The Real Monster

Chapter 17




A very loud shout resounded all throughout the castle town. That swear represented the resentment that the person who uttered it had in his heart at the moment. The reason, the sight before him in the halls of the castle where the royalty once resided; the blood of people he had sworn to protect, to take care of and to shelter. The black blood that was evidence of how long it had already been since they died p.r.i.c.ked the eyes of Clay and gripped is heart ever so tightly. They did not know them, he was a stranger to them and he would not have hesitated to take their lives had they met in battle. However, to face such cruelty all because of him, that was not something anyone would be enthused about, not at all. And Clay, Clay was not someone heartless.

"NO!" The longest shout that he ever released with so much grief for the first time in this world, no, for his entire life. He felt for his heart and gripped his chest tightly, the tears that flowed down his eyes just thinking of the children that laid and were sprawled on the ground their necks slit and their hands unbound, as if killing them was the right of the killer, they offered no resistance at all, only the dry tears that marked their faces were the evidence of their despair.

"THIS IS NOT WHAT I WANTED!" Clay wailed as he beat his own chest. He gambled. He gambled that the royalty will do as he said, but he did not expect them to be so vicious as to kill gather and kill them. What was this? Clay despaired. He planned to have the royalty surrender the families of those elites to sever their ties with them and take them in. That was his gamble, but who would have thought that Clay"s gamble would be a success yet a great failure at the same time. They were gathered and left, but they were left for dead. How was this something he expected? He expected that the royals would leave and do what he asked and dance to his tune, yet this is what happened. His hate for the royals raged and without holding back he shouted to the top of his lungs. "I WILL f.u.c.kING HUNT YOU DOWN LIKE THE DOGS THAT YOU ARE ACADRIA!" His shout, filled with anger and hate activated his Overpower that had close to 100% of killing those abysmally inferior to him. Suddenly, the whole world turned quiet and only his wails reverberated throughout the kingdom.

Outside the castle, innocents collapsed one after another without anyone escaping the same fate. Once they collapsed, they never had the chance to get back up or even wake up. Even those who called themselves the ace of their branch"s adventurer and mercenary guilds collapsed without exception. Guild Master and normal citizen alike all died. This incident was recorded in history as the [Fall of Acadria] which referred to the people of Acadria who died because of the foolishness of the royal family as well as the Hero"s humanity. Humans are weak emotionally.

However one may present himself strong, no one is impervious to emotions and sentiments, unless you"ve abandoned your humanity. Clay had become colder than he was on earth, yet he did not abandon his humanity and still counted life as precious, notwithstanding when in battle.

It took three days of shouting, crying and beating for Clay to stop and another two days to just kneel silently in front of the corpses. He has long tried to see their statuses and confirming if they really were the family of the elite troops. Every time he did, he would clench his fists very tightly until it bleeds because every time it returns [Royal Shadow Elite Troops]. With gritted teeth, weakly stood up and gave a silent prayer for them praying to the G.o.d he believed in on earth.

"I"m sorry for what happened to you. Let me bury you in front of the palace because you at least deserve this much." So he did what he set out to do and buried them. It was not in his mind that the whole town was silent; all he had in his mind was fulfilling his task.

"First I"ll bury you then I will hunt down those dogs and feed them to the earth."

After laboring to dig their graves, he used magic to harden the walls on the hole and then took curtains from the palace to cover them with and buried them with it. He labored again manually to close the hole and then used magic to harden the cover. He did all that for 8 hours straight. He hasn"t eaten anything since the first day and he was okay, although there was weakness he felt but that was a weakness in spirit. HE did not notice this at all.

As a final thing that he did, "I will make this palace your tombstone" as he gathered strength in his right fist, he sent out a punch towards the ground inside the palace. The fist and the ground collided and the palace grounds collapsed in defeat. The whole castle crumbled apart while he erected a huge memorial at the heads of every tomb to be their tombstone. In it he used his laser vision to write the names of the people who died because of the royal family"s cruelty. In it he wrote, [Here lay, the families of those who served loyally to the Royal Family of Acadria and was repaid with death…] followed by the name of each individual. This tombstone became a landmark for future generations that served as a warning to never become like the Acadria royals and also served to become the first ever warning that angering the Hero, was not just one person"s dismay, but those around them as well. This is where Clay got his nickname, Wrathful Hero. He was feared everywhere in the human realms in the future.

After doing all that, Clay directly flew out of the castle town and never looked back. He never knew that he killed millions of people, until another time. The lives of these people were actually pinned to the Royal Family of Acadria by the historians and bards. Overnight, the kingdom of Acadria lost their leaders and also their citizens. The only sound that could be heard from the castle town was the sobs of a young lad.



I flew away without hesitation and without looking back at the place. I have now a goal in mind and my anger cannot be quenched by letting the royal family roam freely. I will kill them one by f.u.c.king one! First I have to go to a nearby village or city to ask the guilds for the whereabouts of the royal family. I know they would have information about such high profile people even without anyone asking them to. I simply have to pay for that price, whatever price.

I flew for about 30 minutes to find a considerably big city that"s sure to have the kind of information I"m looking for. Descending before a place I think is what looked like a guild and entering it, I found the receptionist and told her to get me the guild master. As I am in no mood for formalities and whatever nonsense they may have, I would surely come off as rude. Well I don"t care.

"I"m here to see the guild master, please tell him it is a matter of life and death." I told the receptionist before she even uttered a sound from her opened up mouth. She was surprised and pouted and I found it cute, but I"m really just not in the mood to admire that. "Please hurry up." I demanded. To which she also answered promptly, [I"m sorry; the guild master does not meet with just anyone. Please come back when you"ve set an appointment with him.] I know she"s just doing her job, but man, I want to grab her neck and crack it right now. This anger boiling inside me is threatening to burst. I told her again without raising my eyes that I lowered earlier, "Please, do it now. It"s an urgent matter, or else…" When I finished speaking that, someone close to us came and grabbed my shoulders saying, [Young man, why don"t you come back again when she says come back again, why cause this trouble for our little receptionist eh?] Dammit, I don"t know if she sent a signal for help to this guy or not, but this really is p.i.s.sing me off and making me think that they want to help the royal family in hiding from me. Although I know they aren"t but my mind is being clouded right now. Everyone seems like they"re hiding things from me and I don"t like it. I hate it in fact. f.u.c.k!

*crack* I channeled the real weight of my right arm into the wooden counter that I rested it on as I was demanding to meet with the guild master. Some surprised gasps came about but I just did not care at the moment. I was aware that the receptionist girl was afraid now and that lots of the mercenaries behind me were standing up one by one. I don"t have time for this s.h.i.t so I raised my voice, "If you"re here, then come out Guild Master, I will not ask again. If not I won"t be able to take responsibility for what happens to these people around me. Do not try to test me or underestimate me, or I will kill everyone here and that blood will be on your hands. Understand?" As if taking offense with what I said, the guy holding my shoulders strengthened his grip, I couldn"t feel it but I saw his hand showing a lot of veins popping out, so he must be. While the people surrounding us were arming themselves and unsheathing their swords or whatever weapon they had on them, some even grabbed their bottles and held it like a weapon as well.

"I will wait for another minute, if you do not come here by then, I will start killing people, and you, if he is not here, you should be telling me now or regret it later." I raised my voice and gave him an ultimatum while also informing the receptionist to tell me if the guild master was in or out. She did not speak and just continued to shiver in front of me, how useless. That same guy gripping my shoulder, surely couldn"t hold back from landing a punch on me for scaring the receptionist and spouting my c.r.a.p, if I were the one listening to myself, but this time, it really is not c.r.a.p and he really picked the wrong time to play hero. The punch he sent did not land as I plucked his arm from its base. To the ones watching it would have been as if his hands just decided to divorce him and leave him bleeding, but in reality I just moved so fast and plucked it off without batting an eyelid. I think it became my hobby, but whenever I turn to plucking off human limbs or even monsters and beasts, I always cauterize the wound with heat manipulation. This moment, he just lost his capital for being a mercenary, unless he can still effectively work after this. However, if he still insists on attacking me, not only will he lose his job, he will also lose his life.

"Someone stop this man from attacking me again, or I swear to G.o.d, he will lose his life." I said so, I don"t know if Overpower activated with that, but they all stepped back after that. They may be veterans, but their lives should still be more valued than camaraderie right? That"s how mercenaries should be, or at least what I know from the books.

[b.a.s.t.a.r.d] Ah, n.o.body stopped him. He still swung his other hand towards me after crying out for a bit. As expected of a veteran, a little pain will not dampen his will, although that also clouded his will, as expected as well. I was going to end his life when I saw someone extending their hand towards the guy to stop him. Will he make it in time? The swung hand was almost upon me, and time is in super slow motion right now so I can afford to wait. Seeing as the one stopping him would not make it after a bit of calculation, I moved my hands and plucked the head off the guy effortlessly. Blood sprayed all over the place and on my face. I"m now drenched in blood and I don"t care.

"Guild Master, your time is up. You want your people to die on your establishment? Shall I kill them one by one each minute that pa.s.s that you don"t show yourself? I am in a hurry but I am also not going to pa.s.s up on letting out steam. If you want to blame someone, blame the G.o.d that brought me here." I said so with coldness apparent in my tone. The gasps and the receptionist"s cry after I plucked the head of that guy resounded in my ears but I can"t care about it right now as I have just become enemy to them, and by convention, I also have made them my enemies. If the guild master does not come out at this moment, then this place really will be drenched in blood.

[What manner of insolence is this?! To so brazenly come here and conduct a slaughter, you think you"re some invincible existence?!] A person wearing a sleeveless shirt came out of the room from the back. He exuded a very authoritative aura and shouted those things towards me who was holding a head in my hand. Finally, the one I"m looking for.

"You should have come out the moment I asked for you instead of coming out after someone died. Everyone here has heard my warning and at least someone listened to my other advice and tried to stop this guy, although a tad bit late. Remember what I announced earlier gentlemen that the blood spilled after my warning was on whose hands?" I gave them a momentary look and returned it towards the guild master whose face warped in a very ugly manner. I understand your arrogance for landing in that position, but it"s not every day that someone asks for you to immediately come without prior notice huh? Actually, being a villain really is much easier that playing hero you can get everything very easily, like taking candy from a baby. Like for example this situation.

[I"m here now. So what is it that you want?] He directly asked. How insensitive of this guy.

"You won"t even tell them to get the receptionist out of here as she might just have a heart attack from all these stimulation? How cold, you are." I teased; I"m really just letting out my anger on him.

[Tell me now! What do you want from me?!] He demanded again. Tsk. Your tone is making me lose my temper again, as if you"re the one who"s on a higher place.

"You"re lucky I"m in a hurry. I want information about where the Royal Family of Acadria is right now, each and every one of them. And I want it now. I know you have that information in your hands right now." I cut to the chase and told him directly then I continued, "All of those who are here, better not move a muscle while I"m speaking with the guild master, or I will kill you. Understood?" I had to keep them all here for now, because one of them may just have that information if this guild master refuses to tell me even with his life on the line. There are people like that, so just in case.

[Why do you want information like that?] The guild master is slowly losing all my respect for him. I just showed him that I am not in the mood for playing games and he still dares to ask about it.

"Guild master, you might want to skip directly to telling me what I want, or do you actually think that you"re the only place I can go to, to find out about what I want to know about? So better spill it now or from now on, every place that I visit will be pinned on you and any blood that spills will be on you as well. People talk with different kinds of pressure as well, maybe they would know where your family is right now and I would pay them a visit? You know, just saying that it is a possibility."

If after this he still insists on playing word games with me, then I will have no choice but to give him something to really think about. Maybe he thinks that he can take me on with everyone else here. Have I not established my dominance enough?

[Leave my family out of this! I don"t have the information you want, and even if I do, I will never give it to yo-] before he could finish his sentence I already took his right leg. "I.AM.NOT.IN.THE.MOOD.TO.PLAY.GAMES.WITH.YOU, So you better get your s.h.i.t together and tell me what I want to know now. Please." With gritted teeth and a lot of holding back, I managed to keep myself from just grabbing his head and tossing it away. Now in both my hands are a leg and someone"s head. DAMMIT! How hard is it to understand that what I want is so easy to give, and you still play with me and your life at this time? What sort of drive do you have that keeps you from seeing the reality of the situation?!

"Alright, if you don"t want to speak, then let me ask those of you who are here. Who among you knows the whereabouts of the Royal Family of Acadria? All of them no exception, if you can provide me with accurate and reliable information, I will give you 10 gold each just for that information. If you also throw in the names of the officials under them, I would be really grateful."

After saying so, the place became silent with only the guild master whining in pain and the receptionist sobbing behind the counter.