The History Of Painting In Italy

Chapter 151

Tiraboschi, Cav. _History of Italian Literature._ The Modenese edition is cited, with additions, from 1788 to 1794, 16 vols. 4to. Also the Venetian edition in 8vo. is cited; subjoining the words _Ven. ed._ _Preface_, xvii.

i. 100, 107, _et seq._

---- The same. _Notices of Modenese Artists_ inserted in the _Biblioteca Modenese_, tom. vi. 7 vols. 4to. Modena, 1781, _et seq._ They were printed also separately, Modena, 1786, 4to. They are cited in vol. iv. 3, 32, and through the whole school of Modena; oftener in that of Parma and elsewhere.

Torri, Co. Luigi. _Observations concerning the Punic War._ Verona, 1786, 8vo. v. 357.

Trogli, Giulio. _Rules for the practice of the Art of Perspective._ Bologna, 1672, fol. v. 149.


Valle, della, P. M. Guglielmo, M. C. _Lettere Senesi._ Venice, 3 vols. 4to.

Afterwards at Rome from 1782 to 1786. Their merit, i. 373. Cited throughout the Sienese school. Not approved in some points, i. 376, 379.

---- The same. _Corrections and Additions to Vasari._ Inserted in the Sienese edition, from 1791 to 1794, 11 vols. 8vo. Opinion upon them, i.

242. Cited, v. 449, and elsewhere. Not approved, i. 436, ii. 32, iv. 99.

---- The same. _Index of the Artists employed in the Cathedral of Orvieto_; extracted from the _History of that Cathedral_; by the same author. Rome, 1791, 4to. with plates, fol. It is inserted in the second volume of Vasari, _Sienese edition_. Cited, i. 39, ii. 13, and other parts of Book III.

---- The same. _Discourse recited in Arcadia, the 4th day of March, 1784._ It is inserted in the Giornale de" Letterati Pisani, vol. liii. p. 241. i.


Vannetti, Count Clementino. _Anecdotes respecting the Painter Gasparantonio Baroni Cavalcab di Sacco._ Verona, 1781, 8vo. In Index I.

Varchi, Benedetto. _Funeral Oration on the Obsequies of Mich. Buonaroti._ Florence, 1564, 4to. i. 170.

Vasari. _Lives of the most excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects._ Florence, 1550, 2 vols. 8vo. i. 240.

---- _And newly corrected and augmented by the author, with the addition of those living and deceased from the year 1550 to 1567._ Florence, 1568, 3 vols. 4to. Subsequent editions. i. 241. Vasari is cited in every book from the last Florentine edition, with notes. History and merit of this work, i.

238. Its author accused of injustice to several artists, i. 7, 17, 219, 246, 249, 373, 409, ii. 34, 69, 90, 115, 375, 381, iii. 2, 30, 98, 100, 104, 161, 192, 204, 244, iv. 79, 83, 156, 163, 262, 270, v. 4, 35, 54, 287, 303, 371. Exculpated in some of the pages cited, and i. 7, 51, 242, 395, ii. 381, iv. 80, v. 35, and elsewhere. Corrected in his nomenclature, or in the epochs, i. 59, 136, 183, 389, 409, 421, ii. 33, 72, 90, 115, 375, 381, iii. 33, 41, 60, 62, 65, 68, 166, 178, 252, iv. 76, 220, 224, 259, v. 14, 30, 46, 64, 296, 299, 314.

Vasari. _Ma.n.u.script Notes_ on the Lives of the Painters, written by Federigo Zuccaro. _See_ Zuccaro.

---- _Notes_ by one of the Caracci, supposed to be Agostino. i. 244. _See also Bottari and Della Valle._

---- The same. _Introduction to the three Arts of Design._ It is prefixed to the first volume. i. 224, 237, iv. 56.

---- The same. _Opuscoli._ i. 238, 267, 268.

Vedriani, Lodovico. _Lives of the Painters, Sculptors, and Architects of Modena._ Modena, 1662, 4to. iv. 32, 83, 114.

Venuti, _see_ Risposta.

Verci, Gio. Batista. _Anecdotes respecting the Lives and Works of the Painters, Sculptors, and Engravers of Ba.s.sano._ Venice, 1775, 8vo. iii. 4, 200.

Vernazza of Fresnoy, Barone Giuseppe. _Eulogy of Gio. Molinari._ Turin, 1793, 8vo. _National Anecdotes relating to the Arts of Design._ _ib._ 1792, 8vo. v. 449, 454, 474, 487.

Verri, Count ... _History of Milan._ Milan, 1783, 1 vol. 4to. i. 7.

Vignola, _see_ Danti.

Vinci, Gio. Bat. _Historical Eulogy on the celebrated Painter Antonio Cavallucci._ Rome, 1795, 8vo.

---- Lionardo. _Treatise on Painting, with the Eulogy of the Ab. Fontani._ Florence, 1792, 4to. i. 1, iv. 239.

---- Another Eulogy of the Dottore Durazzini, in vol. iii. of Ill.u.s.trious Tuscans. i. 150.

---- The same. _MSS._ placed in the Ambrosian Library, and _Observations_ on them by the Ab. Amoretti. iv. 247.

Visconti. _Museo Pio Clementino._ Rome, 1782, _et seq._ 6 vols. fol. ii.


Volpati, Gio. Batista. _La Verita Pittoresca._ _MS._ in the possession of Count Giuseppe Remondini. iii. 315.

Volta, Camillo Leopoldo, Prefect of the Museum, and Member of the Academy of Mantua. _Notices of Mantuan Professors._ They are inserted in the _Mantuan Diary_ for 1777, 24. iv. 31.


Walpole, Horace. _Anecdotes of Painting in England._ 1762, 4 vols. 4to. i.


Winkelman, Gio. _History of the Arts of Design among the Ancients._ I have cited the Roman edit. with notes by the Sig. Avv. Fea. Rome, 1783, 1784, 3 vols. 4to. ii. 6, 265.

---- _Gemme del Barone Stochs_, 4to. i. 166.


Zaccolini, P. Matteo, a Theatine. _Treatises on Perspective._ _MS._ ii.

239, 260, v. 95.

Zaist, Gio. Batista. _Historical Notices of the Painters, Sculptors, and Architects of Cremona; with a Supplement and Life of the Author written by Anton Maria Panni._ Cremona, 1774, 2 vols. 4to. Cited, iv. 148, and throughout the school of Cremona.

Zamboni, Balda.s.sare. _Account of the most celebrated public Buildings in the City of Brescia._ _ib._ 1778, fol. In Index I.

Zannelli, Ippolito. _Life of the great Painter Carlo Cignani._ Bologna, 1772, 4to. v. 253.

Zannetti, Antonio Maria (_see Letter Z, in Index I._). _On Venetian Painting, and the public Works of the Venetian Masters._ Five books, Venice, 1771, 8vo. Its merit, preface, x. and iii. 1. Cited in the pages which follow, throughout the first book of the same volume. Corrected, iii.

15, 21, 55, 291.

Zani, D. Pietro. _Materials for the History of the Origin and Progress of Engraving in Copper and on Wood._ Parma, 1802, 8vo. i. 134.

Zanotti, Zampietro. _History of the Clementine Academy of Bologna._ _ib._ 1739, 2 vols. 4to. Praised in vol. v. 217, 235. Cited throughout the fourth epoch of the Bolognese school.

---- The same. _Directions for the Progress of Youth in Painting._ Bologna, 1756, 8vo. v. 237.

---- The same. _Description and Ill.u.s.tration of the Pictures of Pellegrino, Tibaldi, and Niccolo Abbati, in the Inst.i.tute of Bologna._ Venice, 1756, folio, v. 60.