The Reincarnated Boy's Growth Log ~The Harder I Work The Stronger I Can Become!?~

Chapter 71

I stand in a way that I shield PriscillSan and the others. Although the men no longer do things like charging at me because they’d seen what happened just now, they take their swords and axes in their hands and try to stand in a way so that they encircle us.

“Ferris, Caro. Bring Priscilla and the others and go until the entrance”

It’ll be troublesome if we got surrounded. Perhaps the two of them realised my intention, they nod and step back, bringing everybody.

“Oi oi, it’ll be troubling for us if you go off with our precious merchandise. They’ve gotta pay back their loan, ya know?”

Thereupon, the leader man says something like that. He has the gall to say that after charging illegal interests.

“If it’s the original sum then we’ll return it. According to what I heard from the Sister-san, it was half a year ago that she borrowed the money. It seems she’d been returning 30 thousand each and every month so she’s repaid 180 thousand. We’ll return the remaining 120 thousand and the sum of the original interests. Let’s come to an agreement with this”

When I say that, the leader man’s face turns purple.

“Don’t f.u.c.k around, you brat! The amount they borrowed is 3 million! I’ll have you return every single cent of it!”

“That’s the sum that includes the illegal interest, isn’t it. Such a thing isn’t recognized in this country, right? Am I right, Caro?”

“Eeh, it has been established that it’s illegal for a moneylender’s interest rate to exceed a certain amount. It’s unnecessary to pay such a sum. I say it under the name of the Holy Maiden. You guys are unlawful criminals”

The men make surprised expressions when Caro says that. By the looks of it, they’re surprised by the fact that Caro is the Holy Maiden. Because amongst the men’s murmurs, I can hear words like, ‘Holy Maiden’, ‘Barrier’, ‘Mask’, as they look over here.

“Ho, Holy Maiden? s.h.i.t, why the h.e.l.l is she at a place like this”

“Now, what will you do? Will you make do with the original sum, or will you fight us?”

I confirm one last time with the man. Thereupon, the leader man who’s making an acrimonious look gave the instructions that he mustn’t have given the most.

“Yo, you guys! Kill the kids! As well as the Holy Maiden!”

No matter what, that’s way too hasty, isn’t it. Alexia and the others know that we’re here. Even if on the off chance, on the really off chance, that we died here and they’re temporarily saved, they can no longer be in the country.

Although that’s what I think, the men probably thought that this is the best plan. All of them approach me. ……About 20 people in total huh. Rolgar isn’t necessary against the likes of them. I ready my fists.

“Die, kid!”

A man thrusts his sword at me right from the front. I avert the sword with my left hand and carries on to punch the man’s abdomen with my left hand. The man flies off with just that. I know with Presence Sence that an axe is being swung downwards from behind. I crouch and avoid it, and send that man flying with a kick.

The men who falter upon seeing just that. All that a.s.sertiveness from just now has disappeared.

“Yo, you guys! What are you p.i.s.sing your pants for! Quickly kill them!”

“Bu, but Aniki. He’s too strong, we can’t do a thing”

“Sh, s.h.i.t! You guys get down! I’ll do it!”

Saying that, the leader man who readies the axe he was carrying on his back comes out. I wonder if they’ll become docile if I shut this man up.


As he says that, the man swings his axe sideways at me. I jump and avoid that, and send the man flying with a kick to his face.


I endow Wind Magic to my right hand as I look at the man who’s blown away. And then I start dashing towards the man.

“Shi, s.h.i.t! You s.h.i.tty kid!”

Although the man stands up while shouting, it’s too late. I enter the man’s chest and punch the man along with his axe with my right hand that’s endowed with Wind Magic.

Although the man smirks because he blocked with his axe, in the next instant, the axe breaks into pieces and my fist plunges into the man’s abdomen without stopping. There’s a sound when it caves into the man’s abdomen, the Wind Magic’s impact penetrates the man’s body, crashes into the wall behind, and the wall breaks into pieces.

The man collapses on the spot where he was punched as he rolls his eyes back. Although I held back enough that he doesn’t die, several of his organs might’ve been smashed. His bones are probably in tatters. Well, he reaped what he sowed.

Maybe because the underlings around who saw that the leader man was defeated understood that they can’t win anymore, they try to escape. However, there’s no way I’ll let you guys escape, is there.

“Lightning Arrow”

I cast Lightning Magic at the escaping underlings. As the name suggests, it’s an arrow of lightning, it’s ordinarily painful when it hits. Those underlings, who were pierced in their backs and shoulders by the arrows of lightning, lose their consciousness while screaming. It’s due to the electric shock that occurs after it pierced them that they lost their consciousness.

I look at the surroundings, check that there are no men who are standing, and head to everybody’s side. ……Ferris is standing there with a smug look for some reason though, why? Her tail is also flailing about.

When I finally arrive by everybody’s side, one boy comes to my side,

“Nii-chan! Make me your disciple!”

and says. ……Huh? I look to Caro and Ferris but, Caro has a bitter smile and Ferris has a terribly smug look. This is the reason for Ferris’ smug look huh. Something like, ‘My fiance’s amazing, isn’t he!’.

“No, it’s probably still too early for me to have a disciple. I myself am still being taught after all”

“Eeh~, no wayy!”

The boy who hops around me as he says that. And then perhaps they thought of something when they saw that, the other children start joining in as well. Ferris who saw that looks like she’s sorely tempted for some reason. Do, don’t you join in, alright?

Over there

“He, hey! Roy-kun, you can’t ask for something unreasonable! Everybody stop it as well!”

Priscillsan gets angry for me. The boy called Roy-kun and the other children, although reluctantly, stopped. Incidentally, Ferris also stopped being sorely tempted.

“Lei-san, thank you very much for saving us. Really……”

Priscillsan said her thanks to me, however, she burst into tears as it is. As I thought, she must’ve been scared. Her body’s trembling.

Thereupon, the children who were watching that push Priscillsan’s back. It was sudden so Priscillsan couldn’t stop and fell while being surprised. In front of her is, of course, me, who’s being thanked until just now


I support her somehow. And then when Priscillsan timidly raised her head and met her eyes with mine, her face instantly turned crimson red and she looked downward.

The children who saw that whistle, ‘Hyuーhyuー’, that they can’t whistle. Who taught them something like that……. Ferris and Caro look over with dumbfounded faces.

“Wel, well, I’m glad you’re safe”

I speak to Priscillsan in order to gloss over it. Although Priscillsan’s face is still red, she lifts her head and smiles at me. I’m really glad.

And then, when we were about to leave this place after we checked for wounds on the children,

“Hold on, you people”

Knights came in from the entrance. On their shoulders are dragon crests. What in the world is it.