Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 148 Small Village Shrine

Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 148 Small Village Shrine

In fact, all knowledge and experience are inseparable, why are there some people who do not know how to write, but because of living for a long time, and traveling to many places, their wisdom is much better compared to ordinary people?

That"s because of experience!

Qin Shuang"s past life experience can be described as extensive and rich, so she gradually gains her own understanding of Confucianism, and her interest increases greatly.

Before you know it, the sky has darkened. Qin Shuang puts down the "Confucianism" book. Seeing that Qin Yunxia has finished her cultivation at this time, she looks at her with a happy expression. Qin Shuang can"t help smiling:

"Is there progress?"

"En!" Qin Yunxia nods with joy.

"Miss, there is a village ahead." The sound of Yuan Ye"s voice came from outside.

Qin Shuang opens the window, leans her head out, in the dim sky light she sees an indistinct small village ahead. She can"t help rejoicing. Although she doesn"t care about sleeping outdoors, she"d rather sleep indoors.

Qin Shuang retracts her head and asks Qin Yunxia to put Confucianism back into the bookcase, ready to get off. Suddenly, the carriage stops, and outside came Yuan Ye"s voice:

"Miss, something"s not right."

Qin Shuang"s expression changes, grabbing the sword next to her, she pushes the door and jumps out. She sees Yuan Ye has already come down from the carriage, although he has not yet pulled out the long sword on his back, but he is fully alert.

Looking to the opposite side, at this time the sun has already set behind the mountains. A touch of moonlight quietly covers the night.


A small village appears in Qin Shuang"s field of view.


Only this word can describe the feeling of Qin Shuang at this time, it seems that there is still a restless atmosphere in the silence.

This uneasy atmosphere is not visible, you can only feel it, but only a martial artist with abundant experience can feel it. If Qin Shuang did not have her previous life experience and a powerful soul, she would not feel it at this time, the disturbing atmosphere.

The small village is silent, and there is no one on the road of the village, as if it is an abandoned village.


Qin Shuang doesn"t think so, because she saw the footprints on the village road, a lot of footprints. Carefully examining those houses, although some are dilapidated, but its definitely not the kind of empty house-like decay.

It"s just that……

Every household put out their lights, and no candlelight flickers in the windows.

Although Qin Shuang is very knowledgeable she does not understand what is going on in this village. Obviously there are people living in this village, but why don"t you see a single person, not even a child playing outside, and the whole village is dark and there is no light.

Qin Shuang is a cautious person, as an experienced person she is more careful. She pulls the long sword out of its sheath and walks towards the village. A figure flashes, Yuan Ye has rushed ahead, and also pulls the long sword out from his back. Qin Yunxia also jumps down from the carriage, a hand holding a sword, one hand leading the horse behind Qin Shuang.


In the silence under the moonlight, three people"s footsteps echo in the air, on the village road there is no one, looking left and right, each house door is closed, the houses are silent. There are less than a hundred households in the entire village, it can be considered a small village. In less than a quarter of an hour, Qin Shuang and them pa.s.s through the village entrance to the end of the village. The three stop and look at each other.

They are not in danger, and if they leave like this, nothing will happen. But now it is too late, and after this village there is no inn. Looking at the houses, they don"t have to sleep outdoors, right?

Only this idea Yuan Ye dare not raise, because if they stay here and Qin Shuang encounters danger, this is a responsibility he cannot afford, so he looks at Qin Shuang and asks:

"Miss, shall we move on?"

Qin Shuang looks back at the village, now the sky is completely dark, and under the moonlight the houses tower silently, giving off a sense of inexplicable oppression. The heart of Qin Shuang is filled with curiosity, she slightly shakes her head:

"Let"s go back and knock on the door and ask."


The three began to walk from the end of the village to the head of the village. Yuan Ye came to a house, in front of the door, he curls up his fingers and knocks gently.

"Knock, knock, knock…"

The heavy knocking on the door echoes in the vast night sky, and it seems particularly loud. There is no response in the house. Yuan Ye slightly frowns, and then opens his mouth:

"We are weary travelers, can we ask for a cup of water to drink?"

Yuan Ye"s voice echoes in the night sky, and there is still no response in the house.

"Is there anyone?" Yuan Ye shouts again.

"Is there anyone…Someone? Anyone???"

Yuan Ye"s echoing voice drifts away in the night sky, and then the whole village is silent again. Yuan Ye looks back at Qin Shuang, Qin Shuang shakes her head and points ahead. Yuan Ye heads for the next house, and then knocks on the door, calling, but there is still no response.

Three people knock all the way down, and no one responds along the whole way. Knocking on about a dozen houses, Yuan Ye looks at Qin Shuang again. Qin Shuang frowns, looking around, and then she found in the middle of the village there is a tall building. This building you do not have to go in to know, that is the village"s ancestral hall.

"Let"s go to the ancestral hall!"

Three people then walk to the ancestral hall, arriving at the front of the hall, Yuan Ye reaches out and gently pushes. The hidden door is pushed open showing the inside, the moonlight spills in. The inside of the hall is empty, there are memorial tablets, and an offering table in front, on the table there is an incense burner, but no incense sticks. Yuan Ye walks in cautiously with his long sword.

With a glance, its clear to see that the hall is not big. Yuan Ye turns around in the hall, and then shakes his head at Qin Shuang, indicating that there is nothing in the hall. Qin Shuang puts away her sword, walking in, and looking around, and indeed there is nothing.

"Let"s rest here today."

Qin Yunxia goes to the carriage to get some food. Yuan Ye goes out to tie the carriage to a big tree next to the hall, and then went to cut down some branches, in the hall he made a bonfire, three people surround the bonfire and eat their dry food.

"Miss, it"s weird here!" Yuan Ye looks outside the door of the ancestral hall and says softly.

"En!" Qin Shuang nods, swallowing the food in her mouth, and drinking a mouthful of water: "Wait till tomorrow, we"ll knock on the door to try again."


The night wind blows into the hall, blowing the bonfire, the fire sways and sparks fly out. Yuan Ye gets up and closes the door, and the room soon warms up again. The three of them close their eyes and lean against the wall.