The Real Monster

Chapter 50


The giant"s fists slammed to the ground and produced tremors that could be felt even in the city, but as the city was built through magic, Earth Magic in particular, the city"s walls and buildings were safe. The four of them who was at close proximity were balancing themselves as Mor also ran away from the place. After drinking that one mana potion bottle that Clay gave each of them, Mor"s mana was already close to draining if he were to take away the cloak he was maintaining over his body then maybe he"d be able to unleash another one of those fists.

[Hey, Mor what did you do just now?] Jon was the first to ask as they were the two who had the closer age gap and so were closer. Isaac and Caltec were also curious about it but refrained from asking openly. They both were keeping themselves in check. Such was their relationship.

[I modified Sire"s technique so that the mana is not taken outside of the body which makes the gathering even slower as it even tries to gather mana from the surroundings and converting that mana into your own, would take time. However, as you can see, full blasts of the fists made that motherf.u.c.ker kneel on the floor. That"s a fitting position for a b.a.s.t.a.r.d that embarra.s.sed us and put us to shame in front of Sire. It is unforgivable and its death is already predestined.] Mor really was angry as when he explained himself his real feeling also spilled through. What Jon asked about was the technique and Mor even included his grudge against the giant fiend.

[W-We understand, did you hear that? It"s a revision to Sire"s mid-range technique making it into close combat, quite suitable for us who are fighting at close range for now. Isaac, could you modify this further so that the consumption is at its lowest while enhancing our own fists with it and not exhausting us in the process from just one or two punches?] Jon asked Isaac who was the smartest among them.

[Uncle, please work with me and Mor to distract the motherf.u.c.ker so that Isaac has s.p.a.ce to think. After he a.n.a.lyses the technique further, we should be able to fight without worrying about the mana consumption for a while. If that still doesn"t kill it, then we"d have to use the knife. I don"t want to use that knife as much as possible so please. Let"s do this!] Jon then continued to say this. He was showing his ability to lead in a dire situation and Caltec made a smile as he said, [Okay.] they then moved and a.s.saulted the fiend that was kneeling.

Isaac was thinking but needed not even a minute to finish as he knew that is was as easy as walking in the part to find a solution to their problem of worrying if their attacks would hurt the fiend of not.

Using short-ranged communication directly on the three of them simultaneously as Isaac has already mastered using the mana wave he spreads outside himself to send telepathic messages. He told the three of them about the method.

[Hey, I just found a new way, and it may be as easy for us as drinking water already. Try and compress mana into your fists and imagine the most effective fist-weapon that you can think off to give it shape and maintain it. I applied what Sire just taught us the cloaking"s sustainability as well as the Turtle Destruction Wave"s mana gathering concept to come up with this. Let"s call it, [Turtle Fist Destruction Cloak], what do you say?]

The three of them were silent as they jumped up and down to dodge the giant fiend"s attacks. In their minds they were actually mulling over the lay of the technique and were absorbing it to their core so that they"ll be able to use it.

They were very reluctant to hit the fiend"s body because of it exuding the black mist from the start as they did not know what would happen if they did so, however, instead they were infected with that unknowingly and embarra.s.sed themselves in front of Clay. Now, they found a way to courageously hit the f.u.c.ker without reservation.

[[[I got it!(Got it!)]]] The three answered with the same concept of communication as Isaac used. The speed at which these four were able to absorb things from each other was frightening to an extent as if they had linked minds.

Caltec was first to try it and he grunted. *Hnng*, and *w.a.n.g*, a hum resounded as his weapon materialized in front of him while covering his fists. His fist-weapon resembled a morning-star with the diameter of one meter as well as having spikes on its body. Banging it to each other, Caltec pounced towards the giant fiend"s face to give it a beating there.

Jon was next and he imagined a clawed fist and so it appeared; a fist that was clenched tightly while claws extended from it, both good for blunt force and slashing damage.

Mor"s was a proper glove that had five fingers but with little spikes atop each knuckle which made it just as dangerous. While Isaac also made his own fist-weapon; his was of a normal glove but as if an Orc"s fists it was big. One can only imagine what would happen to a person when hit with these.

[Ready?] Isaac asked, [Let"s rock and roll!] he then shouted out loud!

*BOOM* A punch to the face, as Caltec jumped up high with one leap and landed that punch. It was true, the fiend had strength comparable to them but its dexterity was poor and so they could toy with it through their speed. Isaac and Caltec were wearing their accessories at this moment and so their damage was quite devastating while Mor and Jon"s were enough to give it bruises all over its body.

[These gloves are awesome. This fiend can"t even move now.] Jon was rejoicing but just as they were actually starting to enjoy beating the f.u.c.ker up, the fiend covered its body with its arms and was cradling itself in defense, then about a few seconds later, it burst a sinister aura that pushed all four of them away. Thanks to the cloak they had, it was under control.

However, the forest trees were withering so fast that they could see the difference with the naked eye.

[What madness has this fiend gotten into its head?! To think it would do something so cruel. What if this was the city, that would mean lots of people dying! We can"t allow it to live any longer!] Mor was concerned for the people and yelled to the rest. They all nodded and Isaac and Mor eyed each other. It was the move that they did earlier to kill that previous fiend. They wanted to do it with all four of them wearing the Turtle Fist Destruction Cloaks and finish it off.

Without further ado, they dispersed into four directions and the fiend that was still cradling and waiting for attacks to fuel its AOE attack, however, what awaited it was a broken body and torture that would have made it wish to just die.

The four of them went into the four cardinal positions and started to run at the greatest speed that they could handle. With the mana fists they materialized, they remodeled it to resemble a palm and the palms were big.

Clay never taught them about the law of motion or force but what they did was applying it and the result would be very devastating for the fiend. Contrary to what they did earlier, just Isaac and Mor, this time was different as all four of them were doing it and the rebound force that they will get was four times what they individually dished out.

Isaac alone, could withstand it as his body had the physical strength at the level of Myths the same as everyone and when both Isaac and Mor did the attack, both should have felt a distortion in their body as if their insides were being rattled. Now if they successfully made this. .h.i.t, the rebound would probably give them a jolt to throw them back quite a distance as well as get their internal organs ripped here and there but would still be bearable as they have bodies that were compressed greatly through gravity and forced healing as their training.

Clay never taught them about this as he never really thought that they"d try to attack a target at the same time with a force that only differs to each on the count of ones.

*BOOM* almost simultaneously, four booming sounds resounded and the back, head, the b.u.t.t and the arms were hit, as each one of them leaped to hit a specific target. The fiend was jolted but did not give a reaction to their attack. At the same time, the four of them just as it naturally should occur, were thrown back quite severely and they spewed blood from their mouths as this happened.

Each feeling the danger to their lives, they drank potions and felt relieved while closely observing the fiend they just a.s.saulted. Will that be enough to kill it? They asked.

However, despair replaced their hopefulness as the giant fiend moved its body. It put its cradling stance aside and slowly turned to actually lie down as if wanting to sleep. Then, *Thud*, its body just dropped from its initial action of lying down as if without control.

Then black liquid slowly flowed out from the giant fiend"s orifices. This yet again turned the despairing look the four had into gladness and relief. And then…

[Woohooo! All hail the rulers of the city! All hail the Sovereign!] Cheers coming from the walls of the city could be heard and obviously those where from the audience that turned to tune in into the fight of the century for them unaware that another fight of the century was happening in the demon realm at the same moment.

[Well, that went well right?] Isaac asked while holding his chest down.

[If you mean ripping our own insides for an attack is going well, then I don"t know man.] Caltec answered him sarcastically. While Jon and Mor were just laughing and celebrating that they came out of this crisis stronger and alive.

Although, thinking about the punishment they would receive from Clay the moment he returns would be unthinkable, they still can"t help but celebrate.

[I can"t wait to show Sire the application of the technique we just made right?] Mor was excited with reddened eyes. And Jon told him, [I"m sure he"d be surprised if we showed him. However, if we want to show it to him, we"ll have to grow stronger so that he can spar with us again.

[That"s right. Sire must be so bored of his life for having that amount of power without being able to use it and when he does use it, it doesn"t listen to him. So having something to pour that power out of is a good thing.] Isaac explained. He knew very well what Clay must be feeling as he also had uncontrollable power once upon a time. Although trough Clay"s training, he was able to control it, still, he understood if only a little.

[We should clean up and make sure the city is doing well after this series of events. We wouldn"t want this to be taken advantage by some people and pin that fault on us. Plus, preparation for invasion should be taken into consideration as Sire did say, that after the party, we need to invade the kingdoms close to us either peacefully taking over or by force.] Isaac reminded them. He was also making preparations to take over kingdoms without using force as much as possible because using force would make the n.o.bles very stupid and harm the citizens instead as evidenced by Clay"s first failure at rescuing innocents. Hero-ing is very difficult and Isaac knew this.

Entering the city, they all started to ask around if there are any sorts of damage or injury to the populace and proceeded to the Mayor"s office to receive the leaders of each group in the city"s reports and thoughts. The merchants, artisans, guilds, residents and so on were included in this.