The History Of Painting In Italy

Chapter 118


---- Simone, the younger, a Neapolitan, b. about 1506, d. shortly before 1569. _Dominici._ ii. 385.

Paparello, or Papacello, Tommaso, a Cortonese, scholar of Giulio Romano.

_Vasari._ Living in 1553. _Mariotti._ i. 220.

Pappanelli, Niccol, d. 1620, aged 83, v. 95.

Paradisi, Niccol, a Venetian, painted in 1404, iii. 16.

Paradiso, dal, _see_ Castelfranco.

Paradosso, _see_ Trogli.

Parasole, Bernardino, a native of Norcia, d. in the pontificate of Urban VIII. _Baglione._ ii. 156.

Parentani, Antonino, painted at Turin about 1550. _Guida di Torino._ v.


Parentino, Bernardo, or Lorenzo, (the one his name before he became a monk, the other his a.s.sumed ecclesiastical name) of Parenzo, in Istria; d. an Augustine friar, at Vicenza, in 1531, aged 94. _His Epitaph in Faccioli._ iii. 72.

Paris, di, _see_ Alfani.

Parma, da, Lodovico, a scholar of Francia. _Aff._ Scholar of Costa.

_Malvasia._ iv. 76.

---- Cristoforo, _see_ Caselli.

---- Daniello, _see_ De Por.

Parmigiano, Fabrizio, d. in the pontificate of Clement VIII., aged 45.

_Baglione._ ii. 171, iv. 143.

Parmigianino, _see_ Mazzuoli, _see_ Scaglia, _see_ Rocca.

Parocel, Stefano, painted at Rome in the early part of the eighteenth century. _See Guida di Roma._ ii. 307.

Parodi, Domenico, a Genoese, b. 1668, d. 1740. _Ratti._ v. 431.

---- Batista, his brother, d. 1730, aged 56. _Ratti._ v. 433.

---- Pellegro, son of Domenico, living in 1769. _Ratti._ _ib._

---- Ottavio, a Pavese, b. 1659, living in 1718. _Orlandi._ iv. 321.

Parolini, Giacomo, a Ferrarese, d. 1733, aged about 70. _Baruffaldi._ v.


Parone, Francesco, a Milanese, d. young in 1634. _Baruffaldi._ iv. 298.

Parrasio, Angelo, a Sienese, painted in 1449. _Colucci._ i. 405.

Pasinelli, Lorenzo, a Bolognese, b. 1629, d. 1700. _Crespi._ v. 217, 220.

Pasquali, Filippo, a Forlivese, scholar of Cignani. _Orlandi._ v. 258.

Pasqualini, Felice, a Bolognese, scholar of Sabbatini. _Malvasia._ v. 65.

Pasqualino, _see_ Rossi.

Pasqualotto, Costantino, da Vicenza, lived about 1700. _MS._ iii. 314.

Pa.s.sante, Bartolommeo, a Neapolitan, pupil of Spagnoletto. _Dominici._ ii.


Pa.s.sarotti, Bartolommeo, a Bolognese, flourished about 1578. _Guida di Bologna._ d. 1592. _Oretti, from the Registry of S. Martino Maggiore._ v.


---- Tiburzio, d. 1612. Aurelio, d. at Rome in the time of Clement VIII.

Ventura, d. 1630. Pa.s.sarotto, d. 1585. His sons. _Oretti, Mem._ v. 69.

Pa.s.seri, (in some books Pa.s.sari,) Gio. Batista, a Roman, b. about 1610, d.

a priest in 1679. _Life prefixed by the Editor to the Lives written by him._ ii. 210.

---- Giuseppe, his nephew, b. 1654, d. 1714. _Pascoli._ ii. 283.

---- Andrea, of Como, painted in 1505. _MS._ iv. 235.

Pa.s.signano, da, in the Florentine state, Cav. Domenico Cresti, called also Pa.s.signani, b. 1560, d. 1638. _R. Gall. of Florence._ If he be admitted master of Lodovico Caracci, the date of his birth must be placed earlier.

i. 289, ii. 183, iii. 245, v. 97.

Pasterini, Jacopo, a Venetian, a mosaic worker, flourished about 1615.

_Zanetti._ iii. 253.

Pasti, Matteo, a Veronese, living in 1472. _Maffei._ i. 109, iii. 82.

Pastorino, da Siena, painted at Rome about 1547. _Taia._ i. 227.

Patanazzi, ----, of Urbino, about the times of Claudio Veronese. _MS._ ii.


Pavese, il, _see_ Sacchi.

Pavesi, Francesco, scholar of Maratta. _Vita del Maratta._ ii. 286.

Pavia, Giacomo, a Bolognese, b. the 18th February, 1655. _Oretti, Mem._ d.

about 1750. _Guida di Bologna._ v. 253.

---- da, Donato Bardo, painted in Savona about 1500. _Guida di Genova._ v.