Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 166 Quiet

Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 166 Quiet

There are eight canteens in Lucheng Confucian Academy. Qin Shuang can take out the garbage of one canteen. This job doesn"t waste much time. It can be done in about an hour, and it earns five points per day.

Looking at five points, its a lot, in just four days she can acc.u.mulate twenty points, enough to pay the cost of this independent courtyard, but this is not true.

Eating three meals a day!

Qin Shuang calculates, she and Qin Yunxia need three points for three meals a day. So she has two points left for the day. Then she has to go to the library, if she doesn"t go to the library, what did she even come to the Lucheng Confucian Academy for?

Reading in the library, or borrowing books from the library, that is more expensive. Qin Shuang"s remaining two points per day are not enough for her to read. cost one point per day and thirty points per month. Points are required to consult the teacher alone.

Thats right!

Qin Shuang can go consult President Lu, perhaps she doesn"t have to use points.

The papers required for each cla.s.s submission are printed by the Confucian Academy. You must use Confucian Academy"s specific paper. This requires a great amount of points. Now there is nearly no points.

Qin Shuang carefully calculates that if she handles the garbage herself, she might have enough points to pay for, meals and living here. As for going to the library, don"t even think about it. If you want to ask President Lu for points, don"t even think about asking, don"t say to consult President Lu, consulting an ordinary teacher you also don"t want to think about.


How can she improve her knowledge at the Confucian Academy if she doesn"t go to the library and consult the teacher?

And also……

You can"t learn behind closed doors, can you?

What is this place?

This is the holy mecca for scholars, all of the kingdom"s most talented youth are gathered here. With such good conditions, how can you not get together? Not discuss and reason?

It all requires points!

Another task is to copy books!

Although today"s Martial continent has printing, but hand-written books are still very popular, especially Lucheng Confucian Academy"s student copied books, they are very popular with readers in the kingdom, they feel that reading hand copied books are the genuine thing, it has charm. Don"t know how this trend came into being, but Lucheng Confucian Academy is the place where the literati of Crescent Moon Kingdom gather, holding a hand-written book copied by the students of Lucheng Confucian Academy, whats that feeling like?

So printed books are very cheap, those who don"t have money buy it and the children of some poor and humble families buy it. Some families buy the hand-copied books. Lucheng City"s Confucian Academy sells hand-copied books.

Lucheng Confucian Academy has handwritten books for sale in various cities across the country, so Lucheng Confucian Academy needs a lot of handwritten books. And it gives a lot of points.

However, Qin Shuang calculates that it will take at least three hours to complete a book, or even longer. Then she will not have time for cultivation.

Qin Shuang finally decides to take out the garbage first. Anyway, she has three months of free time, and within these three months she should cultivate to the peak of the Qi-Intake realm. At that time, there will be no need for cultivation, she can replace that time with copying books.

The next day.

After cla.s.s at noon, she and Qin Yunxia finish lunch and go to the task room to pick up the garbage disposal task. She is responsible for the garbage in the No. 2 canteen. She needs to transport the garbage from the canteen to the east gate of the Confucian Academy, where someone will transport the garbage outside the Academy. There is a distance of about 10,000 meters from the No. 2 canteen to the east gate.

The afternoon sun is somewhat poisonous. On the way from the No. 2 canteen to the east gate, Qin Shuang and Qin Yunxia push a big cart full of garbage.

"Miss! You go back, this servant will do it alone." Qin Yunxia says as she pushes the cart.

Qin Shuang takes a look at Qin Yunxia. Qin Yunxia"s cultivation realm is still low. At this moment, there are beads of sweat on her forehead, and her feet have become heavy, so she seriously says:

"This is like an independent world, so there are no ladies and servants here. The first thing we need to do is to survive here."

"That…I can"t let the lady do this job!" Speaking of this, Qin Yunxia whispers:

"You are a Princess! If the princes and princesses in w.a.n.gdu knew, they"d laugh at you!"

Qin Shuang shakes her head, with a slight smile on her face, she says: "I do have some understanding of this Confucian Academy"s method, this is to let every scholar here know the difficulties of this generation, and save time when they are an official. If they don"t understand the suffering of the people, not in touch with the world, they will bring chaos to the world."

Speaking of this, Qin Shuang also lowers her voice: "And I have a feeling that this way of living is also a sharpening of martial arts, especially your mentality. So, Yunxia you understand with your heart."


Qin Yunxia no longer speaks, lowering her head and pushing garbage with Qin Shuang. After this pushing trip, two people push garbage once more, completing today"s task. The manager of the cafeteria gives Qin Shuang a card with five points written on it and a stamp.

Qin Shuang and Qin Yunxia return full of stinking sweat, back to the house, the first thing is naturally to take a bath. But the two find that there is no wood in the house. Two people then go buy a piece of wood back, boil the water. After bathing, Qin Shuang finds that the time from dinner is about half an hour away.

However, the time required for Qin Shuang to complete cultivation is one hour, so it takes time from studying spirit patterns. She can"t help but sigh, life in the Confucian Academy is really difficult ah!

"Yunxia, in a while you go to the canteen to eat, after dinner send me a meal back."

"Yes, Miss!"

Qin Shuang waves her hand to signal that Qin Yunxia can go out, then she sits cross-legged on the bed, taking out a small mouthful of jade liquid, and beginning to cultivate.

After cultivation, Qin Shuang hurriedly eats dinner, then enters her study room to begin studying spirit patterns. Taking out the jade pieces and spirit pattern tools, she thinks about it first, and then begins to depict it.

Qin Shuang"s life is very fulfilling, but also very tense. Every morning there is, afternoon is taking out the garbage and cultivating, in the evening study spirit patterns. There is no time to go to the library, even to complete the teachers homework she needs to make time. This time has to be taken from studying spirit patterns, so her spirit pattern promotion speed slows down, but everyday she rigidly practices the Fire Phoenix Treasure, so that her cultivation advances by leaps and bounds.

In such a tense life, Qin Shuang is like an invisible person in Cla.s.s C of the Confucian Academy. No one pays attention to her, and she is happy like this. But she is also distressed, because she has no free time, so she loses the opportunity to interact with students in the same grade as her. So she listens carefully in cla.s.s, remembering the questions and answers. Trying to fully digest the lecture of the teacher in the cla.s.sroom.