The Reincarnated Boy's Growth Log ~The Harder I Work The Stronger I Can Become!?~

Chapter 33

What in the world is this situation?

Princess Ferris who was angry until just now is apologizing to me while crying.

In this room, on Nanor Kingdom’s side are, the King and the gentle queen who was present during the mock battle and the Prime Minister, on Worvest’s side are, a man who appears to be the Beast King and a beautiful woman who’s like if Princess Ferris was enlarged as she is. It’s probably the queen. And then there’s a young boy who looks at me and smiles with his teeth showing. Although I say ‘young boy’, he’s probably older than me.

“Alexia came back huh. Margrave and Lei, I’m sorry for summoning you in a hurry. Take a seat”

We were told that by the King so we took a seat as well.

Thereupon, the Beast King-ish man who’s sitting before our eyes stands up. Oou, he’s close to 2 metres when he stands, how huge. He’s muscular so he looks even huger than normal.

“You are the one who will be Miss Alexia’s partner, Leivelt・Runwalker huh”

“Ye, yes, I am Leivelt・Runwalker. Your Majesty Beast King”

I greet and, the Beast King

“My apologies!”

lowered his head to me. Eh? What in the world is this?

“Otou-sama! Why are you lowering your head!”

“You stay quiet! Ferris! Lei-dono. I heard that our stupid daughter laid her hands on you. This is the apology to that. Rightfully, I ought to atone for it with my daughter’s life but, a stupid daughter like this is still my adorable daughter. Can you somehow forgive us with my dominant right hand and my stupid daughter’s exile from royalty?”

The Beast King who says that turns his left hand into a knife hand1, and to the right hand……this is bad! This person is serious!

I immediately apply 3 fold of Lightning’s Body Endowment to Body Enhancement, enter the Beast King’s bosom instantly, and hit his left hand!


A sound that doesn’t sound like an impact with another person reverberated. I was somehow able to elbow his left hand upwards.

“Haa~, that was close~”

“Eh? Eh?”

Princess Ferris is looking back and forth at the seat I was in and the Beast King without knowing what is going on.

“Hou. That extent of ability at that age, I see how Alexia falls in love with you. But I have to take responsibility so why did you stop me? Lei-dono”

“It is troubling if you present your arm, tell me that you exile the princess and so forth all of a sudden even though we had not discussed anything yet. Let us calm down for the moment”

I say that and return to my original seat. Perhaps the Beast King understands as well, he took a seat.

“That’s right. Indeed, I went ahead without listening to your opinion, I’m sorry. Come to think of it, I haven’t introduced myself yet. I am the King of the Beastfolk Country Worvest, Falcius・Worvest. Over here is my wife, Ashley・Worvest, and this is my son, Fergus・Worvest. Nice to meet you. Margrave Runwalker and Lei-dono”

“It is I who should say so, I am late at my introduction. Feudal Lord of the Runwalker territory, Sieghart・Runwalker. Please treat me well from now on. Your Majesty Beast King”

Sieg and Beast King who then shake hands.

“Finally you’ve calmed down and we can talk. Beast King. How about letting Miss Ferris sit as well and partic.i.p.ate in the conversation?”

“My grat.i.tude for the consideration, King Nanor. Ferris, sit”

Beast King who says that and glares at Ferris.

“Ye, yes”

Princess Ferris who trembles. Aa, it’s like a puppy trembling and it’s somewhat cute.

“Firstly, Ferris. I’ll verify with you. Do you understand why it turned into something like this?”

“My, my apologies, Otou-sama. I do not know”

Beast King who hears that and sighs.

“What you are guilty of is a matter that is close to annulling the alliance. If it’s a fight between citizens then it’ll be settled if we arrest them but, you hit an ally’s n.o.ble’s son. It’s the ally’s princess’ fiance nevertheless. What happens if a commoner punches a n.o.ble, Ferris?”

“Arrested immediately and sentenced to a heavy punishment. The death penalty in serious case……”

Princess Ferris who says that and started to tremble again. It seems she realized what she’s guilty of. I also didn’t think of it until I was told.

“That situation is between people of our own country. This time it’s in regards to an ally. It becomes a problem of large-sum reparations even in minor cases, it can even be deemed as a declaration of war and turn into a war in the worst case. That’s what you did”

“I, I did not think that it will turn into something like that……”

“You idiot! You’re a part of the royal family! What are you going to do if you don’t even know something like that!”

This is bad. Beast King’s fur is standing on end. Because his look is a wild look, it’s quite scary when he gets angry……


“This time, King Nanor told me that if it’s left to the victim himself to decide, the country won’t cause any problem. Therefore, Lei-dono. Can I have you forgive us on the terms just now? If you desire money then we will bring it over, we will also accept other terms. Please just spare this child’s life”

Beast King who says that and lowers his head again. A good father who cares for his child huh.

“Aa~come to think of it, I punched Beast King just now as well. Your Majesty Raymond, what should we do?”

I say that and look at the King. The King probably realized my intention as well. He nods and speaks.

“Wha! That is terrible! It will turn into a war if this matter gets exposed to the world! Beast King, can we not somehow settle this peacefully?”

Beast King probably understood as well.

“It’s not that painful for me so I don’t mind. Well, if you accept my term then we shall settle this peacefully”

It was not painful huh……what kind of body does he have?

“What is it?”

“It’ll be fine if I can have you forgive my daughter. How about it?”

“Of course. Is that fine, Lei?”

“If I can be forgiven with just that then it’s plenty. Should I also offer my dominant arm?”

Terrible at acting huh, me. I was thinking about that and

“Haahaahaa! My~I’m thankful! I appreciate it, Lei-dono”

“It is I who should say so, I am thankful for your consideration, Your Majesty Beast King”

We are both laughing and

“Hey, you. How about coming to our place instead of Miss Alexia’s”

Queen Ashley suggested something like that.

“Wha! Ashley-sama! Lei is going to spend his entire life from now on together with me! I won’t allow something like that!”

and Alexia gets angry. It’s embara.s.sing if you say it straight-forward like that.

“After all, a child this strong and nice is rare. I want to let our son follow his example. How about that, Margrave Runwalker?”

“My~there are things we let him decide for himself in our family as well so if you could confirm it with the person himself”

First time I heard something like that, Father-dono.

“Is that so? Then, Lei-kun, so?”

“……I, have no intention of leaving this country. Since I’ve decided to become strong as a member of this country”

When I say that, Alexia looks at me with sparkling eyes. The Queen also nods. ……Come to think of it, I didn’t ask her name. It’s hard to ask at this point in time.

“That’s regrettable. I thought if such a good child comes to our place”

“That can’t be helped, Ashley. Lei-dono is the Margrave’s son. He can’t just leave his family behind and go off. But indeed, that strength as this age. I can see why you would like to establish a relationship with him”

Saying that, Beast King and Queen Ashley look at Princess Ferris. Uwa~ I have an unpleasant premonition.

“Wha, what is the matter, Otou-sama, Okasama?”

And then Beast King who smiles. It’s scary when the Beast King does that.

“Lei-dono. The conversation from before has ended but, will you think of this as my feeling and accept it? An engagement with my daughter”


Alexia, Ferris, and I shouted simultaneously.

“Wha, what is that about, Your Majesty Beast King”

“What. I was just thinking of marrying our daughter to you. Lei-dono. Your Majesty Raymond. How about it?”

“Haha. My son Alex wishes for that but, Lei will be the same as our family when he marries Alexia. Isn’t that fine as well”

It’s not fine at all! Look, Ferris is trembling again.

“I absolutely do not want that! Who wants to be with this guy!”

“Didn’t you say that you want to marry a guy who’s strong like me?”

“Tha, that is right but, I absolutely do not want this guy! It is the guy who deceives Onee-sama! A shorty! No way!”

……Should I send this girl flying. She’s saying shorty again. The growth period just hasn’t come yet!

“Shorーty, Shorーty, Shorーty, shortyshortyshorty!”2


“Shut up with the shorty shorty! I’ll send you flying!”

……Aa, I said it……

“Try it! I’ll turn the tables on you!”

“Otou-sama! I have changed into the dress for today’s birthday par, eh what is this atmosphere?”

“Chichiue! I heard Ferris has come and came! eh what is this?”

When Ferris and I are bickering, Princess Marina who came to show today’s birthday party’s dress and, the Second Prince, Prince Alex who came to see Princess Ferris entered the room.

……Why did it become like this.