking a swig of wine. “It’s not that good. Anyways, why were you looking for me?”

Lu Yin set his wine gla.s.s down. “I want to know some details about the Neohuman Alliance.”

Ku Wei’s brow arched up. “The Neohuman Alliance? Why do you want to ask about them? They’re a bunch of lunatics, and they just try in vain to exterminate humanity and transform us all into zombies.”

“How long ago did they appear?” Lu Yin asked.

Ku Wei thought about it. “I don’t really know much about this, but it’s definitely a long time ago.”

“Compared to your Seven Courts, who’s stronger? And who’s older?”

Ku Wei rolled his eyes. “Bro, how would I know? Forget about the Seven Courts—I don’t even know what kind of old monsters are hiding in my Ku family. As for which is older, it should be our Seven Courts. We were already united when we first entered the Neoverse, and the Neohuman Alliance only appeared after that.”

“Is that so?” Lu Yin was in disbelief, but it really seemed like Ku Wei did not know much about the Neohuman Alliance. The scarlet eyes that had appeared in the Six-Fingered Tribe’s ancestral grounds belonged to an ancient era that predated the Neohuman Alliance’s appearance. Lu Yin’s best guess was that the Neohuman Alliance had possibly come into being at an even earlier time, though it might not have been called the Neohuman Alliance at that time.

However, the truth was uncertain.

“So tell me, why are you suddenly so curious about those crazies?” Ku Wei felt that these questions were a bit strange as he ate some snacks.

“Have you heard of the Seven SkyG.o.ds?” Lu Yin casually asked.

Ku Wei spat out all his alcohol and stared at Lu Yin in disbelief. “How do you know about the Seven SkyG.o.ds?”

Lu Yin’s face had a bizarre look on it. “You know about them?”

“Of course I know them! The Seven SkyG.o.ds are the people who hold the seven highest positions within the Neohuman Alliance. Legends say that the seven of them created the Neohuman Alliance. No matter how many ages pa.s.s, those few wielding the top power in the Neohuman Alliance will inherit the t.i.tle of the Seven SkyG.o.ds. Anyone who inherits such a t.i.tle is definitely one of the Neohuman Alliance’s masters,” Ku Wei explained.
