The Biggest Loser Cookbook

Chapter 7


Top Tips

From trainer Charlotte Ord I am very careful with my own diet, because as a trainer I need to keep myself lean. I have a home-cooked meal every day and eat plenty of lean protein and vegetables. I recommend that you eat something every two to three hours, so you never let hunger build up. Eat lean protein and veg at every meal, but save starchy carbs such as bread, rice and pasta for after a work-out when the glycogen kicks in. Make sure you have some healthy fats every day as well: using olive oil for salad dressings and rapeseed oil for cooking is a good start.

Usually by the time people come to see me for help with weight loss, they feel helpless and don"t have a good self-image. The way to turn this around is to design a programme that lets them see results happening in stages - like a road map for success - and that"s what I suggest you do at home. You wouldn"t set off on any long journey without a map, and you need one for your weight-loss journey as well.

Break your overall goals down into small sub-goals: for example, aim to lose two pounds in a week, eight pounds in a month. Take your waist measurement and check it every week at the same time as you weigh in, because once you start building muscle you"ll be losing fat in that all-important abdominal area. Note your body-fat percentage as well if you have access to scales that show this. Every little improvement you see will help to boost your motivation.

When it comes to your exercise programme, it"s a good idea to get a trainer to design one for you, if possible, because we all have individual needs. Make sure your exercise routine combines strength training with interval training. Ideally you should be aiming to get five or six hours of exercise a week - roughly an hour a day, with one day off. Change your exercise programme as your body begins to adapt and you start finding it easier. Don"t get stuck in a rut but keep ringing the changes and challenging yourself for best results.

I believe that the odd scheduled splurge is no bad thing. Don"t deny yourself a meal out on a special occasion, but stick to healthy eating for the rest of the week and it shouldn"t set you back. It could even give your metabolism a boost! But don"t splurge too often... once a week is enough when you"re trying to lose weight.

Keep taking small steps towards your goal and you may well get there sooner than you think. Go on - you can do it!


Start-the-day smoothie; Raspberry vanilla smoothie; Porridge with dried fruit & yogurt; Wholegrain muesli; Mango & citrus salad; Hot fruit salad with orange juice; Breakfast fruit glory; Breakfast bagels; Baked eggs & wholemeal toast; Cheese omelette; Scrambled eggs & smoked salmon


Start-the-day smoothie

Smoothies are simple to prepare and a great way to wake up your taste buds. Choose the flavour you prefer, and serve with a slice of granary toast and low-fat spread.

CALORIES PER PORTION 220 kCals, plus 100 if serving with granary toast and low-fat spread serves 1 1 small banana, very ripe, peeled and chopped 50 g (2 oz) ripe strawberries, hulled and chopped 100 ml (312 fl oz) semi-skimmed milk 2 tablespoons fresh orange juice 4 tablespoons low-fat natural yogurt 1 teaspoon honey serve with: a slice of granary toast with 1 teaspoon low-fat spread Put the fruit in a food processor or blender and add the milk, juice, yogurt and honey. Blend until smooth and check the texture; if you like it more liquid, add a little water and blend again.

Pour the smoothie into a container and chill in the fridge for 10 minutes. Add an ice cube if you wish. Once it is cool, have it with a slice of granary toast and low-fat spread.


Have your smoothie with an extra slice of granary toast with 1 teaspoon low-fat spread (this adds 100 calories)


Have your smoothie with a 40 g (112 oz) bowl of high-fibre, unsweetened cereal (i.e. without chocolate, sugar or honey) served with 100 ml (312 fl oz) skimmed milk (this adds 200 calories)


Have your smoothie with a bowl of cereal, as for C, as well as the granary toast, as for B (this adds 300 calories)

see all breakfasts BREAKFAST.

Raspberry vanilla smoothie

CALORIES PER PORTION 175 kCals, plus 25 if the honey is used and 100 if serving with granary toast and low-fat spread serves 1 125 g (4 oz) raspberries 150 g (5 oz) low-fat natural yogurt 2 drops vanilla essence 1 teaspoon clear honey (optional) 1 heaped tablespoon low-fat greek yogurt serve with: a slice of granary toast with low-fat spread Put the raspberries, yogurt and vanilla essence in a food processor or blender and blend until smooth. Taste, and add the honey if necessary for sweetness.

Put a couple of ice cubes in a gla.s.s, and pour in the smoothie. Spoon the Greek yogurt on top, add a straw and serve immediately.


Have your smoothie with an extra slice of granary toast with 1 teaspoon low-fat spread (this adds 100 calories)


Have your smoothie with a 40 g (112 oz) bowl of high-fibre, unsweetened cereal (i.e. without chocolate, sugar or honey) served with 100 ml (312 fl oz) skimmed milk (this adds 200 calories)


Have your smoothie with a bowl of cereal, as for C, as well as the granary toast, as for B (this adds 300 calories)

see all breakfasts BREAKFAST.

Porridge with dried fruit & yogurt

Porridge is the dieter"s friend, with slow-release carbs that will keep you feeling full right through the morning.

CALORIES PER PORTION 250 kCals serves 1 35g (112 oz) porridge oats 1 heaped tablespoon sultanas 4 small dried apricots, quartered 250 ml (8 fl oz) water 1 heaped tablespoon low-fat greek yogurt Put the porridge oats in a non-stick saucepan and add most of the sultanas and 3 apricots. Cover with water and place over a medium heat.

After about 5 minutes the porridge will start to bubble; stir it well and keep an eye on it as it cooks and thickens. When it has reached the consistency you like, pour it into a bowl, scatter the reserved sultanas and apricot on top and spoon the yogurt on the side. Serve immediately.


Have your porridge with a fruit salad of 1 medium chopped apple and 1 small chopped pear (this adds 115 calories)


Have a fruit salad, as for B, and a slice of wholemeal toast with 1 teaspoon low-fat spread and 1 teaspoon peanut b.u.t.ter or jam as well (this adds 240-245 calories)


Have a fruit salad, as for B, and add 2 slices of wholemeal toast with low-fat spread and peanut b.u.t.ter or jam, as for C (this adds 365-375 calories)