Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 165 Sensation Realm Sixth Layer

Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 165 Sensation Realm Sixth Layer

She exhales softly, holding up the teapot and pouring herself a cup of tea, holding it in her hand and drinking slowly. Suddenly she frowns. It isn"t until now that she feels at ease, but with this relaxation, she feels that her soul strength and her body seem to have changed. Hurriedly placing her teacup down, she silently checks her soul and body, and then suddenly she opens her eyes wide. She has discovered that the strength of her soul has reached the peak of the fifth layer of the sensing period, and she can kill the impure demon and break through to the sixth layer. Moreover, her body strength has also reached the fifth-level peak of the Qi-Intake realm. If she takes jade cream, she can reach the sixth layer of the Qi-Intake realm.

What"s going on?

Qin Shuang"s heart is extremely shocked. You must know that she has just broken through to the fifth layer of the sensing period two days ago. Its reasonable to say that even with the help of jade liquid, she still needs about ten days to get a further breakthrough.


Now she has reached the point of breaking through.

What the h.e.l.l is going on?

Slowly, Qin Shuang realizes something, it must be that plaque that brought this effect on her. This can"t help but make her heart restless, she really wants to go to the gateway immediately and see if she can enter that wonderful state again.

However, she knows that this is impossible, its impossible to enter that wonderful state again in such a short period of time. Perhaps when her Confucian realm gets better, she can try again.

Qin Shuang immediately gets up and walks to Qin Yunxia"s bedroom, but she sees that there is no one in the bedroom, coming to the courtyard, she finds that the courtyard is empty, frowning she thinks about where Qin Yunxia has gone. Then the door is pushed open and Qin Yunxia walks in with a box of food.

"Miss, I went to get you a meal at the canteen!"

"Have you eaten?"


Qin Yunxia goes to Qin Shuang"s study, taking out the food in the food box, and then placing the card on the desk. Qin Shuang went to wash her hands. As she eats, she says:

"Yunxia, tomorrow morning go ask for a leave of absence, say I am tired from the journey, not feeling well!"

"Miss, you?"

"I"am going to breakthrough!"


Qin Yunxia looks at Qin Shuang in amazement. Qin Shuang ignores her, after finishing her meal, she picks up the card on the table and hands it over to Qin Yunxia, saying:

"Take this card to eat."


Qin Yunxia takes the card, then begins to clean up the table, leaving the room. The courtyard door is bolted down, and then a chair is moved outside the study room.

Inside the study.

Qin Shuang sits cross-legged, taking out a jade container, with her fingernail scooping out a little jade cream, sucking it into her mouth…

The second day.

Early in the morning, Qin Yunxia hurriedly grabs the food box, running to ask for Qin Shuang"s leave. The teacher is very concerned about Qin Shuang and wants to ask a doctor to see Qin Shuang, Qin Yunxia quickly waves her hand:

"No, My Lady is just weak from the b.u.mpy journey. There is some discomfort in the body, as long as she recuperates for a few days she will be fine."

The teacher nods, and then advises: "If the body hasn"t recovered, remember to see a doctor, there is a medical building inside the Confucian Academy."

"Thank you Sir, this servant is going to get a meal for the Lady."

After her words fall, Qin Yunxia bows to the teacher and hurries away. Arriving at the canteen, Qin Yunxia not only gets meals, but also loads a lot of pastries back. She is ready to eat the pastries in the next few days, not stepping away from Qin Shuang"s study door, but keeping guard for her.

Then again…

What if someone breaks into Qin Shuang"s study while she"s out for a meal?

She hurries back to the courtyard. Seeing no one here, she pats her chest and breathes a sigh of relief, and then turns to the courtyard door, putting the bolt down, she delivers the food box to the study.

The third day.

Based on Qin Yunxia"s experience, Qin Shuang ought to finish breaking through. So she hurriedly runs into the kitchen to boil water, she knows that when Qin Shuang comes out, she"ll surely want to bathe.

Sure enough, the bath water isn"t heated up yet, she hears footsteps, looking back, she sees Qin Shuang come in, face and hands and other parts exposed with dirt, her body also emits the smell of impurities.

"Miss, the water will heat up, wait a minute!"


Qin Shuang nods, sitting down on a stool on the side, her face with joy. This time she successfully ignited the spirit fire, her cultivation breaking through to the sixth layer of the sensing period, and her strength has also reached the sixth layer of the Qi-Intake realm. Only one more layer and she can completely ignite the spirit fire, and then converge the spirit flames, forming the soul of life, truly stepping into the Qi-Intake realm.

After about a quarter of an hour, the water has heated up. Qin Yunxia takes advantage of Qin Shuang"s bathing time, and runs to the canteen to get a meal for Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang changes into dry clothes. After her meal, her excitement has calmed down. She begins to ponder her time allocation in the Confucian Academy and how to earn points.

Qin Shuang"s soul power is very powerful now, and her daoism realm has reached the third layer of the expansion period, so she doesn"t need much sleeping time, she will be full of energy if she sleeps for two hours a day. So she will go to cla.s.s in the morning, and her afternoon time is divided into two parts, partly to work and earn points, and part of the time to cultivate, in addition to sleeping at night, she will study spirit patterns.

In the afternoon, Qin Shuang finally changes her mind and does not cultivate her daoism. On one hand, cultivating daoism here is too dangerous, who knows if there are any means of surveillance in the Confucian Academy?

When she was in front of the gateway building she realized her Confucianism was discovered by President Lu, and before when Li Dongsheng targeted her with the Demon Compa.s.s, she was frightened, so she still feels its best to be cautious. On the other hand, with the help of jade liquid, her soul is very powerful, and she will soon breakthrough to the Qi-Intake realm. These two aspects prompt her to make this decision.

The remaining matter is what kind of job will she do, this job can"t take up too much time, and can"t earn too few points.


After Qin Shuang went through all the tasks in her mind, she discovered that there is really few jobs that meet her requirements, almost nothing.

In fact, there are many jobs in the Confucian Academy, such as going to the cafeteria to help out, cleaning the school, cleaning the courtyard, and being a gardener. You must know that the Lucheng Confucian Academy is very large, that is, there are hundreds of buildings, and the squares and public courtyards in the Confucian Academy are even larger. If you manage a small area, you will be tired.

There are also many tasks in the library, and there are tasks announced by the teachers. In the end, Qin Shuang locks on to two jobs, which make her feel quite conflicting, it is helping the cafeteria take out trash and copying books.