The Bloodline System

Chapter 1181 Looted Caves

Chapter 1181 Looted Caves

Author"s Note: Unedited Chapter


Gustav turned towards the south, "I"ve gotten four eggs now but I can"t go back to that cave since what it has left are repet.i.tion of the same colors of eggs,"

"Best to head this way," He decided as wings sprouted out of his back.


He flew off into the distance in the next instant, leaving a whitish hue across the sky due to his speed.


"s.h.i.+t! Why are these idiots after me?" Phinx cursed as she sped across the surface of a frozen

In an unknown location within the forth disk, Phinx found herself running from a duo who wouldn"t stop chasing her.

The duo had white heads and transparent skins. They were obviously partic.i.p.ants and not the dangerous beasts that were said to lurk on the fourth disk.

Phinx who had this moment, had her natural look was finding it difficult to escape them.

"Stop running earthling!" One of them yelled and created multiple icy hurricanes up ahead.

Phinx who was aiming for a particular cave up ahead had to change direction due to the incoming hurricanes.

Ma.s.sive icicles began to get pulled into the hurricane and started getting flipped out like arrows getting fired off a bow.

Phinx wasn"t very fast but she wasn"t too slow either and managed to evade the icicles shooting from the hurricanes in her direction.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

She managed to evade the sixth one by a hair breath, which gave her a small bruise on her left arm as it shot past her and stabbed into the icy surface behind.

It seemed as though the duo in pursuit, could manipulate the hurricanes easily to their utmost desire even after it had been formed.

Phinx kept running after changing directions and finally came across another icy cave entry. She managed to get through it this time and both partic.i.p.ants also abandoned the surface to infiltrate the cave entrance as well.

Close to a minute later they came across another duo who were also partic.i.p.ants but from a different planet.

They had reptile like head with purple mohawk growing out the middle of their head. Both partic.i.p.ants looked no different from each other.

Phinx was nowhere to be found.

"Did you see anyone pa.s.s by here?" They questioned the duo, one of which happened to be leaning on the other for support.

"They went this way," The one holding up the other partic.i.p.ant voiced.

One of the other two who had been chasing Phinx spotted a small drop of blood running down the neck of the partic.i.p.ant wjo was leaning on the other.

However, they didn"t make much of it and headed in the direction this partic.i.p.ant pointed them in.

"Phew~" The partic.i.p.ant who was supporting the other, heaved a sigh of relief after the other two left.

They slowly helped the one who was leaning for support down, "I apologise for this," A familiar voice was heard from the partic.i.p.ant mouth.

They turned around at this point and headed out of the cave.

"I need to gather eggs,"


In a flash three days had gone by and during this time, the partic.i.p.ants  had been trying their best to acquire eggs.

Some had already acquired different colors of eggs already but it was unknown how many had managed to form a Viondur eggs.

There were a lot of issues ranging from acquiring eggs to finding the ones with the required colors.

During the briefing with Handler one, he already mentioned that there would be other colors of eggs that weren"t amongst the Viondur required eggs and that these eggs bore no importance.

It was also possible to acquire a color of egg that was awfully close to that of the required egg which was another reason the partic.i.p.ants had to be careful.

Handler One had also mentioned that the eggs could mostly be found underground but what he hadn"t mentioned was, the repet.i.tion of colors.

It was impossible to.find all of the eggs with the required colors in a single place. There could be tens of eggs with the same color which made it even more difficult to acquire a complete set required for creating a Viondur egg.

Fights would occasionally break out in different areas due to groups or individuals spitting another color of egg they hadn"t acquired at the same time an opposing partic.i.p.ant also spotted it.

The  earth partic.i.p.ants were still waiting for Gustav"s link but as agreed earlier on, they were gathering as many eggs as they could in the meantime.

They had dimensional storage b.u.t.tons like Gustav did  so storing the eggs they had acquired wasn"t an issue. They could take as many as they wanted.

Gustav hadn"t picked a designated point for everyone to meet up at first because he wanted to acquire a full set of color variety necessary for creating a Viondur Egg.

So far he had only gotten four colors; Dark red, Neon, Orange, and Blue

Blue of course was useless but these were the current four colors he had in his possession. He had more than four eggs in total but the rest were replications of the same colors.

He had visited more caves in the last few days but without any luck. Gustav felt the frosty caves within a particular radius most likely had the same color variations.

Due to this thougjtbhe had decided to distance himself more from where he had managed to acquire his first eggs.

After continous flight throughout the last night, Gustav could sense another flaming area in the distance. His mind instantly reeled back to when he found one in front of the first cave he visited.

"Could it be..." Gustav mind formed a myriad of possibilities as he closed in on the source of the flames.


He arrived there moments later and landed on a plain icy ground.


Gustav landed right in front of another ma.s.sive flaming white tree. Blueish flames enshrouded the entire tree yet its leaves and branches were unaffected.

The heat spreading from the flames were proof that it was authentic but there was no logic behind how the leaves and branches were not affected in the slightest bit.

However, the wonders of this tree didn"t draw Gustav"s attention as much as the cave that happened to be a couple feet ahead.

Just like the last cave he got into, this one also happened to have a flaming but unaffected tree mounted right in front.

Gustav had suspicions and speculations running through his mind at this point but he wasted no time before heading into the cave which led him underground.


He sped through the chambers, inspecting them one after the other.

Minutes later Gustav was back outside the cave entrance with a look of contemplation on his face.

("Since its looted already you might as well just check the others around,") The system voiced in his mind.

"Yeah but to prove my current speculation, I would need to find another one like this, if I manage to find new colors within the ones around here," Gustav voiced out loud.

("I guess... Can you sense it?") The system questioned.

"Sense what?" Gustav inquired.

("I guess not,") The system voiced in response.

"Sense what?" Gustav asked once more.

("Just keep going,") The system refused to elaborate.

Gustav decided not to ask anymore knowing the system wouldn"t spill but he already had an idea of what the system was referring to. In his mind he wss 99% sure he was correct.


His figure blurred as he leapt into the sky.


The ice caved in at his initial location as a ripple of frost blasted in every direction.


He body traveled across a distance of more than fifty thousand feet before he began to descened. Frosted rocks could be seen scattered across the vicinity as his figure descended.


He landed at the top of a icy rock few moments later and happened to witness a battle ongoing between a couple of partic.i.p.ants.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Attacks were being hurled left, right and centre as the partic.i.p.ants battled for reasons which obviously pertained to the eggs.

Chunks of ice blasted across the vicinity and the ground caved in multiple areas as powerful attacks collided.

Gustav wasn"t interested in their fight and didn"t intend to be dragged in so he spread his senses across the vicinity even more, infiltrating the cabes around.

Unsurpringly, there were other partic.i.p.ants underground and he also found out that all the caves around here connected to each other.

[G.o.d Eyes Has Been Activated]

His sight phased through the layers of thick ice and arrived underground, giving him a clear view of the chambers.

Just like the initial cave he checked before coming here, he could see holes in the icy underground walls. These holes were the same size as the eggs which depicted a single thing...

The caves had been looted.

Gustav heaved a sigh of disappointment after the discovery and was about leaving when he thought of something.