The History Of Painting In Italy

Chapter 136

Tommasi, Tommaso, di Pietra Santa, a scholar of the Melani. _MS._ i. 362.

Tommaso, di, Stefano, _see_ Giottino.

Tonduzzi, Giulio, da Faenza, painted in 1513. _Orlandi._ At S. Bernardino di Faenza is one of his pictures with the name and year 1532. _Oretti, Mem._ v. 91.

Tonelli, Giuseppe, a Florentine, lived in 1718. _Orlandi._ Painted from the year 1668. _Descrip. de la Gallerie R. de Flor._, p. 51. He was sent to study at Bologna under Aldovrandi. _Oretti, Mem._ i. 328.

Tonno, a Calabrese, who killed Polidoro. _Hakert._ ii. 377.

Torbido, Francesco, called Il Moro, a Veronese, scholar of Giorgione.

_Vasari._ iii. 108.

Torelli, Maestro, or Tonelli, pupil of Coreggio. _Ratti._ iv. 117.

---- Cesare, a Roman, painter and mosaic worker, d. in the pontificate of Paul V. _Baglione._ ii. 158.

---- Felice, a Veronese, b. 1667. _Zanotti._ d. 1748. _Crespi._ Or b. 1670, by Biancolini, d. 12th June, 1748, as I learn from _Oretti_. v. 228.

---- Lucia, by birth Casalini, a Bolognese, the wife of Felice, b. 1677, d.

1762. _Crespi._ _ib._

Toresani, Andrea, a Brescian, an artist of the eighteenth century.

_Guarienti._ d. aged about 33. _Carbone presso l"Oretti_, in 1760. _MS._ iii. 371.

Tornioli, Niccolo, a Sienese, living in 1640. _Lett. Pittoriche_, tom. i.

i. 432.

Torre, Bartolommeo and Teofilo Aretini, the second pupil of the former, flourished in 1600. _Orlandi._ i. 314.

---- Flaminio, a Bolognese, called Degli Ancinelli, d. young in 1661.

_Orlandi._ v. 163.

---- della, Gio. Batista, originally of the Polesine, d. 1631.

_Baruffaldi._ He was established at Ferrara. v. 335.

Torre, Gio. Paolo, a Roman, scholar of Muziano. _Baglione._ ii. 149.

Torregiani, Bartolommeo, d. young shortly after 1673. _Pa.s.seri._ ii. 244.

Torri, written also Torre and Torrigli, Pierantonio, a Bolognese, living in 1678. _Malvasia._ v. 140.

Torricelli, _see_ Buonfanti.

Tortelli, Gioseffo, a Brescian, b. 1662, living in the time of Averoldi, or perhaps in 1700. _Orlandi._ iii. 328.

Tortiroli, Gio. Batista, a Cremonese, b. 1621, d. aged 30. _Zaist._ The date of his birth should be placed earlier, as he painted well in 1632. See _Colucci_, who cites one of his works with the name and ancient date in vol. xix. iv. 195.

Tossicani, Gio. Aretino, a scholar of Giottino. i. 58.

Tozzo, del, Gio., a Sienese, flourished towards the year 1530. _Della Valle._ i. 435.

Traballesi, Bartol., a Florentine, a.s.sistant of Vasari. _Descrip. de la Gall. R. de Flor._ i. 265.

---- Francesco, painted at Rome in the pontificate of Gregory XIII.

_Baglione._ _ib._

Traini, Francesco, a Florentine, scholar of Andrea Orcagna. _Vasari._ i.


Trasi, Lodovico, of Ascoli, b. 1634, d. 1694. _Guida di Ascoli._ ii. 287.

Travi, Antonio, da Sestri, in the Genovese, called Il Sordo di Sestri, d.

1668, aged 55. _Soprani._ v. 420.

Trevilio, da, in the Milanese, Bernardo, or Bernardino Zenale, d. 1526.

_MS._ iv. 224.

Trevigi, da, Dario, flourished about 1474, as we read in the _City Guide_, and not 1374. iii. 73.

---- Antonio, his paintings in 1402 and 1414. _P. Federici._ iii. 38.

---- Giorgio, living in 1437. _Rossetti._ _ib._

---- Girolamo, his paintings from 1470 to 1492. _P. Federici_, who surnames him Aviano. iii. 74.

---- Girolamo, the younger, b. 1508, d. 1544. _Ridolfi._ And supposed of the Pennacchi family. _Federici._ iii. 120.

Trevisani, Angelo, a Venetian, was living in 1753. _Guarienti._ iii. 356.

---- Francesco, di Trevigi, b. 1656, d. 1746. _R. Gall. of Flor._ ii. 296, iii. 356.

Trezzo, da, Giacomo, a mosaic worker in _pietre dure_. Of the Milanese school, d. 1595. _MS._ i. 332.

Tricomi, Bartolommeo, a Messinese, scholar of Domenichino. _Hakert._ ii.


Triva, Antonio, da Reggio, b. 1626, d. 1699. _Tiraboschi._ iv. 64, v. 477.

---- Flaminia, his sister, living in 1660. _Boschini._ _ib._

Trivellini and Bernardoni, Ba.s.sanese, scholars of Volpato. The first inscribes the date of 1694 on a picture at Castelfranco. _Federici._ iii.


Trogli, Giulio, called Il Paradosso, a Bolognese, living in 1678.

_Malvasia._ d. 1685, aged 72. _Guida di Bologna._ v. 149.

Tromba, _see_ Rinaldi.