The Eunuch is Pregnant

Chapter 1: Transporting through time and becoming an eunuch

To my dear readers,

This was supposed to be released on volarenovels, but because volare is signing a contract with ireader, I will actually be translating another novel on volare. As a result, this project will be hosted on my site.

This novel is very cute and will get steamier and steamier as it continues. I am releasing 4 chapters all at once. Starting from next week, I’ll be releasing 2-3 chapters a week (depends on how much I can handle). Hope you guys will like it!

Chapter 1: Transporting through time and becoming an eunuch

Le Yao Yao felt like she was in a tragedy. Regardless of how hard she rubbed her eyes, the reflection she saw in the river was not her actual face.

Despite that, the reflection was a beautiful sight. This person had an oval face, curved dark eyebrows, delicate nose, captivating red lips, as well as a pair of expressive eyes. It was a wonderful combination. It was perfection!

Although Le Yao Yao had seen many gorgeous women on television and magazines, they were incomparable to this beauty!

It took Le Yao Yao awhile before she snapped out of it. The reflection may be stunning, but could someone tell her what happened?

It was summer break and she had merely gone bungee jumping with her friends. She had closed her eyes before she jumped. But by the time she reopened them again, she was in this strange place.

Where were her friends? What was this place? Where was she?

Another thing that really bothered Le Yao Yao was that despite how attractive “she” looked, why was she wearing a dark blue eunuch outfit? She had already examined the body. The body of this owner was a female! So, what’s up with that?

Le Yao Yao was shaken and dumbfounded. Then, she finally came upon a realization. She had transported through time!

Oh G.o.d!

Whenever she was bored, she enjoyed reading novels that went back in time. She thought those MCs had very exciting lives. But she never thought she would be just as trendy and transport herself!

After the shock, Le Yao Yao could only accept the reality and slowly calmed down.

That was her personality. She was very adaptive to her surroundings. Her motto was: The s.h.i.+ps will straighten itself when it gets to the harbour. There was nothing too overwhelming in this world she couldn’t handle.  Since she had travelled through time, she will try her best to live well in this time period!

Deep down, she knew she will never see her father, mother and friends again.

Thinking of this, Le Yao Yao became really sad. But before she could grieve, a sharp and clear voice entered her ears and caused her to jump.

“Xiao Yao Zi! It turns out you’re here! I’m glad you are easy to find!”

The person that had approached her was a little eunuch that was probably around fifteen to sixteen years of age. He was around Le Yao Yao’s age, and he was also wearing a dark blue eunuch uniform. He was quite delicate looking and his skin looked tender. It surprised Le Yao Yao because this was an actual legit eunuch and not the ones she saw on TV.

Except right now, she was also an eunuch. But, she was a knockoff version!

And honestly, she had no clue who this guy was. Although she had been transported into this body, she didn’t possess any of the previous owner’s memories. Hence, she had no clue who was talking to her. So she came up with the ultimate solution in books; she pretended she had lost her memory.

That’s right!

Le Yao Yao scrunched up her nose and lifted her lily-white hand and pressed it against her forehead. She appeared to be in pain.

Thinking back, she often partic.i.p.ated in a lot of storytelling at school. Acting was definitely a piece of cake for her.

“Ssss, ahhh! My head is hurting so badly. Aiya! Who are you? Why can’t I remember? And, who am I?”

“Xiao Yao Zi, what happened? I’m Xiao Mu Zi! Don’t scare me!”

Seeing Le Yao Yao’s pained expression, Xiao Mu Zi was extremely concerned. His eyes showed that he was anxious and worried. It made Le Yao Yao felt a bit guilty.

After all, this person truly cared about her and she was lying to him.

But she was only half lying. She honestly had no idea whose body she was in, so she had to pretend she lost her memory. Plus, currently she did have a headache.

Earlier she looked around her surroundings and noticed she was in a remote area with a very high wall next to her. She could hear a lot of noises behind the wall. She thought about it, beyond the walls was probably the main streets. Currently, she was most likely in the backyard of a home.

She didn’t know why the previous owner was here. Also, she had a huge on her head and it was throbbing.

Based on Le Yao Yao’s a.s.sumptions, the previous owner was probably trying to flip herself over the wall. Clearly, the previous owner failed and fell down. And for some odd reason, her soul entered her body.

Le Yao Yao had no clue what had happened to the previous owner. But she wanted to find out whose body this was, and she will try to stay alive for her sake.

After all, she had transported through time. If she doesn’t do some investigating, it will be very tough for her to survive here.

While Le Yao Yao was pondering, suddenly Xiao Mu Zi’s expression turned stern. He gravely asked: “Xiao Yao Zi, you’re trying to trick me, aren’t you? You’re just playing dumb. In reality, you haven’t lost your memory, am I correct?”


Hearing Xiao Mu Zi say this, Le Yao Yao was shocked. How could this foolish looking eunuch be so smart? Could her acting skills be too poor? She couldn’t even trick him?

She was speechless and didn’t know how to respond. Then, Xiao Mu Zi let out a big sigh and glanced at her with a pitiful expression.

“Xiao Yao Zi, regardless of what you try, you can’t avoid it. Who told you to be so unlucky and drew the inscribed bamboo stick to serve Prince Rui for a month. You’re destined to serve him. Next month, good luck on drawing and perhaps you won’t be so unlucky next time….”

Then, Xiao Mu Zi let out another loud sigh. His words evoked a lot of curiosity in Le Yao Yao.

She blinked her big watery eyes and asked, “Is Prince Rui really scary?” How come Xiao Mu Zi made the Prince sound like a three headed six arms monster?

After hearing Le Yao Yao’s response, Xiao Mu Zi’s mouth widened and he finally believed her words.

“Oh my goodness, Xiao Yao Zi, you’ve actually lost your memory? You can’t remember who Prince Rui is?”

Le Yao Yao shook her head.

Seeing this, Xiao Mu Zi had no choice but to explain everything about Prince Rui and Le Yao Yao’s current ident.i.ty. He told her everything he knew.

It turned out this dynasty was called the Heaven Yuan dynasty. It was a dynasty that didn’t exist in history!

The newly appointed Emperor was Leng Jun Tian, He was diligent in politics and loved by all the people.

The current Emperor also has a brother; and his name was Leng Jun Yu; also known as Prince Rui.

Although they weren’t from the same mother, they had a great relations.h.i.+p ever since they were young.

Despite this, the Emperor and Prince Rui were polar opposites! Apparently, the Emperor was like a smear of March suns.h.i.+ne, whereas Prince Rui was comparable to a cold wintry twelfth lunar month; piercing through the bones!

As for Xiao Mu Zi and her, they had arrived here two months ago. However, all they have done so far were odd jobs around the courtyard. They haven’t actually seen Prince Rui yet. Regardless, they have heard many stories about him.

Rumours have said that Prince Rui was extraordinary handsome, extremely wise and strategic.

But although he was talented and gorgeous, he was ruthless and unpredictable.

If he was provoked, getting spanked would be considered a light punishment. Losing your life was actually a possibility!

After all, in an Imperial residence, a servant’s life was comparable to a pile of gra.s.s. Even if they were to die, they would easily be disposed of and thrown away.

Last month, a newly arrived eunuch accidentally knocked over a cup of tea and Prince Rui killed him on the spot.

Sources have said the little eunuch’s brain rolled down from the pavilion and into the lotus pond. Afterwards, the chief manager ordered people to fish for a day and night before they managed to find the head.

Then, the haunted stories started to appear.

Some said that while they pa.s.sed by the lotus pond, they would hear the little eunuch’s voice, calling out to find his brain. Everyone in the Prince Rui’s residence was terrified.

From then on, all the servants who served Prince Rui were extra careful. Whenever they were in his presence, they didn’t even dare to breathe a bit louder. Eventually, a few eunuchs turned insane.

The chief manager started to panic. No one dared to serve Prince Rui! He must do something!

Eventually, he thought of a great idea. From now on, all the eunuchs will have to go through a mandatory draw. Whoever that drew Prince Rui’s name will have to serve him for a month. A new draw will occur at the beginning of each month.

Unfortunately for Le Yao Yao, the owner of this body drew the inscribed bamboo stick with Prince Rui’s name on it. Perhaps, that was the reason why she had tried to flip herself over the walls.

Of course, Le Yao Yao had no evidence. She was just a.s.suming as she continued to listen to Xiao Mu Zi.

Suddenly, Xiao Mu Zi looked up at the sky and appeared worried.

“Xiao Yao Zi, we can’t stay here! It’s almost noon! You have to go and deliver Prince Rui’s lunch!”

“What? Why do I have to do it? I don’t want to, okay?!”

Although Le Yao Yao was normally loud and fearless, after hearing stories about Prince Rui, she couldn’t help but placed Prince Rui under the category of dangerous.

How could she not be afraid of someone who could take a life whenever he wanted to? He was a demon!

Thinking of this, Le Yao Yao became cowardly.

Xiao Mu Zi understood Le Yao Yao, and gazed at her with pity. Honestly, he had a great relations.h.i.+p with Xiao Yao Zi. If he could, he would replace him. But he was worried about Prince Rui’s temper. What if he made Prince Rui angry and gets beheaded? What would happen to his family?

The reason why he was here was because he had to support his five siblings. His parents had no choice but to send him to the Palace and turn him into an eunuch. Therefore, he cannot and must not die! He had to send money home each month!

Therefore, Xiao Mu Zi could only pray to the Heavens and hope Xiao Yao Zi will make it through the month as he dragged the unwilling Le Yao Yao towards Prince Rui’s residence.