The Bible, Douay-Rheims

Chapter 81

Exultate Deo.

An invitation to a solemn praising of G.o.d.

80:1. Unto the end, for the winepresses, a psalm for Asaph himself.

For the winepresses, etc... Torcularibus. It either signifies a musical instrument, or that this psalm was to be sung at the feast of the tabernacles after the gathering in of the vintage.

80:2. Rejoice to G.o.d our helper: sing aloud to the G.o.d of Jacob.

80:3. Take a psalm, and bring hither the timbrel: the pleasant psaltery with the harp.

80:4. Blow up the trumpet on the new moon, on the noted day of your solemnity.

80:5. For it is a commandment in Israel, and a judgment to the G.o.d of Jacob.

80:6. He ordained it for a testimony in Joseph, when he came out of the land of Egypt: he heard a tongue which he knew not.

80:7. He removed his back from the burdens: his hands had served in baskets.

80:8. Thou calledst upon me in affliction, and I delivered thee: I heard thee in the secret place of tempest: I proved thee at the waters of contradiction.

In the secret place of tempest... Heb., Of thunder. When thou soughtest to hide thyself from the tempest: or, when I came down to mount Sina, hidden from thy eyes in a storm of thunder.

80:9. Hear, O my people, and I will testify to thee: O Israel, if thou wilt hearken to me, 10 there shall be no new G.o.d in thee: neither shalt thou adore a strange G.o.d.

80:11. For I am the Lord thy G.o.d, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt: open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.

80:12. But my people heard not my voice: and Israel hearkened not to me.

80:13. So I let them go according to the desires of their heart: they shall walk in their own inventions.

80:14. If my people had heard me: if Israel had walked in my ways:

80:15. I should soon have humbled their enemies, and laid my hand on them that troubled them.

80:16. The enemies of the Lord have lied to him: and their time shall be for ever.

Their time shall be forever... Impenitent sinners shall suffer for ever.

80:17. And he fed them with the fat of wheat, and filled them with honey out of the rock.

Psalms Chapter 81

Deus stet.i.t.

An exhortation to judges and men in power.

81:1. A psalm for Asaph. G.o.d hath stood in the congregation of G.o.ds: and being in the midst of them he judgeth G.o.ds.

81:2. How long will you judge unjustly: and accept the persons of the wicked?

81:3. Judge for the needy and fatherless: do justice to the humble and the poor.

81:4. Rescue the poor; and deliver the needy out of the hand of the sinner.

81:5. They have not known nor understood: they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth shall be moved.

81:6. I have said: You are G.o.ds and all of you the sons of the most High.

81:7. But you like men shall die: and shall fall like one of the princes.

81:8. Arise, O G.o.d, judge thou the earth: for thou shalt inherit among all the nations.

Psalms Chapter 82

Deus, quis similis.

A prayer against the enemies of G.o.d"s church.

82:1. A canticle of a psalm for Asaph.

82:2. O G.o.d, who shall be like to thee? hold not thy peace, neither be thou still, O G.o.d.

82:3. For lo, thy enemies have made a noise: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head.

82:4. They have taken a malicious counsel against thy people, and have consulted against thy saints.

82:5. They have said: Come and let us destroy them, so that they be not a nation: and let the name of Israel be remembered no more.

82:6. For they have contrived with one consent: they have made a covenant together against thee,

82:7. The tabernacle of the Edomites, and the Ishmahelites: Moab, and the Agarens,

82:8. Gebal, and Ammon and Amalec: the Philistines, with the inhabitants of Tyre.

82:9. Yea, and the a.s.syrian also is joined with them: they are come to the aid of the sons of Lot.

82:10. Do to them as thou didst to Madian and to Sisara: as to Jabin at the brook of Cisson.

82:11. Who perished at Endor: and became as dung for the earth.

82:12. Make their princes like Oreb, and Zeb, and Zebee, and Salmana.

All their princes,

82:13. Who have said: Let us possess the sanctuary of G.o.d for an inheritance.

82:14. O my G.o.d, make them like a wheel; and as stubble before the wind.

82:15. As fire which burneth the wood: and as a flame burning mountains: