The History Of Painting In Italy

Chapter 119


---- Gio., a scholar of Costa. _Malvasia._ iv. 235.

---- Lorenzo, painted at Savona in 1513. _Guida di Genova._ v. 362.

Pauluzzi, Stefano, a Venetian, living in 1660. _Boschini._ iii. 280.

Pavona, Francesco, di Udine, d. at Venice in 1773, aged 88. _Guida di Bologna._ Corrected by _Renaldis_, for b. 1692, d. 1777. v. 230.

Pecchio, Domenico, a Veronese, and scholar of Balestra, living in 1733.

_Lett. Pittor._ d. about 1760. _Dizion. Istorico._ iii. 383, v. 220.

Pecori, Domenico Aretino, a pupil of D. Bartolommeo. _Vasari._ i. 99.

Pedrali, Giacomo, a Brescian, companion of Domenico Bruni. _Orlandi._ d.

before 1660. _Boschini._ iii. 345.

Pedretti, Giuseppe, a Bolognese, d. 1778, aged 84. _Guida di Bologna._ Or b. 26th February, 1684. _Oretti, Mem._ v. 247.

Pedrini, Gio., a supposed scholar of Vinci at Milan. _MS._ iv. 257.

Pedroni, Pietro, di Pontremoli, d. 1803. _MS._ i. 366.

Pellegrini, Antonio, of a Paduan family, b. at Venice, 1675. d. 1741.

_Guida di Padova._ iii. 368.

---- Girolamo, a Roman, painted about 1674. _Zanetti._ iii. 280.

---- Felice, of Perugia, b. 1567. _Orlandi._ ii. 195; and Vincenzio his brother, called Il Pittor Bello, b. 1575, d. 1612. _Pascoli._ ii. 195.

---- Lodovica, a Milanese lady. _Nuova Guida di Milano_ for 1788. Or Antonia. _Nuova Guida di Milano_ for 1783. Painted in 1626. iv. 282.

---- Andrea, a Milanese of the same family, living in 1595. _Morigia._ _ib._

---- Pellegrino, his cousin, d. 1634. _MS._ _ib._

Pellegrino, di, S. Daniello, his true name is Martino d"Udine, d. soon after 1545. _Renaldis._ iii. 66, v. 302.

Pellegrino, da Modena, _see_ Munari.

---- da Bologna, _see_ Tibaldi.

Pellini, Andrea, a Cremonese, painted in 1595. _MS._ His Christ taken from the cross at S. Eustorgio, bears date 1597. _Oretti, Mem._ iv. 288.

---- Marcantonio, a Pavese, b. 1664, living in 1718. _Orlandi._ Confirmed by _Oretti, from the Registry of his Baptism_. He had afterwards an account of his death, which occurred 21st January, 1760, and that he was aged 101 years. iv. 325.

Pennacchi, Piermaria, di Trevigi, flourished about 1520. _Zanetti._ iii.


Penni, Gianfrancesco, or Il Fattore, b. at Florence, d. aged 40, about 1528. _Vasari._ ii. 110.

---- Luca, his brother, a.s.sistant of Rosso. _Vasari._ i. 209, ii. 111.

Pensaben, P. Marco, and Maraveia P. Marco, his a.s.sistant, Dominicans at Venice, painted at Trevigi in 1520 and 1521; the former born about 1485, and registered in the bills of mortality for 1530. A painter of singular merit, made known to history by P. M. Federici. iii. 85.

Peranda, Santo, a Venetian, b. 1566, d. 1638. _Ridolfi._ iii. 266.

Perino, _see_ Cesarei, _see_ Del Vaga.

Perla, Francesco, da Mantova, a painter of the sixteenth century. _Volta._ iv. 20.

Peroni, Don Giuseppe, di Parma, d. old in 1776. _Aff._ iv. 141.

Peroxino, Gio., painted in 1517. _Della Valle._ v. 452.

Perraccini, Giuseppe, called Il Mirandolese, a scholar of Franceschini, b.

1672, d. 1754. _Crespi._ v. 271.

Perucci, Orazio, da Reggio, d. 1624, aged 76. _Tiraboschi._ iv. 54.

Perugia, da, Gianniccola, b. about 1478. _Pascoli._ d. 1544. _Mariotti._ ii. 38.

---- Mariano, his notices from 1576 to 1547. _Mariotti._ ii. 39.

---- Sinibaldo, his works in 1524 and 1528. _Mariotti._ _ib._

Perugini, a landscape painter at Milan, in the time of Magnasco. _Ratti._ iv. 328. Another of the same name is met with at Milan, d. 1560. _MS._ iv.


Perugino, Domenico, master of Antiveduto Grammatica. _Baglione._ i. 451.

---- Lello, painted in 1321. _Della Valle._ ii. 15.

---- Paolo, or Paolo Gismondi, an academician of St. Luke from 1668.

_Orlandi._ ii. 267.

---- Pietro, or Pietro Vannucci, b. at Citta della Pieve, whence he signs himself _De Castro Plebis_, b. 1446, d. 1524. _Pascoli._ i. 100, 408, ii.

29, 369.

---- another Pietro da Perugia, mentioned by Vasari, who appears to have lived about 1430. ii. 160, iii. 23.

--- Il Cavaliere, _see_ Cerrini.

Peruzzi, Balda.s.sare, called also Balda.s.sare da Siena, b. in Accaiano, (in the Sienese) 1481, d. 1536. _Della Valle._ i. 421., ii. 46.

Peruzzini, Cav. Giovanni, of Ancona, d. 1694, aged 65. _Orlandi._ v. 161, 477.

---- Domenico, his brother. _Guida di Pesaro._ _ib._