The History Of Painting In Italy

Chapter 120

---- Paolo, son of Cav. Gio., painted about 1670, _ib._

Pesari, Gio. Batista, a Modenese, living about 1650. _Tiraboschi._ iv. 61.

Pesaro, da, Niccolo Trometta, d. in the pontificate of Paul V., aged 70.

_Baglione._ ii. 144.

Pesci, Gaspero, a Bolognese, living in 1776. _Catalogo Algarotti._ v. 277.

Pescia, da, Mariano Gratiadei, a scholar of Ridolfo Ghirlandaio. _Vasari._ i. 211.

Pesello, Pesello, a Florentine, b. 1380, d. 1457. _Vasari._ i. 80.

Pesellino, Francesco, his son, b. 1426, d. about 1457. _Vasari._ _ib._

Pesenti, called Il Sabbioneta Galeazzo, a Cremonese, living in the fifteenth century. _Zaist._ iv. 159.

---- Martire, of the same family, living in 1582. _Zaist._ iv. 157.

Petarzano, or Preterazzano, Simone, a Venetian, painted at Milan in 1591.

_Lomazzo._ iv. 286.

Petrazzi, Astolfo, a Sienese, painted in 1631. _Della Valle._ d. 1665.

_Baldinucci._ i. 450.

Petreolo, Andrea, di Venzone, living in 1586. _Renaldis._ iii. 295.

Petri, de", Pietro, b. in the Novarese, d. 1716, at Rome, aged 45. At Rome commonly called De" Pietri. _Orlandi._ ii. 283, iv. 326.

Petrini, Cav. Giuseppe, da Carono, in the Luganese, d. about 1780, aged 80.

_MS._ iv. 323.

Piaggia, Teramo, or Erasmo, di Zoagli, in the Genovese, was living in 1547.

_Soprani._ v. 365.

Piane, dalle, Gio. Maria, a Genoese, called Il Molinaretto, b. 1660, d.

1745. _Ratti._ v. 425.

Pianoro, _see_ Morelli.

Piastrini, Gio. Domenico, a Pistoiese, scholar of Luti. _Serie degli Ill.u.s.tri Pittori._ i. 355.

Piattoli, Gaetano, a Florentine, b. 1703, d. about 1770. _MS._ i. 362.

Piazza, Callisto, _see_ Da Lodi.

---- P. Cosimo, da Castelfranco, a Cappuchin, d. 1621, aged 64. _Ridolfi._ iii. 273.

---- Cav. Andrea, his nephew, painted in 1649, d. about the year 1670.

_MS._ iii. 273.

Piazzetta, Gio. Batista, a Venetian, d. 1754, aged 71. _Longhi._ Or 72.

_Zanetti._ iii. 359.

Picchi, Giorgio, b. in Castel Durante, now Urbania, was living in 1599, d.

aged about 50. _Terzi._ ii. 192.

Piccinino and Chiocca, lived about 1500. _Morigia._ iv. 234.

Piccione, Matteo, Marchigiano, an academician of S. Luke in 1655.

_Orlandi._ ii. 234.

Piccola, la, Niccola, or Lapiccola, of Palermo, b. 1730, _Florent. Dic._ d.

1790. ii. 290.

Picenardi, Carlo, a Cremonese, flourished about 1600. d. young. _Zaist._ iv. 194.

---- another Carlo Picenardi, flourished about 1660, d. aged 70. _Zaist._ _ib._

Piemontese, Cesare, flourished in the pontificate of Gregory XIII. _Taia._ ii. 171.

Pieri, Stefano, a Florentine, d. in the pontificate of Clement VIII., aged 87. _Baglione._ i. 263.

Pieri, de", Antonio, called Lo Zotto, that is, Zoppo da Vicenza, painted in 1738. _Guida di Rovigo._ iii. 314.

Pierino, _see_ Gallinari, _see_ Del Vaga.

Pietro, di, Lorenzo, _see_ Vecchietta.

Pievano, Stefano, di S. Agnese, his painting of 1381. _Boni Opusc.

Scientifici._ iii. 9.

Pignone, Simone, a Florentine, b. 1614, d. 1706. _R. Gall. of Florence._ d.

16th December, 1698, and buried at the Teatini. _Oretti, Mem._ i. 306.

Pilotto, Girolamo, a Venetian, living in 1590. _Guida di Rovigo._ iii. 270.

Pinacci, Gioseffo, b. at Siena, 1642, living in 1718. _Orlandi._ i. 454.

Pinelli, Antonio, a Bolognese, scholar of the Caracci. _Malvasia._ d. 1644.

_Oretti, Mem._ v. 197.

Pini, Eugenio, an Udinese, b. at the beginning of the seventeenth century, living in 1655. _Ab. Boni._ iii. 296.

---- Paolo, a Lucchese. _Orlandi._ Flourished shortly after the Caracci.

_MS._ iv. 327.

Pino, Paolo, a Venetian, living in 1565. _Guida di Padova._ iii. 160.

---- da Messina, _see_ Messina.