Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 96

Angel flew for about ten minutes before he came to a fork in the road.

Looking at the three roads that extended ahead in different directions, Angel can’t help but sigh. “Which one do I choose? What’s going to happen later? Are there more demons?” Angel doesn’t know, he’s still completely lost.

Anyways, it was the same going in any direction for him, so he just had to choose a path, Angel did not really care which way, he just casually chose the left path, and then continued on flying down.

Ten minutes later, Angel saw another fork in the road. Angel, the same as before, chose the left road again.

After traveling for more than half an hour, Angel has no way forward and has no choice but to go back and choose a direction again. As soon as he backtracked the path, he chose the middle path this time, but when he got to the end, there was no way forward, Angel finally managed to find a path that seemed to be correct, the right most path.

What puzzles Angel however, is that there is nothing strange along the way, and demons no longer appeared. According to Mentor Sanders, the Sewer Labyrinth shouldn’t be this calm? He can only blame it on his luck, and the fact that he didn’t meet a the demon saved Angel some uneasiness.

However, he did not know that there was no demon on the path because he was stained with the breath of the big mouth flower, which was a terrifying pressure for the demons living in the underground Labyrinth. Many low-level demons, when faced with this breath, retreated immediately one after another. That’s why Angel wasn’t stopped by any demons.

However, this smell is only useful for low-level demons, as for those at a slightly higher level, they will not avoid him because of the breath from the big mouth flower.

After flying for nearly three hours, Angel finally met his first demon.

Angel was in a corner peeking towards a front hall-

In the Sewer Labyrinth, not all routes are tunnels, and they also include many other environments, such as halls, gardens, and sandscapes. In front of Angel is a huge underground hall.

The top height is about 12 to 13 meters, with a radius of about 30 meters, a hall decorated very gorgeously. The floor of the hall is also covered with a huge carpet that had exotic lines, and on the right side of the hall what can also be seen around is a stove, tables, chairs, bookcases and so on.

But none of this mattered. Angel’s eyes are completely focused on the huge figure in the middle of the hall.

He was at a fat-looking blue giant man, about three or four meters tall, with a leather skirt around his waist, a horned helmet on his head, three eyes, with a vertical eye in the middle, and two on each cheek, and a sharp b.l.o.o.d.y tooth sticking out of his large mouth.

At this time, the blue giant is fighting a small figure, Angel, from dozens of meters away, can not see what the little figure is, and can only see a vague shadow, it seems to be human or at least a humanoid life.

Angel’s only way forward on his current path through this hall and must travel through a small door near the stove. But now that there are demons fighting, he has no choice but to stay back.

The battle was very fierce in the hall, the blue giant’s physique was appalling, but it had neither the response nor mobility that was fast enough to strike the small figure. It was played around by the small figure, but from time to time was cut by a weapon from the other side, leaving small some wounds on the blue giant.

However, the blue giant is very powerful, and with a small leap, Angel can feel the vibrations from the ground, even from tens of meters away.


The blue giant continued being teased for a while, then it suddenly howled at the sky, picking up a boulder and throwing it at the little man. The boulder was thrown in the direction of the hall door. Although Angel was not affected from this distance, the little man was. .h.i.t by the traveling debris caused by the boulder, and stumbled several times in a row until he bounced towards the corner not far from Angel.

Only then did Angel see the appearance of the small man, who was indeed a small man compared with the blue giant. But for now, the other side is taller than Angel, this is a young man who was covered in blood, and a mouth still spitting blood out, it is clear that the blow just now had seriously injured him.

Blood obscured most of his face, but from his exposed features, Angel felt a faint sense of familiarity. Short grayish green hair, handsome nose, and a strong, lean figure, he always felt that he had seen this familiar figure somewhere.

To Angel’s confusion, the other person doesn’t look like a demon, but looks more like a human.

Although Angel is secretly observing the other person, he was still contaminated with the terrible and boundless breath from the big mouth flower, not realizing that this breath had not been converged, he instantly attracted the attention of the man on the other side.

“Who’s there, show yourself!” An indifferent and cold voice came into Angel’s ears.

Show myself? Angel was startled to see the man take up his weapon and run towards his direction. Without thinking, Angel turned his head and flew towards the sky.

At this time, Angel felt a wind coming from behind. He looked back and saw that the man was flying in mid-air as well while holding a short stick in his hand and performing a chopping motion at him.

“Ah, no!” Angel was scared and gave a sudden kick, sharply turning his direction, while closely avoiding this deadly attack.

“Demon, die for me!” The young man, who has short grayish green hair, missed and immediately chopped at him again.

“I am not a demon! Don’t kill me!” Angel exclaimed at once when he heard the man’s words.

But the opposite man did not seem to hear, his energy had not diminished, and even showed signs of increasing, Angel can only avoid the attack again. Fortunately, Angel flew throughout his journey, so already became familiar with maneuvering in the air, and compared to the opposite man, he was much more flexible.

“Demon, don’t try to escape, see if I don’t cut you up!” The indifferent voice came back into Angel’s ears.

Angel dodged, still feeling empty at the bottom of his heart: “What a familiar voice, but I can’t quite recall where I have heard it at the moment.”

At this time, the blue giant also chased after him, wondering if there was one more person in the air, and whether the man he was trying to kill was fighting with the other person.

The blue giant held up a huge stone pillar in it’s hands and threw it in their direction. Just then, it suddenly smelled the other little man, the smell was also accompanied by a faint fragrance as well. As soon as the aroma entered it’s nose, the face of the blue giant changed so much that even the eyes on it’s cheeks widened.

The blue giant looked at Angel in fear. It then looked back at the little man it was trying to kill. And Instead of continuing, it retreated back slowly, step by step, and escaped into the hall.

Angel had expected the blue giant to fight and distract the man opposite of him so that he could escape, but in the end, the blue giant had just given up!

“Don’t come after me. I told you, I’m human! I’m a human! I’m not a demon!” Angel shouted again.

However, the man opposite did not seem to hear his voice, or kept on attacking him. Angel spat out the word “deaf” and continued running away.

Angel flies faster than the other person, but in order to avoid his attack, there must be a certain degree of dodging and rolling, which makes the distance between the two people shorten.

“When you were fighting that blue giant, why did you suddenly decide to go after me? Aren’t you going to avenge yourself for being injured so badly?” As he ran, Angel tried to distract him with words.

But it didn’t work. The other person’s face did not change. He didn’t even blink.

Angel speculated that maybe he was really deaf?

At this time, Angel turned a corner, looking in only one direction, suddenly his heart stopped. “There’s a wall, this is a dead end!”

Behind him was a deaf madman, and in front of him was a dead end. Angel’s face was suddenly pale. Can anyone explain his situation here today? Not dying against a demon, but against a madman?