The Bloodline System

Chapter 1240 I Won"t Accept!

Chapter 1240 I Won"t Accept!

Author"s Note: Unedited Chapter


Dark Falco mentioned a couple of things back then which I am not very clear on yet but I am sure you know more by now... Another thing I"m sure of is that Dark Falco is not gone," Gustav said with a tone of certainty.

"Do you mean I can get him back?" Falco expression brightened up with a hint of hope.

"Yes, he isn"t a personality... from my observations, he is a different ent.i.ty that just so happens to share a body with you. You stopped sensing him after the battle with Strum, right?" Gustav voiced.

"Yes... when I regained consciousness, I could no longer sense him," Falco replied.

"When did you awaken your bloodline?" Gustav questioned. 

"Erm... I was ten at the time," Falco answered with a contemplative expression.

"When did Dark Falco appear and start taking over your body?" Gustav asked.

"About a year later... I was always unable to control my bloodline abilities before then," Falco recalled.

"Then, It is just as I thought..." Gustav voiced with a tone of realisation. 

"What do you mean by that?" Falco inquired. 

[G.o.d Eyes Have Been Activated]

"Some abilities have damages that are irreversible regardless of the applications of high grade meds... even if a person survives and gets treated, the side effects of getting hit with such an attack still remains..." Gustav"s explanation caused everyone to perk their ears up as they focused their attention on him.

"You should have died when Strum"s spear struck you... or more like your entire existence should have been reversed to the point where you become inexistent," As Gustav mentioned this, Falco"s eyes widened slightly in realisation. 

"Captain Strum"s spear ability is time related," He voiced as his brain began piecing things together.

"Exactly... Dark Falco took most of the damage from that spear and despite the fact that you"ve completely recovered, the effects still linger. Dark Falco will come back but it will take time," Gustav voiced with a tone of certainty. 

It was now apparent to every one that this was a time reversal effect that was untreatable.

"So he should be back in a year since it took that long for him to manifest in the first place..." Falco had a look of relief for a split second before it turned back to despair.

"I can"t handle this by myself for a whole year..." Falco thought.

"It should be less than a year... that time your abilities were just manifesting, they were in no way as powerful as now. You should be able to bring him back faster," Gustav voiced in response.

"How? I"ve tried everything," Falco hand turned shaky as he stretched the right forward. 

"You haven"t tried everything..." Gustav said while shooting Falco a knowing glance.

Falco eyes widened in realisation, "I am not trying that... I am never trying that!" He yelled in fear.

"What is it?" Everyone was still confused even if they had a little grasp on the current predicament. 

"Dark Falco said you"ll become someone else if you were to transition completely and was against it at the time but it is your power after all... You don"t have to accept it completely maybe you can tap enough from it to bring Dark Falco back," Gustav voiced lengthily. 

"NO! I AM NEVER GOING TO ACCEPT THE CROWN!" Falco yelled while holding his head as he recalled all that had happened in his nightmare prior to this.

"Maybe this too isn"t real... you"re fake right? You"re showing me another nightmare hahaha you psycho I won"t..." Falco voiced like he was deranged while standing up and grabbing Gustav. 

"You"re not the real Gustav are you? Who..."

"Stop it," Gustav said while grabbing Falco"s hands.

"I"m still in a nightmare! What"s next huh? Hahaha I won"t accept the crown! I won"t accept it! I won"t accept! I won"t accept it! Ahhhhh!" Falco kept screaming and pus.h.i.+ng Gustav forward. 

Everyone had jumped to their feet at this point.

-"Falco calm down,"

-"It isn"t a nightmare,"

-"He"s only trying to help,"

-"This is real,"

"I won"t accept it! Don"t you dare hurt my friends!" Falco began screaming and crying at the same time.

"Okay Falco, its fine, you do not have to accept it," Gustav said while tapping on Falco"s arms gently. 

Falco paused as he heard that and began letting out heavy breaths. 

"I can"t just..." Tears began rolling out of his eyes once more.

The situation seemed dire than expected since this was something that weighed heavy on Falco"s mental state.

Angy moved forward to console Falco again and get him to clam down. Almost eeryone a.s.sisted in getting him into his room to rest.

Gustav stayed back with a couple others. They all had disturbed expressions on their faces.

"Big brother, we need to talk," Endric voiced after approaching Gustav.

"Hmm, alright," Gustav responded.I think you should take a look at

They moved out of the accommodation area to the pa.s.sageway so as to discuss privately.

"What is it?" Gustav inquired.

"Falco..." The instant, Endric mentioned his name Gustav let out a sigh that depicted he knew this was what the conversation was going to be about.

"He is a threat," Endric added.

"He is a friend," Gustav stated.

"A friend who is a threat to your wellbeing as well as that of the others," Endric said with a strong tone. "I can handle myself and he hasn"t done anything that makes him a threat yet so there is no reason to see him as one... yet," Gustav responded.

"You"re letting your emotional attachments blind your logical sense of reasoning... I know you saw something that everyone didn"t and you know more than we do... and I"m very sure that whatever your saw doesn"t paint him in a very positive light, yet, you don"t see him as a threat because of your emotions," Endric pointed out with a strong tone once more.

"Stop it. You don"t  know Falco. He has the best interests of the people he loves in his heart, that is enough to give him the benefit of the doubt. Like I said, he hasn"t done any wrong," Gustav stated.

"Yet... He hasn"t done any wrong yet. Are you going to wait till he puts everyone at risk before considering him to be a threat?" Endric inquired with knitted eyebrows.

"And what do you suggest should be done? I should walk in there and slaughter him just because of your suspicions? And then tell the others what? "Endric said he was a threat so I killed him"?" Gustav stated with a slightly ridiculing tone.

"What is this really about?" Gustav questioned.

"Is there something you figured out that you"re not telling me?" He added with a suspicious look.

"I am not sure yet but I think..."

"He has managed to fall asleep," Angy approached from the accommodation area, interrupting Endric"s speech.

"We"ll talk about this later," Gustav voiced before turning to the side.

"Gustav... everyone is worried, we want to understand what is going on," Angy said.

Gustav"s face displayed a contemplative look before he began walking back to the accomodation area.

"Are you sure it is a good idea for Falco to fall asleep at the moment?" Gustav questioned as they walked back into the accommodation area.

"There"s nothing else we can do to make him calm down. Mara administered some medications to dampen brain activity and bloodline circulation so it is very unlikely he"d have another nightmare," Angy explained.

Gustav was still concerned but he just had to let it be.

"With the current state of things, Falco seems unfit to join the next challenge. I"ll be picking a subt.i.tute to fill his shoes tomorrow," Gustav announced to everyone.

"Who are you gonna pick?" Teemee asked.

"I haven"t decided yet," Gustav responded.

"I believe we have a right to understand what"s going on fully before we think of replacing him," Matilda chimed in while flaying her arms.

"Even I, do not fully understand what is going on so I suppose we will just have to wait and see," Gustav answered. 

"But you do know more than we do, you just don"t wanna tell us," Glade stated.

"We have every right to know, he"s our friend too," Ria voiced.

"I hate to say it but I agree with them man... what ain"t you telling us?" E.E added.

Gustav moved to the side and took his seat before everyone. They all stared at him with looks of curiosity, waiting to hear what he had to say.

"I cannot speak on matters that I haven"t fully grasped. I had kept what happened from you all because I haven"t fully uncovered it as well," Gustav explained.

"Just tell us what happened in Aribia city man... you seem to have witnessed something that we didn"t," E.E voiced with a pleading tone.


[Gravitational Manipulation Has Been Activated]

A Gravitational force blasted forth from Gustav"s frame, causing the Diaporonians to pause in mid air.

Their liquid form began coming apart, turning into multiple ashy drops that separated in mid air.

However, the captain who was swivelling across the ground had managed to reach Wong"s foot.

"Yaa! Hu! Hu!" Hong screamed as he ran around swinging his limbs to get rid of the captain but the Diaporonian had firmly stuck to him and spread around his entire body in a moment. 

"I told you guys to be careful," Gustav voiced with a slight tone of frustration. 


Wong left a green blur across the place in the next instant...

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!


