Sword God

Chapter 6

Proofread by Peter Gong

"Escape into the woods..." Chen Zhigang frowns as if not satisfied with Chen Dazhong who is a martial apprentice with fourth layer of Qi and Blood, but he even let one martial apprentice with second layer of Qi and Blood escape ."Forget it, there is only one dead road for the person who is only the second layer of Qi and Blood if he goes deep into the wind- howling forest."

Chen Zhigang believes that even if he himself goes deep into the wind-howling forest, he won"t get much benefit.

"Gang, this is the tiger that my brother met in the wind-howling forest. It"s because of the tiger that Chen Zong has the chance to get away, but this tiger is killed by my brother. These are for Gang." Chen Dalei hands Chen Zhigang a tiger leg.


"Well, there are fewer and fewer strong tigers in recent years." Chen Zhigang"s tone is somewhat excited when he accepts the tiger"s leg and his eyes shine brightly: "With it, my blood can be more compact and stronger.


The cabin in the forest is cleaned up by Chen Zong and becomes neater.

Outside, Chen Zong finished practicing Tiger Fist and began to practice sword.

The light in the forest is dim and the iron sword is gray and black. When it is waved, it is difficult for people to see the reflection of light.

Having practiced the eight types of real sword again and again, he becomes more skillful.

After practicing the eight types of real sword several times, Chen Zong is a bit hungry. He goes to the brook and stares at a big fat fish. With the iron sword in his hand, he deliberately keeps his breath so soft to the point of being imperceptible. He then quickly draws out his sword and plunges it into the water.

However, the fish reacts very quickly. At the moment when the iron sword enters the water, its tail shakes and swims away quickly, making Chen Zong’s sword fail.

"I don"t believe it." Chen Zong becomes increasingly stubborn and doesn’t plan to give up until he stabs a fish.

He adjusts his sword again and again, and manages to stab a fish until his stomach goes so empty. He quickly takes the ignition stone from his home and lights the dead leaves. He slaughters the big fat fish weighing five or six jin (a unit of weight, 1/2 kilogram) and roasts them on the fire.

In a short time, the golden fish oil drips and sizzles, and the sweet smell spreads everywhere. The fish gets more delicious when he sprinkles the spices brought from home on it, which makes Chen Zong"s appet.i.te thirst greatly and his stomach rumbles continuously.

After roasting the fish, Chen Zong takes a bite first despite the heat. His mouth is full of vapor and his face is satisfied.

Not long afterwards, a big fish about five jin is eaten out by Chen Zong.

After half an hour"s rest, Chen Zong gets up and continues to practice Tiger Fist for ten times.

"I feel that my Tiger Fist has reached the limit of Great Accomplishment and can be advanced to the completion. But what is still missing?” Chen Zong looks down and is lost in thought.

The picture of “the tiger descending from the mountain” is not brought, but it has already been printed into Chen Zong"s mind. He closes his eyes and the picture appears in his mind clearly.

From the picture, Chen Zong has many insights, but those insights are scattered and cannot be consistently linked, so there is no chance for him to break through.

Suddenly, across Chen Zong"s mind flashes a figure and a pair of cold and domineering eyes. A kind of inexplicable thrill emerges. He feels cold. It is just the tiger"s figure and eyes that he saw in the flesh not long ago.

The real tiger figure overlaps with the tiger figure on the picture scroll, with a flash of inspiration, which seems to break the shackles. Fragmentary insights are kept in line. Fortune is at hand. Chen Zong"s eyes open and shine with astonishing light. His hands and feet stretch and display the Tiger Squat.

With Chen Zong"s fine adjustment, a trace of tiger-like power has quietly condensed on him and gradually spreads out. Not far from a tree hole, a big gray rabbit runs out, feels the power, but suddenly shrinks into a ball out of fright, like a big meat ball, unable to move, as if seeing the king of the beasts, the tiger.

Fish in the stream flee away in a hurry.

Ten minutes after keeping Tiger Squat, Chen Zong"s figure rises and his fist bursts out. With that fist, the terrible power comes forward and the wind roars harshly like the tiger roaring in front of him. The big gray rabbit that has shrunk into a meat ball shudders and trembles, foaming at the mouth and spreading its limbs, and is frightened to death.

After one round of the Tiger Fist, the final Tiger Rage is even more powerful and terrible, far better than before. His heart stirs and his blood and Qi agitate, with a feeling of a rapid increase in strength.

"It feels great." Chen Zongis thrilled: "Tiger Fist is perfect and even the cultivation of Qi and Blood has reached the peaks of second layer. And there is only one step to reach the third layer of Qi and Blood, which at least equals my three or four months of cultivation."

"Completion is a type of being the tiger, that is to say, to radiate tiger-like power and to deter targets."

"The man who invented this kind of boxing is really formidable."

The tigers are so strong, not only because of their own powerful power, but also because of the power of king of beasts.

"Every time the level of martial arts is raised, it will be able to increase Qi and Blood slightly, and then if I can upgrade the eight types of real sword to Little Accomplishment before the martial apprentice compet.i.tion, I may have a chance to break through the third layer of Qi and Blood."

"But before that, Tiger Fist has just broken through and I should continue to practise and consolidate it."

If Tiger Fist in a perfect completion state achieves seven tenth of the body"s exercising parts, it will be better than the eight types of real sword in an introductory state. Every time Chen Zong practices it, he can feel the blood flow in his body, which seems to grow a little bit.

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After consecutively practicing Tiger Fist 30 times, Chen Zong feels his limbs soft and his stomach growling. As he walks over, he brings the dead grey rabbit to slaughter, cleans it up and cooks it over the fire.

This big gray rabbit weighs ten jin and is enough for his two meals.

After eating, he takes a rest. During the rest, he thinks about the essentials of the eight types of real sword, and then continues to practice.

Practising boxing, practising sword, eating and sleeping.

This is Chen Zong"s daily life in the forest cabin.

It"s quiet here and free from any interference. Chen Zong can devote himself wholeheartedly to practice and feels his progress every day.

Another night pa.s.sed. Chen Zong steps out of the cabin. The first thing is to draw a sword and draw a tenth trace on the trunk next to him, indicating that Chen Zong has been here for the tenth day.

After a quick wash, he goes to the stream and stares at a fish, waiting for an opportunity. He gathers momentum, exerts his power and releases his sword. The body of the sword breaks through the water with the faint wind, and the sword pierces the big fish and picks it out.

The martial arts pract.i.tioners eat a lot, especially like Chen Zong, who spends all his time in practice and consumes more energy besides rest.

From waking up in the morning to sleeping in the evening, he has to eat six meals, and each meal at least five Jin of fish or rabbit meat, which is his frequent food. Occasionally, he can eat snake meat.

Dozens of jin of meat are eaten and absorbed by the body every day, and after training, the body is growing stronger and stronger, but the strength is still at the level of 300 jin, which is the bottleneck. Only through breakthroughs can he continue to improve.

Tiger Fist has reached completion and Chen Zong does not need to think about how to break through. Therefore, he practises Tiger Fist ten times a day in the morning and evening, and spends the rest of his time on the eight types of real sword. Because the parts of tiger power boxing exercised are different from the eight types of real sword, the combination of the two can exercise effect everywhere in his body. The effect will be better.

Chen Zong also found that using a sword to bayonet fish is helpful to the cultivation of the eight types of real sword.

"My father said that swordsmanship emphasizes speed, accuracy and stability, which are indispensable. Otherwise, it"s just fast, and it"s useless to miss the target."

"Before, I couldn’t stab a fish with a sword, which was not accurate enough and stable enough. After ten days of practice, precision and stability have improved a lot, but there is still room for further improvement."

"Exercise quickly and steadily. Maybe I can try other ways besides stabbing fish."

Thinking about it, Chen Zong takes a straight branch with a thick thumb and inserts it on the ground. He stands in front of the branch, staring at the branch with his eyes fixed on it, gathering momentum.

He raises the sword and chops it down.

But the sword falls from the side of the branch and does not hit it.

"That"s so bad!" Chen Zong is stunned and thinks his sword is firm enough.

"Try again."

He concentrates on his momentum, raises his sword and chops it down.

He practices again and again.

The eleventh day!

The twelfth day!

The thirteenth day!

The fourteenth day!

The fifteenth day!

After practising the eight types of real sword 20 times, Chen Zong takes his sword and comes to a straight branch which is as thick as a chopstick. He raises his sword and splits the branch with one sword.

"Well, the accuracy has really improved a lot." Chen Zong shows a smile.

Keeping improving, Chen Zong changes his branches, which are as thick as chopsticks, into thinner ones.

It is a new day. Chen zong draws his sword and cuts another trace on the tree trunk

"Four days to go before the martial apprentice compet.i.tion." Looking at the twenty traces on the trunk, Chen Zong says to himself.

He goes to the brook and stares at a big fish. He throws out a sword with his hand. The sword is very fast. The tip of the sword breaks through the water and impales a big fish. After eating the fish, Chen Zong pulls out his sword and practises the eight types of real sword.

Once, twice, three times... Ninth time, the last type - explosive sword type!

His strength runs through the sword-body and bursts out in an instant. The sword body rubs violently against the air, shining with brilliance, and crossing the darkness of the forest.

"Sword body lights and can affect the vision, which is Little Accomplishment." Chen Zong is shocked first, and is immediately overjoyed.

“Before that, it took five days to practise the eight types of real sword to the entry point. I think it will take at least one month to practise the eight types of real sword to Little Accomplishment. I didn’t expect that without outside disturbance, I can cooperate with the training of stinging fish, splitting branches and so on. It only takes fifteen days to practise the eight types of real sword to Little Accomplishment.”

"Well, it seems that my exercise method is right." Chen Zong is even more happy. The eight styles of real sword are handed down from the mysterious tip of the sword. However, the methods of p.r.i.c.kling fish and splitting branches are invented by himself. Perhaps such a method already existed, but at least no one taught him. It is the result of his own efforts.

There is nothing more exciting than the sense of accomplishment that comes from nothing and makes progress through one’s own efforts

At this time, Chen Zong feels a surge of Blood and Qi, like the water of long river, scouring endlessly. Wherever he goes, his body is undergoing a change. Some energy of tens of kilograms of animal meat eaten every day lurks in his body. Now, that energy is constantly guided out with the surging Blood and Qi and merges into the limbs and bones little by little which strengthens Chen Zong"s fascia, bone and skin.

"This feeling... It"s about to break through.”

He swiftly puts forward the prostrate type, and once again displays the eight types of real sword. With this as a guide, he refines the emerging forces in his body and accelerates the breakthrough.

Several times after the eight types of real sword, more powerful force from the deep body is bred and permeates the whole body. His muscles become tense, giving birth to a stronger and stronger feeling.

"Ha hahaha, the third layer of Qi and Blood, I finally reached it." Chen Zong can"t stop laughing: "I"m sure to win the top three in the martial apprentice compet.i.tion. Chen Zhigang and Chen Dazhong. Our accounts should also be settled."

"Nevertheless, there are still a few days to go before the martial apprentice compet.i.tion, and I can take this opportunity to improve a little more."