The Gatekeeper

Chapter 31

While I was deciphering the meaning behind Yuna"s words, Dane"s voice surged forth.

"Hey, come help me, this guy is actually tough."

Listening to Dane calmly ask for a.s.sistance, one man and one woman joined the fray.

Their battle was intense, swords and blades clashing at incomprehensible speeds.

From an inexperienced point of view, it would look like Jerich was holding his own, but it was clear that his opponents weren"t going all out.

Toru ordered them to "detain" Jerich, they"re probably just following his command.

I wonder… who even is Toru.

Well, doesn"t matter. I won"t achieve anything by doubting the one I love, I"ll just believe in him and follow his path, even if it"s a wrong one.

It seemed like Yuna deduced the nuance behind my expression, she spoke with a light-hearted and frank tone.

"The path Master follows is of entertainment. Black and White aren"t the only colours he"s limited to. He doesn"t care about what he does, unless and until it is a fun experience for him. I bet that coming here and rescuing you was a fun experience as well."

Fufufu, why does this suit Toru so much?

"Then I guess I"ll follow him on the path of entertainment and exhilaration."

Yuna smiled and attached the final part of flesh together. She stood up, and with an impressive speed, joined the battle and brought Jerich to his knees.

"Release me! You imbeciles dare to touch me!? I"ll kill each and every one of you! Release me, release me, release me, release me, release me, release me, re- gufu!"

The one who kicked Jerich in his crotch was Dane.

"Dane, I know he"s annoying, but that was too brutal."

The man who was with them said so in a grim voice while covering his crotch with his hands.

"Umm? Master just needs him to speak, severing his other body parts won"t b-"

"Shut up."

The back of Dane"s head was. .h.i.t lightly by a hand drenched in blood. It was Toru, who was standing behind Dane with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Ah! Master, you"re back."

Dane hesitantly looked over her shoulder and found her dear Master looking at her with a cold gaze.

"Umm, Master. What is that?"

She was pointing at a lot of entangled threads in Tori"s hand. She managed to change the topic, everybody thought. I was curious as well, there was blood all over the strings, and they looked gross in some way.

"They"re nerves. Human nerves."

Dane had a question mark floating above her head, all of us were the same.

"It"s the anti-magic technique they were using. They replace a human"s nerves with this magic insulating device, which when provided nutrition and blood, convulses and generates anti-magic waves."

My eyes widen, the way they did it was truly gruesome.

"That"s gruesome Master."

Yuna articulated my thoughts.

"Well… what can you do? Now then, everyone here have lost one or two of their limbs. Help them find the parts and attach their lost property to their body. I"ll fix them up."

Saying so, he tightens his grip and the strings in his hand break with a spark and fall down.

At the same moment, I could feel my mana reaching my element again.

I am able to use magic. But it"s too late.

At Toru"s command, all seven of them vanish and return momentarily.

"Master, done."

"Get the bodies of the two that have fallen and stand back."

When he said so, Yuna dashed down the steps and returned with one body under each arm.

"Well… I killed forty of theirs personally, I guess I avenged their death?"

"Master, dying while ser-"

Dane was cut off by Toru"s annoyed tone.

"I know, I know. I am not going to make a fuss about it. Now, stand back."

They all form a line behind Toru.

All those on the ground were frozen solid from the start till the end.

But now as their body was being repaired, they snapped out of it and focused all their attention on Toru.

My stomach was hurting as well, my insides were bleeding and I was on the verge of breaking.

"Time Magic- Deception of Time."

His voice reverberated in the silent atmosphere, filling the silent hole with an eerie sound of a potter"s wheel moving.

Time… Magic?

He did say "time magic" right?

While I was thinking of such matters, the wound across my stomach, vanished. I couldn"t grasp what happened, and after hearing startled screams originating from the crowd, looks like they have no idea either.

Toru observed the room for a second and spoke to Dane.

"I"m giving you twenty people. Clean everything up. Tell everyone the bare minimum they need to know. I"ll take Jerich and have some fun with him."

Saying so, he grabbed Jerich by his hair and dragged him on the ground, as he left, I wanted to say something, but no words formed.

He abruptly turned around and looked me in the eyes.

"No commitments. No monopolizing. No prying."

Hearing his words… I felt an indescribable joy in my heart.

Fufu, those three things, I"ve already accepted them.

"I love you..."

I said, with all my emotions in those three words.

His lips contorted into a grin, he turned around, and walked away.

As he walked away, several black circles originated and exactly twenty men suddenly appeared in front of us.

Dane went over and explained the situation, listening to which, they nodded and replied with complete synchronization.


The voice of twenty men reverberated, and soon after, all 28 people who were standing there, vanished together, leaving no trace of their existence behind.

"What… happened?"

This was the question looming over the brains of everyone currently present in the room.

No one was aware about the phenomenal existence who humbly resided among us.

"We insulted him so much today… if he wanted to, he could"ve killed all of us in the blink of an eye, for G.o.d"s sake, he has time magic!"

Delcrox said as he held his head in utter panic.

I was told by Toru to not pry, so I"ll ignore this whole ordeal.

I believe that when I got stabbed, Toru was considerably angry, and thus he slaughtered all the people from Dragon Order.

At this moment, my happiness gauge has been overwhelmed, I am basically in heaven.

"Oi Princess. Don"t you have anything to say about that monster?"

One of the men in Delcrox"s party asked me while smashing his fist on the ground.

"I was told by him to not pry. I have no desire to know whatsoever. I got accepted by Toru, I am content with just that. Now I can stay by his side without any reservations."

"...You are the Princess…"

"So what? He just saved all our lives, aren"t you satisfied?"


Everybody"s glance fell down, there was only one person who was looking at me warmly.

"Congratulations, Sylvisama."

Meri-san spoke up from the crowd, her voice gentle and affectionate.

"Thank you, Meri-san."

I could faintly make out silhouettes of people running around the whole inn, I heard a voice calling out to me.

"Princess. How are we going to proceed after this?"

I thought about it for a moment and replied.

"The plan will remain the same, no changes. In addition, n.o.body here will speak about what occurred here once we return to the Capital. Understood?"


Everybody replied together.

Perhaps they realized their own powerlessness, all the men could be seen hanging down their heads.

"Let"s go, Meri-san."

I urged Meri-san to return to the bed as everybody slowly dispersed.

They all had look on their faces which clearly expressed their awe, panic, fear, envy, and hate.

At about 1 AM, I heard my door open, I woke up instinctively and found Toru.


All the emotions that I was holding back since we were captured rained down as I got up from the bed and ran into his chest.

"*Sob* Toru *sob*"

I kept on crying while calling out his name.

I never realized when Meri-san left the room, but when I turned around, she wasn"t there.

I couldn"t care less as I started voicing my feelings.

"I-I was so scared. That man laid his filthy hands on my bod-"

I was ready to vent all my anger, but I was stopped in my tracks by a kiss.

His tongue entered my mouth, I didn"t resist even a little bit as our tongues intertwined and saliva mixed together.

It was a long kiss, he grabbed me around my waist and pulled me closer. My body turned hot and my heart started beating rapidly.

As our lips parted, there was a silver string of saliva connecting us.

"Where were you? You are late."

I said so while caressing my lips.

"I obtained some juicy information."

"You"re not going to tell me, right?"

I said so while lowering down my head.

"What if I give you something better than information."

My eyes widen as I look at his face in complete surprise.

"What? You don"t want to?"

He asked with a smile while placing his hands behind his waist.

There were only two words I needed to speak, and I uttered them, without hesitation.

"I do."

I knew that my face had turned red and had an expression of joy printed on it.

"You"re so cute when you"re embarra.s.sed."

I wanted to retort, but I stopped.

"This is my first time. Please be gentle with me."

I said so while throwing out my arms.

He smiled and pulled me into a tight hug.


I once again realized that I truly love this person.

He picked me up in a princess carry and walked towards the bed.

"I"m carrying an actual princess in a princess carry. Take that, Haru."

I was confused as to who he was talking to but I ignored and braced myself for my first night.

That night, Meri-san "mysteriously" ended up in the men"s room.