Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 149 The Scream

Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 149 The Scream

Don"t know how long its been, at about midnight.


Suddenly there came a shrill and blood-curdling scream from the silent village, which awakens the three people in the ancestral hall. The eyes of the three focus on the door at the same time, and their hands are already grasping their weapons.


After this scream, silence returns. Three people look at each other, and then stand up. Yuan Ye takes the lead and goes in front of the door, reaching out, he gently pushes the door open.


The door makes a loud squeaky noise, echoing in the silent night sky.

All three draw out their long swords, ready to defend, and gaze out. But they do not see the slightest trace, everything is still as empty as before.

Yuan Ye looks at Qin Shuang, Qin Shuang nods and Yuan Ye walks out the door. Qin Shuang and Qin Yunxia follow closely, standing in the middle of the village road, they look back and forth. Only the three of them cannot see the slightest trace of anything.

The night is like a cage shrouding over them, the air seems to become stagnant, and oppressive to the three of them, and the houses on either side seem to turn into monsters gazing at the three of them.

Qin Yunxia"s body begins to shiver, Yuan Ye"s expression is normal. After all, he"s experienced a lot of war, just a nervous face. His nervousness is for Qin Shuang, he is afraid that she"ll encounter danger. Turning his head in the the moonlight he glances at Qin Shuang, but all he sees is Qin Shuang"s calm face.

How can Qin Shuang be nervous?

In her previous life shes experienced more frightening environments than today. Her eyes look in the direction of the village end, softly saying:

"The sound of the screams just now came from that direction."

"Yes!" Yuan Ye nods, in his heart he holds more admiration for Qin Shuang.

"Let"s go and see!"


Yuan Ye walks toward the village end, three people"s eyes look at the houses on both sides. After walking for about fifty meters, the three stop and look at a house. At this time the door of the house is open, and the smell of blood comes from within.

Three people look at each other. Its important to know that before they had gone door by door, and the door of each house was securely closed. Yuan Ye also knocked on this door, and there was no sound inside.

"Let"s go!"

Qin Shuang commands in a low voice.

"Ta, ta, ta…"

The sound of three people"s footsteps echo in the night…

Standing at the door, the smell of blood comes out. The room is dark and nothing can be seen clearly. Yuan Ye takes out a matchstick, and in the faint firelight, three people walk into the house. Smelling the smell of blood, they go all the way to the bedroom. The door of the bedroom is also open, and before entering the bedroom, they see a man lying on the bed, with a strong smell of blood coming from him.

Yuan Ye doesn"t rush to the bed immediately, but walks into the room vigilantly and looks around. After confirming that there is no one, he goes to the bed. At this time, Qin Shuang and Qin Yunxia also arrive at the bed. Just looking at the bed, Qin Yunxia turns her head aside.


Qin Yunxia vomits over there. Qin Shuang and Yuan Ye don"t even frown, but their complexions are not good-looking. In front of them, a middle-aged man lays in bed, but his chest is cut open with a large hole, and inside his heart is gone.

There is no sign of a fight. It appears that the man had his heart dug up while he was still asleep. Yuan Ye and Qin Shuang look at each other, and then pull out Qin Yunxia who is still vomiting.

"Miss, what"s going on?" Yuan Ye asks in a low tone.

Qin Shuang looks around the door, slightly frowning, she whispers:

"The door is open from the inside."

Yuan Ye"s heart pounds, he carefully looks at the door, and then his face reveals shock.

"How is that possible?"

The door was opened from the inside, but there is only one person inside, and his heart was dug up in his sleep. You can"t say that the middle-aged man sleepwalked on his own, opened the door, and then lay back in bed, digging his own heart out?

All right!

But if thats the case, then where did his heart go?


Qin Shuang and Yuan Ye immediately bow their heads to look for blood, but they see no trace of blood.

Now even Qin Shuang and Yuan Ye feel a little fear in their hearts, these unusual signs make their hearts nervous. Putting aside Qin Shuang and Yuan Ye"s cultivation today, Qin Shuang has not encountered such a strange thing even in her previous life.

"Miss…" Qin Yunxia holds Qin Shuang"s arm in horror and fear.

Qin Shuang calms down her state of mind, and says, "Let"s go back first."

The three return to the ancestral hall again, but everyone"s expression is unsightly. Qin Yunxia shivers sitting at the side of Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang gently pats Qin Yunxia saying:

"Yunxia, don"t be afraid!" Then she looks at Yuan Ye asking: "What do you think?"

Yuan Ye shakes his head and says, "No, I really can"t figure out how the murderer got in. I"ve seen the door, its not simply a bolt with a hook, and you can"t open it from the outside unless it"s forced open, but thats not the case."

Qin Shuang nods and falls into contemplation. But she can"t figure out how, looking out of the ancestral hall, Qin Shuang softly says:

"There are clearly many people in this village, but everyone closes their doors. Even if someone screamed just now, no one comes out to check. Something like this should have happened more than once in this village. This kind of murder, its made them afraid to come out."

Yuan Ye nods: "Its likely that this kind of thing happens at night, so at night their doors are closed, by dawn they should come out."

"Yes, then we"ll ask!"

"En!" Yuan Ye nods: "Miss, you rest, I"ll keep vigil."

Qin Shuang has no words, gently nodding, she closes her eyes. On the side Qin Yunxia still holds Qin Shuang"s arm, but her eyes are still wide open, not daring to close.

Yuan Ye picks up a piece of wood and puts it on the bonfire, a "cracking" sound, and then he places his long sword on his lap, facing toward the door of the ancestral hall.

It"s getting brighter…

But the village is still silent, inside the ancestral hall Yuan Ye is like a still statue, simply motionless. Qin Yunxia has leaned against the shoulders of Qin Shuang to fall asleep, but from time to time her sleeping face reveals a look of panic.

A ray of sunlight shines in from the entrance door of the ancestral hall, and the world becomes much more vivid.