The Gatekeeper

Chapter 35

The journey was somewhat uncomfortable, not for me, but for everybody else.

Even Sylvia was in anguish after reminiscing about the events that occurred the day before.

Similar to my own world, there were consequences in this one as well. Sylvia, was to be engaged to Julius, this was an order which directly came from the Royal families of both nations.

However, without thinking, she rejected Julius. This one decision taken by a young woman who was in love could lead a war to break out between Athena and Hades.

At dinner yesterday, Sylvia sincerely apologized for her unreasonable behaviour and asked for all talks concerning their marriage to be postponed to when they were back in the capital.

I was to apologize as well, and I did. Many apologies came from their side as well, and we were able to somewhat reconcile.

Unexpectedly, the people from Hades were quite interested in me, so I was seeked out by them whenever I had a bit of free time.

Not to mention, my relationship with Sylvia was a hot topic among the ladies.

I was pulled into a corner by the Prime Minister, and what he asked about was the reason behind the disappearance of Dragon Order for two hours. To which, I just shrugged my shoulders and gave a vague reply.

"So you really were the same Toru…" that was the only thing he said before he left.

It"s only been eleven days since I arrived in this world, but it feels like it"s been years.

Currently, we are having lunch in the city of Rupee, we are moving relatively faster than before because we have to make it to the Royal Capital tomorrow.

I was sitting beside Sylvia, and on my other side was the second princess from Hades.

It was just a small restaurant, but the food was exemplary. When we entered the restaurant, the people running the restaurant were frozen, but Sylvia managed to calm them down.

The forty or so people from our group were the only people in the restaurant, but it still looked quite packed. As expected of Rupee, I guess.

My companions on the biggest table in the restaurant were crown prince Julius, first princess Julian, second princess Adela, first princess Sylvia, prime minister Adol, head of Claude family Victor Claude, and Delcrox.

"Sitting among such important people makes me nervous."

I said so in a tired tone while placing some meat on my plate.

"You don"t look nervous though~"

The one who said this in a half-joking manner was second princess Adela.

She is twenty years old, the same red hair as her sister and brother, a beautiful face befitting a princess, and presumably a s.a.d.i.s.t.

There was no such word as "s.a.d.i.s.t" in this world"s vocabulary, so I couldn"t call her that, if I were to use an unfamiliar language like j.a.panese here, it would surely result in some troublesome consequences.

"Looks betray reality, second princess."

I said so and gulped the alcohol which was in my gla.s.s.

"Is that so~? Tell me Toru-kun, what magic can you use?"

"And why would you ask me that second princess?"

"Well, it"s just that you didn"t even waver one bit when you were challenged by Julius. You know, he"s one of the strongest in Hades."

"Is that so? You don"t need to worry, I can use some hefty fire magic myself."

"You seem awfully confident. Is it something like "I won"t lose because I have Sylvia", or something?"

Adela showed a clear s.a.d.i.s.tic smile, waiting for my reply.

"That"s unrealistic, you can only do what your body allows you to, feelings don"t affect power whatsoever. In addition, that offer about just taking Sylvia away is still valid, she is actually just a burden to me."

I said so while waving my hands in a dejected manner, to which Sylvia replied in a shocked voice.

"T-T-That"s so mean!! And after you defiled me!?"

"That usage of the word might give some people a wrong idea Sylvia. Please refrain from turning me into something I am not."

She realized her mistake and her face turned red.

"S-Sorry, that wasn"t what I was trying to say."

She bowed her head and apologized to me, to which I shrugged my shoulders and said.

"If I were to say, it was me who got done in by Sylvia."

"Eh? T-That"s not what happened!!"

She said so and slammed the table lightly. Everybody on the table chuckled, except one person, it was Julius.

He had a clouded expression, and was contemplating on something very seriously.

I had come to the conclusion that he was not involved with whatever was happening behind the scenes, so I decided to keep him and his family out of it, but the same couldn"t be said for prime minister Adol.

I knew that he "thought" he was the mastermind behind all the schemes, but he wasn"t. There were many people who were pulling the strings and manipulating his actions.

He could be considered to be an intermediary between the Dragon Order and the outside world to those around him, so he was pretty smug about his importance.

He just didn"t know the truth behind the organization which has been shrouded in mystery since the holy war.

I learnt it"s origins, the people who created it, the reason behind it"s existence, the ways that it works, how the members are selected and trained, everything there was to know about this organization"s basic functionality was known by me, a mere commoner.

I realized the burden I was carrying by killing the leader of their division, who was a significant existence among others in the Dragon Order, I also knew the consequences which would arise because of my actions, but I was ready to face them with a fearless smile.

While both Julius and me were lost in thought, the others began to chat merrily.

After our lunch, we had the restaurant staff pack our dinner for us, and we departed from Rupee.

We travelled non-stop for more than twenty hours but then we had to stop, because even with magic, the horses were just physically unable to keep up.

It is the morning of my twelfth day in this world, and we are currently on our way to Getwein.

We had already visited Mendere and took a quick break there.

If we are to continue at the speed we were moving, we should be able to reach the Royal Capital by lunch, it"s been a while since I ate at the Moonlight River, so I am looking forward to it.

After our break, we packed our stuff in haste and started moving in the direction of the capital.

On the way, we pa.s.sed Getwein, but we didn"t stop at any place in particular. We drew attention from the crowd, but nothing major happened.

After about six hours of journey with considerable speed, we were able to reach the Royal Capital safety.

I had already warned everyone from my group to keep quiet about what I am capable of, in addition to that, I also talked to the people of Hades in order to suppress the ill-will between the nations.

I knew that if I were to leave the situation as it was, it could lead to some catastrophic consequences, my strategy was already in motion, and I wasn"t one to improvise.

I couldn"t let foolishness of one crown prince disrupt my entertainment.

As we closed the distance between us and the West gate of the Capital, I could already see people waiting on the other side of the door, they had flowers and confetti in their hands, fire and light magic was at the ready.

This is going to be a grand welcome. I thought as I adjusted my posture and gestured to Sylvia to fix her clothing. She did so hurriedly and spoke in an excited tone.

"I can"t wait to see Celice, I miss her so much~"

She said so and clasped her hands in front of her.

"Is that so, spend as much time as you can with her."

I said in a gentle voice, knowing what fate waits Celice when I return.