The Cattle-Raid of Cualnge (Tain Bo Cualnge)

Chapter 14

"Let Lugaid go to him," said Ailill, "and offer to him the maiden."

Lugaid goes then and tells Cuchulainn that.

"O friend Lugaid," said Cuchulainn, "this is a snare."

"It is the king"s word that has said it," said Lugaid; "there will be no snare therefrom."

"Let it be done so," said Cuchulainn.

Lugaid went from him therewith, and tells Ailill and Medb that answer.

"Let the fool go in my form," said Ailill, "and a king"s crown on his head, and let him stand at a distance from Cuchulainn lest he recognise him, and let the maiden go with him, and let him betroth her to him, and let them depart quickly in this way; and it is likely that you will play a trick on him thus, so that he will not hinder you, till he comes with the Ulstermen to the battle."

Then the fool goes to him, and the maiden also; and it was from a distance he spoke to Cuchulainn. Cuchulainn goes to meet them. It happened that he recognised by the man"s speech that he was a fool.

He threw a sling stone that was in his hand at him, so that it sprang into his head and brought his brains out. Then he comes to the maiden, cuts her two tresses off, and thrusts a stone through her mantle and through her tunic, and thrusts a stone pillar through the middle of the fool. There are their two pillars there: the pillar of Findabair, and the fool"s pillar.

Cuchulainn left them thus. A party was sent from Ailill and Medb to seek out their folk, for they thought they were long; they were seen in this position. All this was heard throughout the camp.

There was no truce for them with Cuchulainn afterwards.

_The Combat of Munremar and Curoi_

When the hosts were there in the evening; they saw that one stone lighted on them from the east, and another from the west to meet it. They met in the air, and kept falling between Fergus"s camp, and Ailill"s, and Era"s. [Note: Or Nera?] This sport and play went on from that hour to the same hour next day; and the hosts were sitting down, and their shields were over their heads to protect them against the of stones, till the plain was full of the stones. Hence is Mag Clochair. It happened that Curoi Mac Daire did this; he had come to help his comrades, and he was in Cotal over against Munremar Mac Gerrcind. He had come from Emain Macha to help Cuchulainn, and he was in Ard Roich. Curoi knew that there was no man in the host who could withstand Munremar. So it was these two who had made this sport between them. They were asked by the host to be quiet; then Munremar and Curoi make peace, and Curoi goes to his house and Munremar to Emain Macha. And Munremar did not come till the day of the battle; Curoi did not come till the combat with Fer Diad.

"Speak to Cuchulainn," said Medb and Ailill, "that he allow us change of place."

It is granted to them then, and they change the place. The weakness of the Ulstermen was over then. For when they awoke from their suffering, some of them kept coming on the host, that they might take to slaying them again.

_The Death of the Boys_

Then the boys of Ulster had consulted in Emain Macha.

"Wretched indeed," said they, "for our friend Cuchulainn to be without help."

"A question indeed," said Fiachna Fulech Mac Fir-Febe, own brother to Fiacha Fialdama Mac Fir-Febe, "shall I have a troop among you, and go to take help to him therefrom?"

Three fifties of boys go with their playing-clubs, and that was a third of the boys of Ulster. The host saw them coming towards them across the plain.

"A great host is at hand to us over the plain," said Ailill.

Fergus goes to look at them. "Some of the boys of Ulster that,"

said he; "and they come to Cuchulainn"s help."

"Let a troop go against them," said Ailill, "without Cuchulainn"s knowledge; for if they meet him, you will not withstand them."

Three fifties of warriors go to meet them. They fell by one another so that no one escaped alive of the abundance(?) of the boys at Lia Toll. Hence it is the Stone of Fiachra Mac Fir-Febe; for it is there he fell.

"Make a plan," said Ailill.

"Ask Cuchulainn about letting you go out of this place, for you will not come beyond him by force, because his flame of valour has sprung."

For it was customary with him, when his flame of valour sprang in him, that his feet would go round behind him, and his hams before; and the b.a.l.l.s of his calves on his shins, and one eye in his head and the other out of his head; a man"s head could have gone into his mouth. Every hair on him was as sharp as a thorn of hawthorn, and a drop of blood on each hair. He would not recognise comrades or friends. He would strike alike before and behind. It is from this that the men of Connaught gave Cuchulainn the name Riastartha.

_The Woman-fight of Rochad_

Cuchulainn sent his charioteer to Rochad Mac Fatheman of Ulster, that he should come to his help. Now it happened that Findabair loved Rochad, for he was the fairest of the warriors among the Ulstermen at that time. The man goes to Rochad and told him to come to help Cuchulainn if he had come out of his weakness; that they should deceive the host, to get at some of them to slay them.

Rochad comes from the north with a hundred men.

"Look at the plain for us to-day," said Ailill.

"I see a troop coming over the plain," said the watchman, "and a warrior of tender years among them; the men only reach up to his shoulders."

"Who is it yonder, O Fergus?" said Ailill.

"Rochad Mac Fatheman," said he, "and it is to help Cuchulainn he comes."

"I know what you had better do with him," said Fergus. "Let a hundred men go from you with the maiden yonder to the middle of the plain, and let the maiden go before them; and let a horseman go to speak to him, that he come alone to speak with the maiden, and let hands be laid on him, and this will keep off (?) the attack of his army from us."

This is done then. Rochad goes to meet the horseman.

"I have come from Findabair to meet you, that you come to speak with her."

He goes then to speak with her alone. The host rushes about him from every side. He is taken, and hands are laid on him. His force breaks into flight. He is let go then, and he is bound over not to go against the host till he should come together with all Ulster.

It was promised to him that Findabair should be given to him, and he returned from them then. So that that is Rochad"s Woman-fight.

_The Death of the Princes_ [Note: Or "royal mercenaries."]

"Let a sword-truce be asked of Cuchulainn for us," said Ailill and Medb.

Lugaid goes on that errand, and Cuchulainn grants the truce.

"Put a man on the ford for me to-morrow," said Cuchulainn.

There were with Medb six princes, i.e. six king"s heirs of the Clanna Dedad, the three Blacks of Imlech, and the three Reds of Sruthair.

"Why should we not go against Cuchulainn?" said they.

They go next day, and Cuchulainn slew the six of them.

_The Death of Cur_

Then Cur Mac Dalath is besought to go against Cuchulainn. He from whom he shed blood, he is dead before the ninth day.