Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 96 Forming an Army

Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 96 Forming an Army

Qin Shuang walked away from the gate, and saw 3000 guards standing outside the gate in the open s.p.a.ce, just now her voice was heard. Presently their faces reveal excitement looking at Qin Shuang. Seeing Qin Shuang come out, everyone gets down on one knee, kneeling, and shouting:

“Thanking Her Highness!”

“What is your goal in life?” Qin Shuang shouted.

“Loyalty! Loyalty!” 3000 warriors exclaimed at the same time.

“Good!” Qin Shuang’s eyes sweep through the crowd in front: “As long as you maintain your loyalty to this palace, this palace will not treat you badly. Today, after you have received your armor and weapons, this Palace will personally refine dan for you, so that your repair will ascend in a short period of time.”

“Thanking Her Royal Highness for her grace!”

3000 martial artist once again shouted, full of excitement. Before entering the Princess Palace, they all lived a poor life, without the resources to cultivate their progress in cultivation is naturally slow. Since entering the Princess Palace, not only has their livelihood been improved, but they also have cultivation resources. They are very grateful to Qin Shuang for providing these benefits. Before they dare not wish for a cultivation law, let alone martial skills, which have allowed them make a breakthrough in a short period of time. Now they have been given dazzling armor and weapons.

At this time in their hearts, Qin Shuang is their heaven, their G.o.d. As long as she commands, even if ahead, there is a mountain full of knives and seas of flame, they would still forge on ahead.

They will be honorable and never surrender.

“Rise!” Qin Shuang yelled loudly.

“Thanking Her Highness!”

3000 martial artist stood up, eyes eagerly looking at the gate. Qin Shuang turned her head to the head manager Yuan Ye and said:

“Yuan Ye, this matter here is left to you.”

“Yes, Your Highness, Princess!” Yuan Ye bowed.

Qin Shuang nodded, and turned to Lan Ming Yue and said: “Ming Yue, I have a dozen or so Martial Warriors and a Martial Master, how can you not give me a few black or yellow graded equipment ah?”

Lan Ming Yue glanced at Yuan Ye, and then said: “Forgot. But it doesn’t matter, wait for me to come back next time and I’ll bring it to you.”

“That’s a promise!”

“For sure!”

“Go, I’ll treat you to some tea!”

“Haha…” Lan Ming Yue laughed mysteriously.

“What are you laughing at?” Qin Shuang asked inexplicably.

“Nothing to laugh at!” Lan Ming Yue immediately became serious.

“What’s wrong with you?”

Qin Shuang no longer cares about him, gently moving with lotus steps towards her back garden. Just walked into the back garden entrance, Qin Shuang stopped, eyes excited and surprised at the carriage in front.

This carriage body is made out of precious gold and jade, the so-called gold and jade is a type of refining material, resembling gold but not gold, resembling jade but not jade. But possessing the beauty of gold and jade, it also has a slight resistance to weak attacks, its simply an aristocrats favorite material to make a horse-drawn carriage. Moreover, the shape of the entire carriage is extremely magnificent and elegant. In front are 8 snow-white horses. Qin Shuang suddenly become obsessed with this carriage.

This kind of carriage she has seen in the Imperial Capital before, belonging to those rich and powerful royal familes. It is rarely seen within kingdoms. For example, in Crescent Moon kingdom, there are only three, one belongs to her mother, the Queen, one belongs to the temple master Jian Mo of Wuzong Temple and one belongs to her sister, Qin Meiyu.

Qin Shuang reached out to open the door of the carriage, and her eyes are bright. She had seen her mother and big sister’s carriage before. The luxurious interior within completely her mother and big sister’s carriage. Inside the amenities are also complete, there is a bed, there is a bookshelf, a table as well as pastries and a wine cabinet, everything in great abundance.

Qin Shuang turned and patted the shoulder of Lan Ming Yue and said: “Please have some tea!”

Princess Palace.

In the living room outside Qin Shuang’s residence, Qin Shuang and Lan Ming Yue are sitting opposite each other. Lan Ming Yue is holding his teacup:

“Didn’t you just say you were going to give me a present? Where’s my gift?”

“Wait a minute!”

Qin Shuang got up, went into the inner room, and soon came out, holding a jade bottle, she placed it on the table, pushing it in front of Lan Ming Yue:

“This is a bottle of jade liquid, your present. Don’t speak of it to others.”

“Do you still have jade liquid?” Lan Ming Yue looked at Qin Shuang in amazement: “Didn’t you say you only had two bottles last time? You gave me one bottle and another to Yuan Fei.”

At this point, his expression became distracted and asked: “Did you not give Yuan Fei one?”

Qin Shuang sincerely looked at Lan Ming Yue: “My master left me more than one bottle, last time I just didn’t trust you enough. Although my master said you can be trusted, we met for the first time after all.”

Originally Qin Shuang thought that Lan Ming Yue would take it, but she didn’t think that Lan Ming Yue would just stare blankly for a while then push that bottle of jade liquid back, saying:

“Shuang’er meimei, although you did not say how much jade liquid your master left you, but such a precious thing, there must be very few. Your cultivation is low, keep it for yourself. The last time you gave me jade liquid, I only used a third, and there is still some left.

Qin Shuang heard, and her heart was a little moved. She only told him there were two bottles last time. Indeed her heart is somewhat unsure of Lan Ming Yue, after all, its been 15 years. Qin Shuang dare not be certain whether the character of Lan Ming Yue has changed. Now seeing Lan Ming Yue decline, in Qin Shuang’s heart, she knows that Lan Ming Yue is still the same old Lan Ming Yue, he hasn’t changed in the slightest. Her eyes revealed her satisfaction, and she reached out her hand and gently pushed the jade bottle back saying:

"Let you take it, the present this palace gave you, do I still need to take it back?”

Seeing Qin Shuang’s indulgent eyes, Lan Ming Yue is very depressed in his heart. This look is clearly the eyes of an elder to see the younger generation. Qin Shuang looks at him with this kind of expression ah! He can’t help but softly mutter:

“A small broken princess of a small broken kingdom, also uses this palace…”

The eyes of Qin Shuang appear helpless, she knows that Lan Ming Yue does not even place the royal prince Qin Lie of the Daqin Empire in his eyes, naturally he will not see a small princess of a small kingdom. Then she shook her head asking:

“Do you want it or not?”

“Want! Why not? Since you’re firmly sending it, I’ll kindly accept it.”

“When are you going back?”

“I’m driven away as soon as I come here?” Lan Ming Yue stared.

“No! Just asking.” She said, slightly shaking her head.

“Stay for a few days. Then I’m going to leave and travel around. I’m going to spread my fame within the kingdoms of the Daqin Empire.”

The second day.

Qin Shuang came to the eastern part of the barracks, standing on the high platform, looking down below at the newly armored 3000 guards, her heart is a little excited.

3000 martial artist stood in three factions, in the middle are the 2,200 men of the Thunderbolt camp, everyone wearing brand-new armor, carrying a large knife on their back, with their horse. On the left is the 400-man Shooting Sun camp, and on the right is the 400-man Floating Cloud camp.

I’m having second thoughts about Shooting Sun team, Blazing Sun sounds cooler, what do y’all think?