The Bible, Douay-Rheims

Chapter 83

82:16. So shalt thou pursue them with thy tempest: and shalt trouble them in thy wrath.

82:17. Fill their faces with shame; and they shall seek thy name, O Lord.

82:18. Let them be ashamed and troubled for ever and ever: and let them be confounded and perish.

82:19. And let them know that the Lord is thy name: thou alone art the most High over all the earth.

Psalms Chapter 83

Quam dilecta.

The soul aspireth after heaven; rejoicing in the mean time, in being in the communion of G.o.d"s church upon earth.

83:1. Unto the end, for the winepresses, a psalm for the sons of Core.

83:2. How lovely are thy tabernacles, O Lord of hosts!

83:3. my soul longeth and fainteth for the courts of the Lord. My heart and my flesh have rejoiced in the living G.o.d.

83:4. For the sparrow hath found herself a house, and the turtle a nest for herself where she may lay her young ones: Thy altars, O Lord of hosts, my king and my G.o.d.

83:5. Blessed are they that dwell in thy house, O Lord: they shall praise thee for ever and ever.

83:6. Blessed is the man whose help is from thee: in his heart he hath disposed to ascend by steps,

In his heart he hath disposed to ascend by steps, etc... Ascensiones in corde suo disposuit. As by steps men ascended to the temple of G.o.d situated on a hill; so the good Christian ascends towards the eternal temple by certain steps of virtue disposed or ordered within the heart: and this whilst he lives as yet in the body, in this vale of tears, the place which man hath set: that is, which he hath brought himself to: being cast out of paradise for his sin.

83:7. In the vale of tears, in the place which he hath set.

83:8. For the lawgiver shall give a blessing, they shall go from virtue to virtue: the G.o.d of G.o.ds shall be seen in Sion.

83:9. O Lord G.o.d of hosts, hear my prayer: give ear, O G.o.d of Jacob.

83:10. Behold, O G.o.d our protector: and look on the face of thy Christ.

83:11. For better is one day in thy courts above thousands. I have chosen to be an abject in the house of my G.o.d, rather than to dwell in the tabernacles of sinners.

83:12. For G.o.d loveth mercy and truth: the Lord will give grace and glory.

83:13. He will not deprive of good things them that walk in innocence: O Lord of hosts, blessed is the man that trusteth in thee.

Psalms Chapter 84

Benedixisti, Domine.

The coming of Christ, to bring peace and salvation to man.

84:1. Unto the end, for the sons of Core, a psalm.

84:2. Lord, thou hast blessed thy land: thou hast turned away the captivity of Jacob.

84:3. Thou hast forgiven the iniquity of thy people: thou hast covered all their sins.

84:4. Thou hast mitigated all thy anger: thou hast turned away from the wrath of thy indignation.

84:5. Convert us, O G.o.d our saviour: and turn off thy anger from us.

84:6. Wilt thou be angry with us for ever: or wilt thou extend thy wrath from generation to generation?

84:7. Thou wilt turn, O G.o.d, and bring us to life: and thy people shall rejoice in thee.

84:8. Shew us, O Lord, thy mercy; and grant us thy salvation.

84:9. I will hear what the Lord G.o.d will speak in me: for he will speak peace unto his people: And unto his saints: and unto them that are converted to the heart.

84:10. Surely his salvation is near to them that fear him: that glory may dwell in our land.

84:11. Mercy and truth have met each other: justice and peace have kissed.

84:12. Truth is sprung out of the earth: and justice hath looked down from heaven.

84:13. For the Lord will give goodness: and our earth shall yield her fruit.

84:14. Justice shall walk before him: and shall set his steps in the way.

Psalms Chapter 85

Inclina, Domine.

A prayer for G.o.d"s grace to a.s.sist us to the end.

85:1. A prayer for David himself. Incline thy ear, O Lord, and hear me: for I am needy and poor.

85:2. Preserve my soul, for I am holy: save thy servant, O my G.o.d, that trusteth in thee.

I am holy... I am by my office and profession dedicated to thy service.

85:3. Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I have cried to thee all the day.

85:4. Give joy to the soul of thy servant, for to thee, O Lord, I have lifted up my soul.

85:5. For thou, O Lord, art sweet and mild: and plenteous in mercy to all that call upon thee.

85:6. Give ear, O Lord, to my prayer: and attend to the voice of my pet.i.tion.

85:7. I have called upon thee in the day of my trouble: because thou hast heard me.

85:8. There is none among the G.o.ds like unto thee, O Lord: and there is none according to thy works.