Tall, Silent And Lethal

Chapter 36.

"Hmmm?" he murmured, absently as he shifted his hips, dragging his c.o.c.k down through her wet slit until he found the tip of his c.o.c.k settled at her core, ready to finally slide home.

"You won"t lose control, will you?" Cloe demanded, fisting her hands in his hair and yanking his mouth down for another kiss that had his head spinning and robbed him of his ability to think past how good it felt to be in her arms.

He pushed the tip inside her, groaning in pleasured agony as smooth velvet skin surrounded him, coating him in warm liquid as he slowly pushed inside her. Finally, he thought, d.a.m.n near laughing in relief to feel her close around him.


"Oh, G.o.d," Cloe groaned, her fingers tightening in his hair, her breaths coming faster as he pushed inside her another half inch. "Just......oh, G.o.d......just don"t bite me, Christofer," she half moaned, half pleaded, lost to the sensation of having him slide inside her. He- Had to stop before he hurt her.

"Christofer?" Cloe mumbled in confusion when he pulled away from her.

"I can"t hurt you," he said tightly, sounding pained as he climbed off the bed and when she saw that large, angry erection bobbing with every movement she couldn"t help but wince in sympathy.

"And you"ll do that if we go any further?" she asked, hesitating on the last part and wondering why she hadn"t just said have s.e.x or f.u.c.k to describe something that she"d used to do to burn off a little energy and some of the bitter loneliness that used to plague her.

She could pretend all she wanted that she didn"t know the reason behind the hesitation, but it was difficult to do even that with the reason gently caressing her face as he pressed a tender kiss against her forehead.

"I would rather die than hurt you again, mein Schatz," he whispered against her forehead.

"Do you lose control when you"re intimate with a woman?" she forced herself to ask, the words leaving a bitter taste on her tongue as her sight flickered red several times, making her realize that for the first time in her life she was jealous.

It wasn"t a pleasant emotion.

"I never have," he admitted, looking away from her as he moved to stand, but she cupped his face, stopping him as she brought his mouth back down to hers.

"So then why do you think you"ll lose control with me?" she asked, teasing his lips, nibbling on them and gently sucking on them as she moved to get on her knees and wrap her arms around his broad shoulders, more than ready to pick up where they"d left off.

"Because I"ve never wanted another woman the way that I want you, mein Schatz," he confessed, setting her body on fire and making it difficult to care about the dangers of making him lose control.

Well, almost.

She couldn"t forget the way that he"d lost control the last time they"d played this game no matter how badly she wanted him, and G.o.d did she want him. Feeling him start to slide inside her had been the most incredible experience of her life. It had quickly put her on the verge of another powerful o.r.g.a.s.m and if he hadn"t stopped, she probably would have been screaming for mercy by now. But he had stopped, and now she was torn between thanking him and wanting to kick his a.s.s as her body demanded more of him.

"And you think that means that you"ll lose control?" she asked, following his lips with her own as he started to move away from her, curious about something that he probably wouldn"t appreciate her asking.

His answering growl was beyond s.e.xy. "You make me lose my f.u.c.king mind."

He pulled away and this time she let him. She looked up, searching bright red eyes for the monster that had destroyed her life, but he wasn"t there.

"So, this is it?" she whispered, surprised by just how badly she was willing to say the h.e.l.l with it and take a chance on him, but she couldn"t.

The memory of those eyes glimmering seconds before he"d attacked her wouldn"t let her. She just couldn"t- "h.e.l.l no," Christofer said, leaning back down and taking her lips in a swift kiss that left her a little dazed.

"Then what are you suggesting?" she asked, reaching for him even as she had to wonder if he was about to show her another trick to help her stay in control, something that she should be focusing on right now, not pulling him back in her arms and taking off where they"d ended. She should- "Lock me up," he said with the s.e.xiest grin that she"d ever seen as he dropped a pair of handcuffs on the bed next to her, making her bite back a smile as she realized that she might just be getting her curiosity a.s.suaged after all.

Chapter 36.

"Are you sure?" Cloe asked as he felt her hesitate.

f.u.c.k no, but he didn"t have much choice in the matter, not if he wanted to make love to her. It wasn"t a perfect plan, but it was one that he felt confident would work, or at the very least, give her a chance to put him down before he could get a chance to hurt her if he lost control.

"Yes," he heard himself answer as he forced himself to stand there as Cloe reluctantly handcuffed his hands behind his back.

When he felt the last cuff click in place, he had to close his eyes and just breathe as he reminded himself that he wasn"t in the lab anymore. The panic that tried to take over was from long ago memories better left off forgotten and that he was doing this for Cloe, his mate.

"We don"t have to do this," Cloe said, pressing a kiss against his bare shoulder as she reached up and ran her fingers through the hair on the back of his head, soothing him.

He chuckled without humor as he looked down at the angry appendage that was about ready to explode. His chuckle quickly turned into a drawn out groan when Cloe wrapped her arms around him, bringing her body flush against his.

"Where did you get these cuffs?" she asked, pressing another kiss against his back as she ran her hands over his chest and stomach, making it difficult to think.

"I swiped them at the hotel," he said, not bothering to point out that he"d taken them just in case she lost control since the confession would only make her stop what she was doing. There was no way in h.e.l.l that he wanted her to stop touching him, especially when one very talented hand headed south.

"And the key?" she asked as her warm hand wrapped around the base of his c.o.c.k.

"In my pants pocket," was his choked answer as she ran her hand along his c.o.c.k, stroking him.

"The pair that I ripped apart?" she asked, her tone sensual as she pressed another kiss against his back and her other hand headed south, tracing lazy patterns down his torso as he struggled to take in his next breath.


"Tell me something, Christofer," she said as she continued to stroke him, the thumb of her other hand tracing lazy circles around the tip of his c.o.c.k as he struggled not to flex his hips for more.

"What?" he asked, licking his lips hungrily as she ran her thumb over the drop of excitement that escaped him and coated the tip, heightening his pleasure.

"How long has it been?" she asked, pressing another kiss against his back as the hand stroking him paused long enough to squeeze a moan out of him.

"Been?" he asked, trying to make sense out of what she was asking.

"Mmmhmm," she said distractedly, pressing another kiss against his back before she dropped the hand that had been teasing the tip of his erection away and she slowly moved around him, the hard points of her nipples dragging across his back and over his arm until she was standing in front of him. She gave his erection another squeeze before she slowly stroked him. "How long has it been?" she asked, tilting her head slightly to the side as she studied him, waiting for an answer that he wasn"t sure that he could give her.

Needing to distract her almost as much as he was dying to kiss her, he leaned down and took her mouth in a hungry kiss that had his breaths coming a little too quickly and his hips helplessly thrusting against her hand. He jerked his hands against his cuffs, desperate to touch her, but the d.a.m.n things wouldn"t give so he settled for devouring her mouth.

The sweet smell of her s.e.x had him tilting his head and deepening the kiss. The kiss became aggressive as he slowly thrust against her fist, loving the way her soft hand glided over his c.o.c.k and hating it at the same time. He wasn"t going to last very much longer and he was helpless to stop.

"That long, huh?" Cloe whispered hoa.r.s.ely against his lips with a breathless chuckle as she released her hold on his c.o.c.k, but before he could complain or beg her to touch him again, she was pushing him back on the bed and straddling his lap.

"Ah, f.u.c.k!" he groaned long and loud as her wet slit came to rest against the underside of his c.o.c.k.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, her fingers digging into his hair, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s pressed against his chest as she took his mouth in another hungry kiss as she pressed down against him, tracing his c.o.c.k with her wet slit and coating him in her arousal. He met her stroke for stroke, swallowing every little sweet moan and groan that escaped her lips as she ground her wet s.e.x down against him.

"How long has it been?" she asked, threading her fingers through his hair, holding his head captive. She suckled his tongue in one long caress before she suddenly abandoned his mouth and began kissing her way down to his throat.

"How long has what been?" he repeated, licking his lips hungrily when he felt the tip of one of her fangs tease his skin when Cloe pressed an open mouthed kiss against his neck.

"How," she started to ask in a sultry voice only to pause to press a kiss against his Adam"s apple as he dropped his head back, giving her plenty of room to drive him out of his f.u.c.king mind, "long has it been since you were with a woman?"

He groaned, letting out the curse in German that he"d learned from his father when he was five and tried to "improve" some of the priceless artwork in his father"s study. It wasn"t a question that he"d expected, but really, given the woman currently driving him out of his f.u.c.king mind, he really should have expected it.

"Does it matter?" he asked, wondering why he hadn"t used the lie that he"d prepared years ago when a woman demanded to know why he wouldn"t f.u.c.k her, but he couldn"t force the words out of his mouth, not with Cloe.

"No, not really," she said, brushing her lips over his pulse as one of her hands dropped to his lap and wrapped around his over sensitized c.o.c.k. "I"m just wondering if we should get the first one out of the way or," she paused, her voice catching as she used her hold on his c.o.c.k to tease her core with the tip, "if we can finally stop playing around and work this out of our systems before I lose my d.a.m.n mind, Christofer."

Trembling from the effort not to come then and there as she began to settle down on his c.o.c.k, he struggled to stay in control, to stop himself from coming, to stop himself from- "Oh, thank f.u.c.king G.o.d," he groaned, panting hard as Cloe slid down his c.o.c.k, her nails digging into his shoulders as every muscle in his body clenched tightly. He forced himself to hold back as he felt Cloe clamp down around him, barely halfway down his shaft.

"Oh G.o.d!" Cloe cried out as her body throbbed around his shaft, sending intense pleasure like he"d never experienced before through his shaft, down to his b.a.l.l.s, up his spine until finally every cell in his body seemed to explode with intense pleasure. The pleasure blinded him to everything but the way that Cloe"s body wrapped around his, which was probably why he didn"t realize that he"d lost control until it was too late.

Well, that was a first, she thought with a weak chuckle as she clung to Christofer while the last tremors of the most powerful o.r.g.a.s.m that she"d ever experienced worked their way through her.

She"d never lost control like that before, that quickly. She should be embarra.s.sed, but she was too sated to care. Sighing with pleasure she turned her head slightly so that she could press an apologetic kiss against Christofer"s neck, hopefully conveying the silent promise that she would take care of him just as soon as she found the strength to move. Until then, she was more than happy to sit on his lap still intimately joined, snuggling up against him as he whispered what sounded like German in her ears while he ran his hands up and down her back, pressing kisses against her forehead as- She froze, her lips pressed against his neck as her mind quickly caught up with what was going on and by the time that she figured it out.....

It was too late.


"Christofer, wait!"


"No, wait a-" she rushed out, trying to push away from him, but she wasn"t fast enough.

Before she could get off his lap and put some s.p.a.ce between them long enough for him to calm down, she found herself pushed back onto the bed. Christofer hovered over her. A scream tore past her lips as Christofer shoved forward, burying himself to the hilt inside her. A surge of pain accompanied the sudden invasion, earning a choked cry from her as her body tried to accommodate the large erection that had forced its way inside her.

"Mein Schatz," Christofer whispered hoa.r.s.ely, lowering his body down on hers until his face hovered right above hers. "Meine Frau," he said with such a tender smile that she immediately forgot all about the pain and focused on the man above her.

"You are so d.a.m.n beautiful, Cloe," he said, caressing her cheek as he leaned down and pressed a kiss against her forehead. "And you feel so f.u.c.king good," he said, sounding pained as he leaned down and took her mouth in a hungry kiss that had her wrapping her arms around his shoulders and legs opening wider, hoping to bring him closer, needing him closer.

He swallowed her gasp of surprise when he pulled his hips back and pushed back in, stretching her a little more, but this time there was no pain. No, this time it felt good, really good. She arched her back, desperate for more as she returned the kiss. G.o.d, could the man kiss.....

He thoroughly devoured her mouth as he thrust inside her, slow and deliberate as though he was savoring the sensation of moving inside her. She"d never had a man take her like this before. She normally liked s.e.x hard and fast, making it impossible to think, but with Christofer she found herself enjoying the feel of him sliding slowly inside her, craved it even as she felt like screaming in frustration.

"Christofer," she found herself sobbing his name as she clung to him, her back arching as her hips shifted to meet his excruciatingly slow thrusts.

"Shhhh, I don"t want to hurt you," he whispered against her lips as his thrusts slowed down even more, leaving her frustrated. Her body trembled, her breaths quickened to an unsteady cadence. She felt her fangs slide down and a slight tingle as her eyes shifted to red as he continued to torture her, drawing out every sc.r.a.p of pleasure that he could while turning her into a quivering ma.s.s of nerves, ready to explode.

A scream of frustration tore from her lips when his thrusts slowed to a halt, leaving her ready to kill the b.a.s.t.a.r.d for toying with her. She enjoyed a little bed play just as much as the next girl, but this was too much. A few times over the years she"d ended up in bed with some a.s.shole that thought he had something to prove by trying to turn her into a quivering ma.s.s of need by drawing out her pleasure until she was forced to beg, but she never begged.

No, not her. She couldn"t stand guys who thought that they were G.o.d"s gift to women and were h.e.l.l-bent on proving it. It was a huge turnoff and it only managed to annoy her enough to push the guy off her and go find something else to do to kill a few hours, kind of like now.

Muttering a curse to cover her disappointment and the fact that she felt like crying, she opened her eyes, more than ready to tell the jerk to stop playing games, and found herself staring up into glimmering red eyes of a man who looked like he was in h.e.l.l.

It was also when she realized that she wasn"t the one trembling.

Chapter 37.

"I can"t do this," he said in a strangled whisper, averting his eyes in shame as he moved to climb off her.

He forced himself to ignore the way her core gripped him tightly, refusing to let him go and the way that it felt to glide out of her, her warm juices coating every last inch of him, tempting him to slide back in for more, but he couldn"t, not without scaring her. He"d f.u.c.ked up. Christ, had he f.u.c.ked up. He should have known better, did know better, but his brain didn"t seem to work, not around Cloe.

She made him want things that he couldn"t have, shouldn"t want. He"d spent his entire life watching over his sister, protecting her and agonizing over her happiness. He would always love her and miss her, but after ninety years of playing protector, he should want his freedom and be willing to do anything to have it. Instead he was here, in bed with this beautiful woman that drove him out of his f.u.c.king mind, pretending that he could be something that she needed. He was obviously delusional and he would be paying for this mistake for the rest of his life.

Great, just what he needed, he mused, shaking his head in disgust, another f.u.c.king Kodak moment.

"Why not?" Cloe asked, reaching out to stop him, but he moved out of her reach, refusing to prolong this torture for another second longer.

"s.e.x doesn"t work for me," he said, a f.u.c.king understatement.

He should have learned his lesson years ago in that cage, but obviously he hadn"t. He always let his d.i.c.k convince him that he could handle it now that he was older, more in control, but it was always a bulls.h.i.t lie that he told himself so that he could take what he wanted. He thought he"d learned his lesson forty years ago, but that first glimpse of Cloe in the pharmacy had him forgetting what he was capable of and had him panting after her like a teenage boy with his first hard on.

"Because......?" she asked, stretching out the word as she sat up, following his retreat.

"Just because," he said, shaking his head in disgust at himself for being so f.u.c.king stupid.

He"d enjoyed touching her, loved it and would gladly give up his soul to do it again, but now he knew what he was missing. His c.o.c.k ached so badly, every movement sending sharp pain up his shaft and quickly making breathing a thing of the past. A cold shower wouldn"t help, he realized with a wince as he slowly made his way off the bed. The only thing that would help would be taking himself in hand, and with Cloe cursed with his condition, she"d know what he was doing. It was no doubt going to p.i.s.s her off to know that he"d rather take himself in hand than finish with her, but right now he didn"t have a choice if he- A grunt escaped him as he suddenly found himself shoved back down on the bed and Cloe on top of him, pinning him down.

"Get off," he said, his hands clenching into fists as he forced his arms to remain where they were, afraid that if he touched her again that he"d lose control and f.u.c.k the life out of her. Not that Cloe could die, but he"d do enough damage to make the night he"d attacked her seem like a fun-filled day at Disneyworld.

He couldn"t do that to her, no matter how badly his body ached to be back inside her.

She c.o.c.ked her head to the side as she looked down, studying him with open curiosity before she shook her head. "No," she said, sighing heavily as she leaned forward, entwined their hands together and leaned back down until the tip of his c.o.c.k, desperate to get back inside of her, was brushing up against her stomach just above where the hair that protected her s.e.x began, "I don"t think I will. At least not until you explain why you keep playing with me."

"I"m not playing with you," he bit out, moving to pull his hands away from her and risk touching her when she shook her head and gave his hands a gentle squeeze in warning.

"Yeah, you really are and I"d like to know why," she said, shifting over him so that the underside of the tip of his c.o.c.k brushed up harder against the smooth warm skin of her stomach, driving him out of his f.u.c.king mind.

"No," he said through clenched teeth, deciding to put an end to this bulls.h.i.t, "I"m not."

"Really?" she asked, c.o.c.king a challenging brow as she abruptly released his hands, sat up and then- "Oh, s.h.i.t!"

Sat down on his lap, her wet warm p.u.s.s.y landing right on top of the base of his c.o.c.k. Locking eyes with him, she reached down and wrapped her hand around his c.o.c.k, giving it a squeeze. When she stroked him, he reached up, the broken links of his handcuffs clinking lightly against the cuffs as he reached out to stop her, but a warning squeeze around his c.o.c.k had him groaning long and loud and his hands dropping helplessly by his sides.