The Bloodline System

Chapter 1241  The Female Subt.i.tute

Chapter 1241  The Female Subt.i.tute

Author"s Note: Unedited Chapter


This other individual happened to also be transparent skinned but ooked comparably younger.

He acquired the trinket from the older individual and put it on one of his fingers.

"Make sure you don"t activate it until you have your target before you. It wasn"t easy to acquire this," s.h.i.+rmin stated.

"Thank you master s.h.i.+rmin. Now I can finally take revenge for my brother," The younger individual voiced.

"One more thing, you can only use it once so pick your target carefully," s.h.i.+rmin instructed.

"What? Just one? But there"s two of them," The younger individual said with a tone of dissatisfaction.

"You will have to pick one of them. You can"t use it twice," s.h.i.+rmin shook his head.

"But master s.h.i.+rmin can"t you just get another one... I wanna take them both out," The younger individual voiced once more.

"Did you miss the part where i menthoned that I went to great lengths to get this? You can only pick one target and that is it, "s.h.i.+rmin elucidated with a strong tone of warning.

"*sigh* alright then... I"ll pick the one directly responsible for his condition," The younger individual finally gave in with a slightly defeated expression.

"It"s better not to be too covetous if we wish to get sway with it and avoid getting a capital punishment... take caution, Orimon," s.h.i.+rmin said.

"Yes Master s.h.i.+rmin... How is my brother?" Orimon questioned.

"As you know we"re having trouble reversing the state of his cells which have been rapidly sped up due to the damage from the attack of the earthling..." Master s.h.i.+rmin responded.

"That earthling will pay!" Orimon voiced, his tone seething with rage.


"I believe there was interference from the high order,"

Within a dark vicinity, a group of twenty clad in bandage like wears that covered the entirety of their bodies, stood in a circle. Their eyes was like a swirling abyss of darkness as black mist erupted from their beings while they discussed.

"Who would dare interfere especially when this is a sacred mission?" The captain voiced with a tone of suspiciousness.


A pair of eyes were formed in their midst from the dark mist circulating the environment.

"Prime Vessel Ji, we were just about to contact you," The captain voiced with a respectful tone while everyone bowed their heads.

"About the interference and slight breach into this plane, right?" A loud voice boomed from their midst, spreading across the vicinity.

"Yes, Prime Vessel Ji," The captain answered.

"That was the doing of our Lord... he did it because of the kid," Prime Vessel Ji stated.

Their eyes widened as they heard it, "We had thought it was an interference from another Prime Vessel... We apologise for we had no idea it was the Lord," The captain knelt along with everyone else.

"The confusion is understandable... Even I never expected the Lord to try such, almost jeopardising... Ahem... Anyways, the Lord obviously has a special fondness for this one. Make sure he doesn"t come to any harm till you leave this plane," Prime Vessel Ji instructed.

"But you said to kill him if he doesn"t accept the crown before this compet.i.tion comes to an end..."

"I know what I said. This is my new decision, if you don"t want our souls to be tortured for eternity at the hands of the Lord," Prime Vessel Ji voiced.

"I understand," The captain stated in response.

"Any new information on the outworldly yet?" Prime Vessel Ji questioned.

"It is the same as what I mentioned the last time... I should be able to draw conclusions from the next couple major challenges," The captain responded.

"Then make sure you do not contact me till then," After saying this, the pair of eyes formed from mist, dissipated.

After dissipating, the figures slowly stood back to their feet bearing similar expressions.

"Our Lord has a favourite?"



The day went by very quickly and soon the night before the next major challenge arrived.

Earth partic.i.p.ants were gathered in the main room of their accommodation area, discussing on the coming major challenge.

"Like I said, since it is related to versus battles, I won"t send any of you out unless I am sure you can"t defeat the opposition paired with us. However, if the versus challenge has a different mode to it, we really can"t tell who will be paired with who," Gustav voiced in concern.

"That is true... the pairing system could be random and end up not favouring us," Aildris chimed.

"This is the worst time to have main team member replacement. I do not have much faith in a subst.i.tute," Gustav voiced.

"Why don"t we use Stark then? He seems plenty reliable," Matilda suggested.

"Yeah yeah man he really seems like a strong guy," E.E added.

"No. He didn"t train with us, he is unaware of our fighting methods if we were to move as a group, there are many factors to consider," Gustav shook his head.

"You didn"t train with us dimwit, what are you on?" Fildhor yelled from the side.

"He has a point," Teemee shrugged.

"More than half of the team have joined me on one MBO mission or the other... I didn"t need to train with you guys. I already understand what working as a team is. I can"t say the same for him," Gustav explained with a calm tone.

"Guys... Its fine, I"m join enough to partic.i.p.ate in the challenge," Falco voice was suddenly heard from the other end.

Everyone watched Falco step out from his room with expressions of pity.

"No Falco, you"re sitting this one out," Gustav shook his head.

"I want to help now more than ever. I can"t let you guys go off with an inadequate subst.i.tute," Falco argued.

"We"ll be okay. You need to rest," Aildris said with a smile.

"I"m fine really," Falco smiled back while raising his hands.

"I have made my decision Falco, and everyone stands by it. You"re sitting this one out. If you"re deemed to be in top condition after this challenge then I can consider letting you join the next one. If not, you"ll keep sitting them out till you"re all good," Gustav stated with a strong tone that left no room for argument.

"But... You guys are really unbelievable! Do you not believe in my capabilities anymore?" Falco took a step back as he suddenly felt stigmatised.

"That"s, not it Falco, we just want you to be fine," Angy stood up while speaking with a soft tone.

"Hmph!" Falco moved to the side and walked out of the gathering with an expression of betrayal.

"Falco," Everyone called out but to no avail.

"I"ll go after him," Angy said while moving out of the gathering as well.

"Should we just let him partic.i.p.ate? I don"t like seeing Falco get upset," Teemee voiced from the side.

Gustav shook his head, "Him reacting this way is proof that he needs to truly sit it out. He just wants to partic.i.p.ate because he doesn"t want to seem unreliable to us. Completely ignoring his current state won"t make it disappear,"

Gustav response caused everyone to simmer down for a moment.

"Have you decided on the subst.i.tute to pick?" Aildris questioned.

"Will it be Wong?" E.E asked as well.

"No, this time I have someone else in mind. She shouldn"t do too bad I think," Gustav responded with a look of contemplation.

"She?" Fildhor muttered with a tone of suspiciousness.

"Yes she... Yuhiko, you can come in," Gustav called out.

"Huh?" In the next instant, everyone turned towards the entrance to stare at the figure that had just arrived.

Their jaws nearly dropped as they stared at one of the most breathtaking beauties they had ever seen in their lives. She looked like a real life doll with an extremely enchanting heart shaped face and slanted eyes.

Her body was the true depiction of perfection as her curvy hips swayed from side to side while she walked in. Her l.u.s.trous black hair cascaded down her back like beautiful waves as her full pink lips pouted nervously.

"Ca... captain Gustav..." She voiced out with s.e.xiest tone they had ever heard in their lives.

"I don"t recognise her from the s.h.i.+p," Teemee thought but then realised that with their numbers it would be easy for her to be hidden amongst the crowd of subst.i.tutes who were even higher than main team members.

Out of everyone here, only three people recognised her. Endric, Matilda and Aildris.

Aildris had senses recalled her exact appearance from the s.p.a.cecraft on their way here while Endric and Matilda remembered her from school.

"I didn"t even know she was one of the subst.i.tutes," Matilda voiced with a low tone.

"h.e.l.lo Matilda... h.e.l.lo Endric..." Yuhiko avoided making eye contact as she greeted them.

"What... do you guys know each other before?" E.E questioned with a look of surprise.

"That doesn"t matter," Gustav cut in before any one of them could respond.

"Yuhiko will be joining us for the next major challenge... you guys can try to get accustomed to her and ask her questions if you want," Gustav said before standing to his feet.


Author"s Note: I"ll add an ill.u.s.tration of Gustav in MBO outfit as a paragraph comment.

If you wanna see more ill.u.s.trations, you can join my discord channel >>

