The Cattle-Raid of Cualnge (Tain Bo Cualnge)

Chapter 13

"Where is the madman"s head?" said every one.

"Wait, O heroes, till I tell my tale to my sons, and go back that I may fight with Cuchulainn."

He goes thence to seek Cuchulainn, and throws his sword at Cuchulainn. Cuchulainn leaps on high, so that it struck the pillar, and the sword broke in two. Then Cuchulainn went mad as he had done against the boys in Emain, and he springs on his shield therewith, and struck his head off. He strikes him again on the neck down to the navel. His four quarters fall to the ground. Then Cuchulainn said this:

"If Nadcrantail has fallen, It will be an increase to the strife.

Alas! that I cannot fight at this time With Medb with a third of the host."


It is then that Medb went with a third of the host with her to Cuib to seek the Bull; and Cuchulainn went after her. Now on the road of Midluachair she had gone to harry Ulster and Cruthne as far as Dun Sobairche. Cuchulainn saw something: Bude Mac Bain from Sliab Culinn with the Bull, and fifteen heifers round him; and his force was sixty men of Ailill"s household, with a cloak folded round every man. Cuchulainn comes to them.

"Whence have you brought the cattle?" said Cuchulainn.

"From the mountain yonder," said the man."

"Where are their cow-herds?" said Cuchulainn.

"He is as we found him," said the man.

Cuchulainn made three leaps after them to seek speech with them as far as the ford. It is there he said to the leader:

"What is your name?" said he.

"One who fears you not(?) and loves you not; Bude Mac Bain," said he.

"This spear at Bude!" said Cuchulainn. He hurls at him the javelin, so that it went through his armpits, and one of the livers broke in two before the spear. He kills him on his ford; hence is Ath Bude.

The Bull is brought into the camp then. They considered then that it would not be difficult to deal with Cuchulainn, provided his javelin were got from him.

_The Death of Redg the Satirist_

It is then that Redg, Ailill"s satirist, went to him on an errand to seek the javelin, that is, Cuchulainn"s spear.

"Give me your spear," said the satirist.

"Not so," said Cuchulainn; "but I will give you treasure."

"I will not take it," said the satirist.

Then Cuchulainn wounded the satirist, because he would not accept from him what he offered him, and the satirist said he would take away his honour unless he got the javelin. Then Cuchulainn threw the javelin at him, and it went right through his head.

"This gift is overpowering (?)," said the satirist. Hence is Ath Tolam Set.

There was now a ford east of it, where the copper of the javelin rested; Humarrith, then, is the name of that ford. It is there that Cuchulainn killed all those that we have mentioned in Cuib; i.e.

Nathcoirpthe at his trees; Cruthen on his ford; the sons of the Herd at their cairn; Marc on his hill; Meille on his hill; Bodb in his tower; Bogaine in his marsh (?).

Cuchulainn turned back to Mag Murthemne; he liked better to defend his own home. After he went, he killed the men of Crocen (or Cronech), i.e. Focherd; twenty men of Focherd. He overtook them taking camp: ten cup-bearers and ten fighting-men.

Medb turned back from the north when she had remained a fortnight ravaging the province, and when she had fought a battle against Findmor, wife of Celtchar Mac Uthidir. And after taking Dun Sobairche upon her, she brought fifty women into the province of Dalriada. Wherever Medb placed a horse-switch in Cuib its name is Bile Medba [Note: i.e. Tree of Medb]; every ford and every hill by which she slept, its name is Ath Medba and Dindgna Medba.

They all meet then at Focherd, both Ailill and Medb and the troop that drove the Bull. But their herd took their Bull from them, and they drove him across into a narrow gap with their spear-shafts on their shields(?). [Note: A very doubtful rendering.] So that the feet of the cattle drove him [Note, i.e. Forgemen.] through the ground. Forgemen was the herd"s name. He is there afterwards, so that that is the name of the hill, Forgemen. There was no annoyance to them that night, provided a man were got toward off Cuchulainn on the ford.

"Let a sword-truce be asked by us from Cuchulainn," said Ailill.

"Let Lugaid go for it," said every one.

Lugaid goes then to speak to him.

"How am I now with the host?" said Cuchulainn.

"Great indeed is the mockery that you asked of them," said Lugaid, "that is, your women and your maidens and half your cattle. And they think it heavier than anything to be killed and to provide you with food."

A man fell there by Cuchulainn every day to the end of a week.

Fair-play is broken with Cuchulainn: twenty are sent to attack him at one time; and he killed them all.

"Go to him, O Fergus," said Ailill, "that he may allow us a change of place."

They go then to Cronech. This is what fell by him in single combat at this place: two Roths, two Luans, two female horse messengers, [Note: Or "female stealers." (O"Davoren.)] ten fools, ten cup-bearers, ten Ferguses, six Fedelms, six Fiachras. These then were all killed by him in single combat. When they pitched their tents in Cronech, they considered what they should do against Cuchulainn.

"I know," said Medb, "what is good in this case: let a message be sent from us to ask him that we may have a sword-truce from him towards the host, and he shall have half the cattle that are here."

This message is taken to him.

"I will do this," said Cuchulainn, "provided the compact is not broken by you."

_The Meeting of Cuchulainn and Findabair_

"Let an offer go to him," said Ailill, "that Findabair will be given to him on condition that he keeps away from the hosts."

Mane Athramail goes to him. He goes first to Loeg.

"Whose man are you?" said he.

Loeg does not speak to him. Mane spoke to him thrice in this way.

"Cuchulainn"s man," said he, "and do not disturb me, lest I strike your head off."

"This man is fierce," said Mane, turning from him. He goes then to speak to Cuchulainn. Now Cuchulainn had taken off his tunic, and the snow was round him up to his waist as he sat, and the snow melted round him a cubit for the greatness of the heat of the hero.

Mane said to him in the same way thrice, "whose man was he?"

"Conchobar"s man, and do not disturb me. If you disturb me any longer, I will strike your head from you as the head is taken from a blackbird."

"It is not easy," said Mane, "to speak to these two."

Mane goes from them then and tells his tale to Ailill and Medb.