Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 164 Day 1 In the Confucian Academy

Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 164 Day 1 In the Confucian Academy

Lu Shenghui says to Qin Shuang: "This is Teacher He Qiong."

Qin Shuang hurriedly gets up from her chair, bowing toward He Qiong: "Student Qin Shuang has met Teacher He."

He Qiong does not react to the name of Qin Shuang. The majority of people in the kingdom don"t know the name of Qin Shuang. If its the Seventh Princess, they would know. As for the real name of the Seventh Princess……Who knows?

Although Qin is the national surname, there are many common people surnamed Qin, so the surname Qin may not be from the royal family. Therefore for Qin Shuang"s neither servile nor overbearing manner, she is polite. After all, this is the Presidents personally received guest.

"Free from courtesy!" He Qiong nods politely towards Qin Shuang.

"He Qiong, you take her to register, her knowledge is at the stage of entering, so you will arrange her in cla.s.s C."

"Yes, President!"

"Also, if she has any requests, as long as it is does not violate the rules, you can satisfy them."


"Go ahead!"

"Thank you President! Goodbye!"

Qin Shuang cups her hands, and then follows He Qiong to go outside. Qin Yunxia sees Qin Shuang come out and hurries over with her book case, following behind.


Qin Shuang nods, and then says to He Qiong, "Miss He, I want to live in an independent courtyard. Is there one in the Confucian Academy?"

"Yes! But it"s expensive, are you sure you want to live in an independent courtyard?"

"Yes!" Qin Shuang nods firmly, but then asks weakly, "How expensive is it?"

Looking at Qin Shuang"s expression, He Qiong can"t help laughing: "Independent courtyards are also divided into three grades, large, medium and small. A large yard requires one hundred points a month, a medium-sized yard is fifty points a month, and a small yard is twenty points a month."

"Are there two rooms in the small one?"

"Yes!" He Qiong nods: "The small independent courtyard has two separate bedrooms, a study, and a kitchen."

The eyes of Qin Shuang brighten: "Can I cook my own food?"

"En!" He Qiong smiles and nods, but the following words make Qin Shuang depressed again: "But the ingredients cannot be brought in from the outside. You need to purchase it with points from the market in the Confucian Academy."

Qin Shuang originally wanted to buy ingredients from the outside, so that no points are used, but she didn"t think that the Confucian Academy would also block this path.

He Qiong glances at Qin Shuang: "I advise you to not live in the independent courtyard. Twenty points is not easy to earn. If you just want to live in a separate courtyard, its best to let your maidservant live outside, paying for an extra persons food means spending extra points."

Qin Shuang slightly shakes her head: "Thank you Miss He, but I still want to live in an independent courtyard. I"ll live in a small one, and let my maidservant follow me. Don"t I have three months of free time?"

"That"s right! Follow me!"

Soon, He Qiong helps Qin Shuang register, receive her books, and also arranges a separate courtyard for her. Then Qin Shuang has Qin Yunxia stay to clean the room. She follows He Qiong to report to C-Cla.s.s.

Cla.s.s C belongs to the intermediate cla.s.s in the Confucian Academy, and is also a transitional cla.s.s. A and B in the Confucian Academy are the superior That is, the students who have a hopeful chance of pa.s.sing the exam. C cla.s.s is close to that level, but still not enough. The cla.s.s after Cla.s.s C is the cla.s.s in which some poor students are located.

Qin Shuang"s cla.s.s is C. She learns from He Qiong that there are 20 students in Cla.s.s C alone, which makes Qin Shuang speechless. This Confucian Academy is big enough, and there are enough students.

The Confucian Academy always has in the morning, and the afternoon is free time for students. Students can study in their own yard or go to the library. They can also get together and discuss, they can go sightseeing in the Confucian Academy, and there is even a restaurant in the Confucian Academy.

Qin Shuang had stayed with Lu Shenghui for a short time, and was then taken by He Qiong to enroll in school, receive her books, rent a courtyard, etc. So when she started school, there is not much time left in the morning. She just listens to two hours of talking, then the students are dismissed.

In the school, Qin Shuang and the other students talk for a while. After mingling for a bit, everyone then disperses and walks towards their own place of residence.

Qin Shuang returns to her yard, seeing Qin Yunxia still cleaning there, she greets Qin Yunxia and says:

"Yunxia, put things aside for now, let"s go eat!"


Qin Yunxia is really hungry, she immediately puts the cloth in her hand down, and washes her hands, she follows Qin Shuang to the canteen. Qin Shuang had already asked where the canteen was, so they walk all the way there. Holding the card given by He Qiong, she takes two meals and finds a seat with Qin Yunxia and sits down to eat.

The food is ok, anyway they are full enough. After eating, Qin Yunxia goes back to continue cleaning, and Qin Shuang goes to the task room. There is a place in the Confucian Academy where students can earn points by completing tasks.

Into the task room, there are not many people in the room now, many people probably haven"t finished eating. All the tasks are hung on the walls. Qin Shuang carefully looks at them. Gradually, the people in the task room increase, but its still very quiet. Only the sound of walking can be heard, but no sounds of clamor.

After spending almost an hour, Qin Shuang has looked at most of the tasks on the four walls, remembering most of the tasks, she squeezes out the crowd and returns to her courtyard.

Qin Yunxia has finished cleaning the courtyard. This independent courtyard has not been carefully looked at. Standing in the courtyard to look around, this courtyard is not small, its about thirty square meters, enough for a person to practice martial arts here. However, Qin Shuang knows that she can"t practice martial arts here. If she was discovered, she would probably be expelled.

Entering the rooms one by one, it really does have two bedrooms, a study and a kitchen. The kitchen is equipped with kitchenware, and there are tea sets. Qin Shuang opens her bookcase on the table in the study room. There are no books in the bookcase. It contains a set of spirit pattern tools and countless jade pieces, a bottle of jade liquid and a container of jade cream.

Qin Yunxia comes in and puts a pot of tea on the desk. Qin Shuang is sitting on the chair and looks at Qin Yunxia, then said:

"Close the courtyard gate when you"re here, and don"t let anybody in. Especially this study."

"Yes, Miss!"

"You go and rest!"


Qin Yunxia backs out, going to the courtyard, she closes the courtyard door, and then returns to her room. She takes out a bottle of jade liquid that Qin Shuang gave her from her arms, taking a drop, she begins to cultivate.

Now Qin Shuang is sitting in a chair, lost in thought. She thought about before, when she inspired the plaque outside the Lucheng Confucian Academy, receiving that knowledge, she recalls it over and over again, a.n.a.lyzing it until dusk. She finally wakes up from her intoxication and there is joy on her face. After this process of sorting and digesting, she feels that she has moved a step further in her understanding of Confucianism.

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