The Biggest Loser Cookbook

Chapter 8

see all breakfasts BREAKFAST.

Wholegrain muesli

A hundred times better than shop-bought muesli, this is naturally sweet, with a satisfying mix of textures. This recipe needs to be started the night before to allow time for soaking the porridge oats and sultanas.

CALORIES PER PORTION 360 kCals serves 2 75 g (3 oz) jumbo porridge oats (whole oats, not instant) 25 g (1 oz) sultanas 150 ml (14 pint) apple or orange juice 1 small apple 250 g (8 oz) low-fat natural yogurt 30 g (generous 1 oz) mixed almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts, chopped Put the oats and sultanas in a bowl and add the juice. Cover and leave overnight in the fridge to soak.

In the morning, peel the apple and grate it into the oat mixture. You"ll find it easier to grate if you don"t core or quarter it first, because you"ll have something to hang onto. Stir well, then add the yogurt and mix thoroughly. Divide the muesli into 2 serving bowls.

Put a dry frying pan over a high heat. When the pan is hot, add the chopped nuts and toast them, stirring so they don"t burn. As soon as they begin to smell warm and toasted, scatter them over the muesli. Serve immediately.


Have a small skimmed milk cappuccino or latte (350 ml/12 fl oz) as well and add a drizzle of honey to your muesli (this adds 125 calories)


Have a small cappuccino or latte and add honey to your muesli, as for B, and have a slice of wholemeal toast with 1 teaspoon low-fat spread as well (this adds 225 calories)


Have a small cappuccino or latte and add honey to your muesli, as for B, and add 2 slices of toast with low-fat spread, as for C (this adds 325 calories)

see all breakfasts BREAKFAST.

Mango & citrus salad

If you like your fruit with a zing, you"ll love this yummy sweet-and-sour fruit salad.

CALORIES PER PORTION 165 kCals serves 2 1 orange 1 grapefruit (pink if possible) juice of another orange 1 mango Peel the orange and the grapefruit and remove as much of the white pith from the outside as possible. Drop the segments into a mixing bowl, but discard the centres, which can be chewy. Add the orange juice and stir well. Cover the bowl transfer to the fridge for about 1 hour to chill.

Peel, stone and chop the mango then add it to the orange and grapefruit; stir gently to combine. Divide the fruit between 2 serving dishes, add any juices from the mixing bowl, and serve immediately.


Have a slice of wholemeal toast with 1 teaspoon low-fat spread as well (this adds 100 calories)


Have a boiled egg and a slice of wholemeal toast with 1 teaspoon low-fat spread as well (this adds 190 calories)


Have a boiled egg and 2 slices of wholemeal toast with low-fat spread as well (this adds 290 calories)

see all breakfasts BREAKFAST.

Hot fruit salad with orange juice

Worried about getting your five portions of fruit and veg a day? This will get you off to a flying start. This recipe needs overnight soaking, so start it off the night before.

CALORIES PER PORTION 280 kCals serves 2 100 g (312 oz) dried apricots (about 15-20), quartered 30 g (generous 1 oz) sultanas 30 g (generous 1 oz) raisins 3 dates, chopped 300 ml (12 pint) unsweetened orange juice 2 heaped tablespoons low-fat greek yogurt Put the apricots, sultanas, raisins and dates in a bowl and add 100 ml (312 fl oz) of the orange juice; stir well. Cover and leave overnight in the fridge to soak.

In the morning, tip the contents of the bowl into a small non-stick saucepan and set it over a medium heat. Add the remaining orange juice and bring to a simmer. Continue to cook gently for 4-5 minutes, and add a little water if necessary to prevent the fruit from catching. Serve immediately, with 1 tablespoon yogurt spooned on the side of each serving.


Have a slice of wholemeal toast with 1 teaspoon low-fat spread as well (this adds 100 calories)


Have a slice of wholemeal toast with 1 teaspoon peanut b.u.t.ter, jam or marmalade as well (this adds 125-130 calories)


Have 2 slices of toast, with 2 teaspoons peanut b.u.t.ter or jam on each (this adds 250-260 calories)

see all breakfasts BREAKFAST.

Breakfast fruit glory

If you"re a fan of knickerbocker glories, you"ll love this fabulous low-calorie, low-fat version, which is simply bursting with vitamins. This is best served in knickerbocker glory, or in gla.s.s bowls.

CALORIES PER PORTION 300 kCals serves 2 1 kiwi fruit, peeled and chopped 1 small mango, peeled, stoned and chopped 1 small banana, peeled and chopped 2 tablespoons unsweetened orange juice 150 g (5 oz) low-fat greek yogurt 4 teaspoons flaked almonds 2 teaspoons clear honey Put all of the chopped fruit in a mixing bowl. Gently mix all the fruits together and add the orange juice. Cover and leave in the fridge to chill for 30 minutes.

Divide the fruit between 2 knickerbocker glory or small gla.s.s bowls, then top each one with half of the yogurt. Scatter the flaked almonds over the yogurt, and then drizzle a teaspoon of honey on top of each. Serve immediately.


Have a slice of wholemeal toast with 1 teaspoon low-fat spread as well (this adds 100 calories)
