The Real Monster

Chapter 5


So Giselle and me, we"re on this field where she brought me at. And she was hesitant in teaching me magic since it wasn"t an ideal place where it"s

safe from prying eyes. So I pointed out that she could probably use her spell that sealed the s.p.a.ce we were in and use that as a safe zone although improvised, it should be able to shelter us for a brief moment to learn some magic right?

[I,I"ve never heard of using that magic for this. What you just suggested may just be a great discovery to use in a new way. I have to take note of this. Shall we try it?]

Of course we had to wait until she recovered some of her magic enough to cast the spell.

She became high strung after that and I just let her be for a while until she calmed down again. Don"t tell me, they"ve been using that magic, only for the use of having secret meetings and what not? Plus, she has been hiding that she knows s.p.a.ce Magic in the castle. So maybe she did not have time to simply research more on it. Whatever, I just want to learn this s.p.a.ce magic thingy, since it"s rather convenient to have this when you want to move from one location to the next. So when will she calm down?


It took me close to twenty minutes of waiting for her to realize and wake up from her trance. She just suddenly took out something from thin air and wrote on it. I recognize the pen and paper, but just now, was that what I think it was? Item box?

"Wait, wait. What was that?"

[What was what?]

"You know, you took something out of thin air, is that you know, Item box?"

[Item box? No, no. We call it and it"s very convenient for merchants and n.o.bles to have it. Sadly, not all people are gifted with the talent of using s.p.a.ce magic, unlike me and some few others in the kingdom.]

She puffed up her chest as if it"s not puffed up enough. I only shake my head from her boastful appearance. Anyway, so what I got from her speech is that not everyone is able to study s.p.a.ce magic or to make it more general, everyone cannot use the same magic as others do. So different people have different affinity or something huh? Let"s ask to confirm.

"So then how will we know if one is compatible with this or that kind of magic? Are there affinities to factor that as well?"

[Hm. Yes, I had a high affinity with s.p.a.ce magic so I learned it, actually, humans only have one affinity each. While other species of the world can have 2 to even 4 affinities based on their race. The dragon kind can have 4 to 5 affinities on average. Only the humans have one. However, we make up for the affinities we lack by having a population that far exceeds other species. So if we gather 8 people for each affinity then we can counter any other race however, that would still disadvantage us in situations where we are surrounded by a group of other races, so we can never be too careful.]

[And to know what affinity we have, it was devised by some sage long ago to recite the basic spells for each of the affinity. Basically, there are 8 affinities namely Fire, Earth, Water, Wind, Light, Dark, Null, and s.p.a.ce. These 8 affinities would determine what magic you can use. So first we have to find out if you are able to use s.p.a.ce magic"s basic spell.]

So she taught me the basic spell for s.p.a.ce magic. I won"t repeat it as it would make me feel so embarra.s.sed I would want to find a hole to dive in and hide. So I tried it and the result was..

Bla bla bla bla bla "" So basically, Giselle out a few stones in front of me and I would use the basic s.p.a.ce magic spell on it which was to move the stone away with a push of s.p.a.ce, really basic. And the result was that I was able to push it. It was good. And a nice ring resounded in my mind after that.


s.p.a.ce Magic - Basic acquired.

So I was able to use it huh. Just like Safir said, I could use any magic. I wonder though, I don"t see it from my status, Ah! It"s a part of Safir"s blessing to me. So that"s why. Wait, how about the rest of the affinities? Shall we also try them?

"Uh, hey, Giselle, I want to try the rest of the affinities so would you teach me each of the spells?"

[Uh. I don"t recommend it, since we already know you are with the s.p.a.ce affinity, and you"d only expend mana on a useless task if I allow that, but if you really insist, looking at your face that tells me you won"t concede, and then I can only teach you.]

After teaching me, I tried out Fire next while whispering the chant as low as possible "Raging flames of my heart. Burn my enemies with you wrath, Ember!" A small tongue of fire hovered above my index finger like a lighter"s flame.

*Ping!* Fire Magic - Basic acquired.

Then I did the one for earth. My embarra.s.sment has grown even more.

*Ping!* Earth Magic - Basic acquired.

*Ping!* Water Magic - Basic acquired.

*Ping!* Wind Magic - Basic acquired.

*Ping!* Light Magic - Basic acquired.

*Ping!* Dark Magic - Basic acquired.

*Ping!* Null Magic - Basic acquired.

It flowed on like that. I just wanted to know if Safir was really speaking the truth, and now I know he was.

At least he was good on his word.

Giselle was staring at me like I was some monster. I know it"s not supposed to be possible for a human to have all affinities but I"m not a human from your world right? Just take it as something like that.

[T-To have all affinity, this is just shocking. I"m sorry for doubting your capabilities.]

She apologized. I wonder why. Well, whatever. With this I should be able to use that or something and that thingy, I want it.

"So how do I cast ?"

[The good thing about that magic is you only have to cast it once. However, the size would only grow as your mana capacity grows. So it"s a really convenient magic and those who can use this are often hired by merchants and n.o.bles alike]

"I see! Thank you for telling me. Well, then, what about ?"

[That one only needs a visual of where you want to go in your memories or somewhere you are able to see. Basically, it"s magic to go to where you once have visited. The way to cast it is like this...]

She told me and I will spare you the cringe chanting. To think I would have to chant like this every time I want to use it. I don"t think I"d want to use magic in this world, at all, even if it"s convenient. I vowed. So I started chanting the spell and Giselle seemed to want to stop me.

[Ah, wait-]

I recited it once and it really worked. Although I felt my head have this sharp pain. However, unlike last time, it did not disappear as quickly as it appeared. So it"s good that I discovered this now. Since, if this happened when I was carelessly doing things, then I would feel so uncomfortable for a while. I don"t like this feeling.

"We should go back to the castle now. I don"t want to continue touring anymore. I feel my head splitting."


"Hey, did you hear me, Giselle?"

[W-Why are you still conscious, Clay? It should be that your mana has already depleted right? Usually, people who suffer from mana drain lose consciousness and not wake up for at least three days as a side-effect of it, how come you"re not unconscious and instead just having a headache?]

[Mostly when this happens people already consider those who suffer from this as a dead man, especially in battle as you would become incapacitated and easy to kill, resulting in higher death tolls in battle.]

What? So you"re supposed to lose consciousness when you"re drained of mana? Then why am I...?


Just have to think of it as part of my regeneration.

"Don"t worry about that right now Giselle. I have a splitting headache and I want to take a nap. Let"s go. Just think of it as part of my abilities."

Giselle shrugged and went into the portal I just created. Is it safe enough I wonder? Let"s enter.

As soon as I pa.s.sed the portal, I felt that slight reaction my body had earlier when I also pa.s.sed the portal Giselle created. As soon as it appeared it disappeared. Now I"m sure that people who pa.s.s through that portal would have a spell of slight dizziness. To further reinforce this,

"Hey Giselle, do you suffer some kind of dizziness when you pa.s.s through?"

[Yes of course. It"s a natural thing to occur for those who practice s.p.a.ce Magic and cast that spell.]

Yep, more reason not to use magic now. The chanting is bad enough, there are side effects I do not know about, and it"s really more because of the chanting. Ew. It"s enough for me to know I can use it, but to use it is another story altogether.

After that exchange I went towards the sofa intending to take a nap. So I did.


Mystery after mystery this man, Clay has showed me. I was sure he was drained of mana yet he still stood without much difficulty and even told me not to worry about it. That"s just not normal. Even the most powerful of mages in Alleucanth would lose consciousness the moment their mana hit bottom. And the effect of that would be fatal in battle.

I just can"t get a read on him. I should probably go and check on our dinner. If all goes well tomorrow, we"ll start my plan. After that, everything will just fall into place.

That was how it was supposed to be, but what greeted me when we got back after opening the door was a row of royal guards and the chancellor. I have a really bad feeling about this.

[Princess! thank the heavens you are alright! We know what that Fiend has done to you. Now, come here and we will escort you to another location so that he can harm you no longer. To think he would be so brazen as to put his hands on the Princess! This offense cannot be pardoned!]

What is the chancellor- no, he"s trying to frame Clay into becoming a s.e.xual offender using me. In the first place, was that the reason he appointed me to take care of him?

[Chancellor, W-what are you talking about? Fiend, put his hands?]

[Hush now, Princess. No need to defend him. We know he must have threatened you with death. However, do not worry for we shall arrest him now and put him in his place. Guards! Seize him!]

[No! Stop!]

I have to stop them. If they incur that man"s wrath I don"t know what would become of them, the kingdom and even me.

[Stop I said!]

I tried to grab one of the guards who pa.s.sed beside me but they ignored my order and forcefully shook me off.

[Men, escort the Princess to the top of the second tower. Double the guards and do not let anyone come near. Wait there for further instructions. Now go!]

The chancellor is really trying to slowly usurp the throne. It"s plain as day. How do I warn Clay? There"s only one way, shout!

[Kya!] I expended all the air in my lungs just to make that shout. I hope he wakes up after that.

-Random Guard

Today was supposed to be a peaceful day. However, when the Chancellor called for guards suddenly we had to comply immediately. The Chancellor is very detestable. The castle guards as well as the royal guards know this so we know that he"s up to no good again. In a way he"s kind of admirable because he does not shy away and hide his real intentions; instead he makes it known clearly. Still, we just don"t like him.

Today he wants us to escort him and apprehend the hero. He said it was because the hero committed a crime against the Princess. We don"t really understand why he wanted to send the hero to the princess just to learn the language when in fact any of us here can grant him that. So he was planning to do this from the start. We don"t know if the hero really touched the princess, but I feel sorry for him for getting into this mess even though he just arrived. This chancellor really is a big t.u.r.d. Even though I think like this I still have to follow orders since basically I"m a soldier so when an order comes we have to comply and the order this time as we arrived at the Princess" room was "standby" and "wait for my orders" said the chancellor.

A few minutes after we completely surrounded the room, the Princess went out of the room and was surprised to see the chancellor and us. Then the chancellor exclaimed his nonsense and the one-sided conversation started there.

[Princess! thank the heavens you are alright! We know what that s.e.x fiend has done to you. Now, come here and we will escort you to another location so that he can harm you no longer. To think he would be so brazen as to put his hands on the Princess! This offense cannot be pardoned!]

The Princess" eyes rounded and took a step back. Judging from her reaction, the chancellor"s nonsense really might be nonsense.

[Chancellor, W-what are you talking about? Fiend, put his hands?]

And she questioned the chancellor to clarify. It"s no use Princess, the chancellor has all this planned out. He"ll do what is necessary to gain absolute authority but until he publicly announces his intent or someone exposes him we won"t be able to do anything to him.

[Hush now, Princess. No need to defend him. We know he must have threatened you with death. However, do not worry for we shall arrest him now and put him in his place. Guards! Seize him!]

[No! Stop!]

The Princess ordered. We just can"t do so. The order of the chancellor is equivalent to the king"s words at the moment since the king is not present. So even if it"s you Princess, we won"t be able to follow.

[Stop I said!] She grabbed me. d.a.m.n. What to do? No, I have to do what I have been ordered to do. Nothing else matters right now. I"m sorry Princess.

[Men, escort the Princess to the top of the second tower. Double the guards and do not let anyone come near. Wait there for further instructions. Now go!]

When I successfully shook the Princess" hand, another order came and it was to escort her. She shouted [Kya!] after I immediately turned around and grabbed her hand along with another guard. It was tight. We really had to hold on tight as the Princess started to struggle. Slowly, we marched towards the tower.

However, just as we were all the way to the doors out of the hall.


"It didn"t even last a day and you"re already bringing the climax to this scheme of yours Evil Summoner A? I was trying to let your scheme thicken, but is that extent of it? It"s very anti-climactic if I just went ahead and destroyed your plan you know. I wanted to see some drama and what not, who would have thought that you"re just an extra character not even good enough to get a name!"

The Hero appeared after destroying the wall next to the door and taking down four people with the explosion of the wall. What did he do? He was scratching his head as if he was disappointed in something. Then his eyes swam around all of us and seemed to have found what he was looking for after looking at us. I felt as if an ancient dragon was staring at me, someone who stole one coin from its h.o.a.rded gold.


As a reflex, I unsheathed my sword and stood my ground. My instincts tell me that I wouldn"t be able to run away from this beast. And I was totally right. Just after that brief second of our eyes meeting, waves of cries and splattering sounds resounded in the hall and what gave me the chills was that the sound was coming closer and closer. It was not an illusion; the dozens of men that the chancellor brought with him were being slaughtered. It even made me forget for a second that I was one of those men as well.

[D-Don"t come near me!] My partner yelled.

The same one who grabbed the Princess" other arm to escort her together was now lunging towards the beast we were facing. This was the might of a Hero. Told to possess might that is unreasonable enough to categorize as unbelievable. That same "Hero" is now going on a killing spree in front of me and my partner is next on the list thereafter would finally be my turn.

[Be as the heavens halberd, become the blade that culls the enemy in front of me, Excalibur!] The Chancellor chanted the highest level light magic towards the Hero. I saw him smiling with that disgusting face of his. He probably intends to include the Princess and us guards with the Hero; it"s a good tactic as a desperate move in a desperate situation. Who would"ve thought right? That we would die by the hands of the Hero we looked down on as someone blessed by the G.o.d of humanity. How stupid of us. Now we"ll die and become ashes, for trying to mess with a monster.


The bright light of Excalibur flashed towards us in slow motion. I don"t know why that is, but I remember my father once told his old war buddies that there was a time when their friend who died in battle said: [In the end, you"ll see everything clearly and you"ll know regret and depression.] I did not know his meaning then, but now I see that it really does become clear and the depression is also real. Everything in this slowed down world is as clear as day, the ugly smiling, no, grinning face of the Chancellor and the clearly annoyed face of the Hero and Excalibur that was right now in front of eyes.


Excalibur hit the ground just in front of us as debris and other parts started flying about. The Hero was unfazed and continued to walk towards the Princess, while I was watching his every move.


Then I could hear the Hero mutter: "Ew. To be hit by a piece of the floor and have your guts punctured and gush out, that"s disgusting. Let me take you out of your misery then."

After saying that line…