The Reincarnated Boy's Growth Log ~The Harder I Work The Stronger I Can Become!?~

Chapter 56


The day after we decided on the team, we came to the training ground. In order to immediately verify everybody"s capabilities.

“Alright, from now on, we"ll verify everybody"s capabilities. Firstly, it"s what weapon everybody uses”

And then I have everybody take out their weapons. Dargris is equipping the orthodox sword and shield. Rene is a magician so it seems she uses a staff.

I hear that there"s apparently a former captain of the Kingdom"s army in their village and they were having that person teach them swordsmanship and magic. Because Dargris had no talent in magic, it seems he can only use simple Water Magic. Instead, he"s fairly skilled at swordsmanship. Rene had talent in magic, she"s said that amongst it, her forte is Earth Magic and it"s Level 6.

And then, Ely takes out the axe that"s about Ely"s height as seen during the school entrance ceremony. Ely is skilled with axe arts, of which she performs attacks with Dark Magic mixed into it. Everybody has all kinds of abilities it"s amusing.

“I see. Dargris and Ely are close-quarter types. I use a spear so I"m in the middle, Rene who"s primarily magic is the rear guard, I suppose. Well, since we don"t know the rules of the team battle, we can"t even put together any formation though”

“That"s true but, won"t it be exactly as Lei just said? Dargris defends against the enemy"s attacks, Ely attacks. Lei gives directions in the middle, I support with magic. I think it"s appropriate though”

She"s right. The formation exactly as Rene just said might suit us.

“……I want to see your capabilities so shall we try doing 2vs2. Ely and I a team, Dargris and Rene a team”

I say that and,

“It"s true that it"s better to have verified it. Alright, let"s do it! Rene. Don"t drag me down!”

“Who are you saying that to. Dargris, don"t you make any mistakes!”

the two of them who squabbles as they move away from us. No matter how I look at it, the both of you are a married couple.

“Okay, I guess we"ll prepare as well. ……Ely?”

We"re about to prepare as well but Ely looks fixedly at me. What"s the matter?

“Lei. Weapon?”

she says and tilts her head at me. Her twin tails shake about along with her head. Come to think of it, I"m the only one who hasn"t taken his weapon out.

“Aa, I use this”

I say and take Rolgar from the Item Ring(I"m calling the Item Box that). Ely who sees that, I guess she didn"t think that the ring is an Item Box, is surprised. Her expression doesn"t really change much usually so it"s somewhat refreshing.

“That ring, it was an Item Box”

“Aa, I got it from Shishou. Oh, it seems the other side is prepared as well. I guess it"s about time we start”

And then Ely stands in front and I stand behind.

“Dargris, Rene. It ends when either the weapon leaves the hand, surrendering, or if you receive an attack that"s supposed to be fatal, those are the rules. It"s unnecessary to get injured for no reason. Is that alright?”

I ask and the two of them nod.

“Okay. Well then……start!”

I say and Dargris and Ely start running. And then Ely swings her axe downwards. How fast! She swings an axe that large down that quickly. However, Dargris wards off that attack with the shield he"s holding in his left hand. The axe that was warded off carries on as it is to strike the ground. It makes a ‘Zudon!" and caves in.

Dargris aims at that opening and slashes at her with his sword. In order to not let him do that, I cast several Water Cutter and keep Dargris in check. Alright, Ely was able to recover her stance during that time. Over there

“Earth Bullet!”

Rene fires a lump of earth towards me. I calmly repel the lump of earth with Rolgar. Rene who fires at me several times.

During that time, Ely and Dargris are fighting in close-combat. Dargris wards off Ely"s axe and slashes at her. Ely also immediately returns the axe to her hands and blocks Dargris" sword. Ely is also skilful with the way she uses the axe. Not just with the edged part, she attacks and defends using the b.u.t.t of the axe as well. Both of them are fairly skilled. But Ely"s movements are better. She"s pushing Dargris back little by little.

“Pretty good huh, Ely! I"m gonna go at it seriously too! Body Enhancement!”

Thereupon, Dargris uses Body Enhancement and raises his speed. This time around, Ely started being pushed back. It seems Ely still won"t use Body Enhancement though……. And then over there

“Take this, Earth Pressure!”

Rene says and floats a rock about 10 meters in diameter in the air. And then


she says and throws it towards Ely. Dargris takes cover in that instant. It feels like I was able to catch a glimpse of their coordination. I immediately run to Ely"s side.

“Ely, I"ll destroy it so fall back!”

I say but,

“It"s fine. I"ll destroy it. Let"s go, Barbatos”

she says and pours magic power into her axe. Thereupon, the axe starts being clad in black magic power. Is that a Demon Axe?


And then Ely holds her axe over her head, and swings down at the rock in one go. Thereupon, a black slashing attack fires from the axe and heads towards the rock. And then it collides with the rock and cuts up the rock. Right into two. As I"m looking at Ely"s axe

“This is a Demon Axe and it"s called Barbatos. It launches a slashing attack from the edge according to the magic power that"s poured into it. Its power and shape can also be changed according to the amount of magic power that"s poured into it”

Ely who tells me. A little proudly. And then, thereupon, Dargris and Rene come over here. What"s the matter.

“What"s the matter, both of you?”

I ask and

“Nah~, that was the finisher of the current us. I hold them up and finish them off with Rene"s magic. However, if even that is easily defended against then our situation will just gradually get worse even if we continue on even further. Since Ely was also going easy on me”

Dargris who says that and scratches his head.

“Yeah. Lei also didn"t get serious at all. I"m a little shocked”

Rene says and gets depressed.

“Nothing like that. Dargris skillfully blocked with the shield and attacked when he saw an opening, Rene"s support was also quite something. Well, it seems Ely was a level above though”

I say that and everybody looks at me with reproachful eyes. What?

“Lei who says that is the strongest, right? You reacted in an instant when you blocked Rene"s attack just now. The speed you rushed over to Ely"s side was also quite fast. Even so, it looks like you"re still not serious yet”

and everybody who looks at me.

“Hahaha, well, calm down. But if it"s like this then it looks like we can do quite well huh”

I say and Dargris

“Of course! We"re aiming for first place!”

shouts excitedly. Rene is making an astounded look and Ely is looking fixedly. I can only make a bitter smile. And over there

“Ah, there she is, Aniki1. It is that purple hair woman!”

and a guy came into the training ground. And behind him, the guy who fought with Ely at the school entrance ceremony is also there.

……You again.

兄貴: Aniki. It means elder brother or, someone who"s the leader of a group(called by delinquents and whatnot), an older male.