The History Of Painting In Italy

Chapter 121

---- da, Marco, called also Marco da Siena, d. about 1587. _Dominici._ i.

180, ii. 129, 382.

Pinturicchio, Bernardino, da Perugia, b. 1454, d. 1513. _Pascoli._ Called also Bernardino Betti. _Mariotti._ i. 408, ii. 33, 58.

Pio, del, Giovannino, _see_ Bonatti.

Piombo, del, F. Sebastiano, a Venetian, d. 1547, aged 62. _Vasari._ His surname was Luciano. _Claudio Tolomei_, cited in the _Pitture di Lendinara_, p. 9. i. 181, ii. 107, iii. 105.

Piola, Gio. Gregorio, a Genoese, d. 1625, aged 42. _Soprani._ v. 402.

---- Pierfrancesco, b. 1565, d. 1600. _Soprani._ _ib._

---- Pellegro, or Pellegrino, b. 1617, d. 1640. _Soprani._ _ib._

---- Domenico, his brother, b. 1628, d. 1703. _Ratti._ v. 404.

---- Antonio, son of Domenico, b. 1654, d. 1715. _Ratti._ _ib._

Piola, Paolgirolamo, another son, b. 1666, d. 1724. _Ratti._ v. 430.

---- Gio. Batista, another son. _Ratti._ v. 404.

---- Domenico, son of Gio. Batista, d. 1744, aged 26. _Ratti._ _ib._

Pippi, Giulio Romano, d. 1546, aged 54. _Vasari._ ii. 107, iv. 14.

---- Raffaello, his son, d. 1560, aged 30. _Volta._ iv. 20, _et seq._

Pisanelli, _see_ Spisano, _see_ Storali.

Pisanello, Vittore, da S. Vito, in the Veronese. _Pozzo._ Or rather da S.

Virgilio sul Lago. _Maffei Veron. parte 3, cap. 6._ Flourished about 1450. _Vasari._ He was also called Pisano. _Morelli Notiz._, p. 179.

iii. 32.

Pisano, Giunta, his notices from 1210 to 1236. _Morrona._ i. 11.

---- Niccola, d. about 1275. _Vasari._ i. 5, 6.

---- Giovanni, his son, d. 1320. _Vasari._ i. 7, 35.

---- Andrea, an architect and sculptor of the fourteenth century, i. 6.

Pisbolica, Giacomo, painted at Venice in the sixteenth century. _Vasari._ iii. 241.

Pistoia, da, Gerino, a scholar of Pietro Perugino. _Vasari._ Painted in 1529. _MS._ i. 101.

---- Giovanni, a scholar of Cavallini. _Vasari._ ii. 14.

---- Leonardo, a scholar of Fattore. _Vasari._ He is surnamed Guelfo dal Celano in the _Notizie di Napoli_; by others Malatesta, and perhaps Gratia.

It appears there were two artists of the same name, one of whom lived in 1516, the other later. i. 218, ii. 119, 378.

---- F. Paolo, a scholar of Frate. _Vasari._ i. 194.

Pitocchi, da, Matteo, a Florentine, flourished about 1650. _Guida di Rovigo._ d. at Padua about 1700, at an advanced age. _Melchiori._ iii. 282.

Pittoni, Gio. Batista, a Venetian, d. 1767, about 80. _Zanetti._ iii. 358.

---- Francesco, his uncle, _ib._

Pittor Bello, _see_ Pellegrini.

Pittor Santo, il, _see_ Roderico.

---- Villano, il, _see_ Misciroli.

Pittor, da" Libri, il, _see_ Caletti.

Pittori, Lorenzo, a Maceratese, painted in 1533. _Colucci._ ii. 45.

---- Paolo, del Masaccio, accounts of him from 1556, d. 1590. _Colucci._ ii. 168.

Pizzoli, Giovacchino, a Bolognese, b. 1651, d. 1733. _Zanotti._ v. 212.

Pizzolo, Niccolo, a Paduan, d. at the end of the fifteenth century. _Guida di Padova._ iii. 72.

Po, del, Pietro, a Sicilian, b. 1610, d. 1692. _Pascoli._ ii. 209, 410.

---- Giacomo, his son, a Roman, d. 1726, aged 72. _Pascoli._ ii. 412.

---- Teresa, a Roman lady, daughter of Pietro, an academician of S. Luke in 1678. _Pascoli._ d. 1716. _Dominici._ _ib._

Poccetti, Bernardino Barbatelli, a Florentine, called also Bernardino delle facciate, or delle grotesche, b. 1542, d. 1612. _Baldinucci._ This date should be corrected on the authority of a note by the Canon. Moreni, (vol.

ii. p. 152) where it is observed that in 1591 he was in his forty-third year. i. 265.

Poco e Buono, il, _see_ Nanni.

Poggino, di,, a Florentine, scholar of Sogliani. _Baldinucci._ i.


Polla, da, Bartolommeo, appears to have flourished about 1500. _MS._ iii.


Polazzo, Franc., a Venetian, d. 1753, aged 70. _MS._ iii. 361.

Poli, two brothers, of Pisa, painted in the seventeenth century, i. 326.

Polidorino, _see_ Ruviale.