The Rise Of Purple Phoenix

Chapter 11

After mastering martial skills to major completion. Lloyd went to the library to get rank 1 shadow steps.

The one he got earlier was a simplified version of it. Now he reached origin he wanted to get a complete skill.

-new skill obtained-


Shadow steps

A series of footwork to move faster and smoothly as fast as a shadow


-integrating with previous skill-

-refreshing stats-


Name- Lloyd Fenix

Status- healthy

Cultivation- origin 1st stage

Bloodline- purple phoenix

EXP- 0/100

Skills-Phoenix rebirth (bloodline)

basic sword art (65%) (rank 0)

basic fist art (60%) (rank 0)

shadow steps (35%) (rank 1)


Forest was abundant in this world. Between major cities, a vast area of forest is present. Magical beasts roam these forests freely. Beast is divided into various rank based on their strength.

Such as mortal beast, rank 0, rank 1, rank 2...

A mortal beast has the strength of a mortal human. Rank 0 beast has the strength of tempered body. Rank 1 has the strength of origin stage.

The next day Lloyd left the clan for the forest near the city called Aelwolf.

It is said that the king of Aelwolf forest is a peak rank 1 demon wolf.

Lloyd entered the forest was walking when he felt killing intent on his side from among the trees in the back. He turned and saw a shadow flying towards him at a fast phase. He caught it with his hand and saw it was a snake. He looked it carefully and found it is a snake called an emerald snake. A peak rank 0 beasts.

Its speed is very fast and anyone below origin stage can"t see it move. Its poison can even kill peak origin stage cultivator.

Lloyd killed it immediately and dismantled it and kept precious part to sell afterward.

-congratulation for killing peak rank 0 beast-

-5 EXP gained-

After he traveled for some but couldn"t find any beasts in the outer borders of the forest.

He went deeper into the forest


He heard a howl of a wolf and moved to the direction. After 600 meters, he was a big wolf. It was Demon wolf. it was dark grey in color with bright red eyes. Its stature was big as a car. There were two wolfs. From the system, he found both of them are early origin stage beast.

He slowed moved closer to them but they detected him. wolfs turn toward him.

Seeing his presence was detected he came before the wolfs while drawing his sword.

Wolfs circled around him and watching him.


One wolf jumped towards him with teeth ready to bite him. Lloyd jumped towards the side to escape the wolf.

As he was in the air, the other one came towards him as it was a plan. He couldn"t get away. He was terrified and couldn"t escape. He placed his sword in front to defend against it.

Wolf banged against the sword and he flew towards the tree. He hit against the tree and fell.

He coughed a mouthful of blood and slowly stood up. He looked towards the wolfs. He was careless.

He didn"t have actual battle experience and fell into their trap.

Seeing him stood up, one of the wolf dashing towards him. He moved forwards and readied his sword waiting for the wolf to come near.

When the wolf was before him, he slid to right and moved the swords downwards and cut the front legs of the wolf.

The wolf crashed to the ground with blood flowing from the legs cut. "HU...….HU.....HU" it cried feeling pain.

Lloyd ignored it and turned towards the other wolf. The wolf seeing the condition of the injured wolf it slowly stepped backward and intended to escape.

Lloyd didn"t give it a chance to escape. He rushed towards it and slashed. It was cut it the middle of the stomach and it died.


-congratulation for killing early rank 1 beast-

-15 EXP gained-


After killing the wolf, he moved to the injured wolf and with a slash, he ended its life.


-congratulation for killing early rank 1 beast-

-15 EXP gained-


Before the wolf died it howled and he could hear howls of wolfs from far. He knows that within a few moments this area will be surrounded by demon wolfs.

He escaped from the area and run for few kilometers without stopping. He could hear angry howls of demon wolfs from behind.

He reached a river and jumped into it and swan to another sh.o.r.e.

Wolfs are just like dogs. They are expert in tracking so he must wash off his scent to escape from the wolfs.

He reached another side of the river and with circulation qi, his clothes dried up. He searched for a dwelling to rest and heal his injuries. He was far away from the city and he is injured

After searching for a while he found a suitable cave and entered it. He blocked the entrance with a boulder nearby.

He sat down and started his cultivation. His internal injuries started to heal at a fast phase.

Because of today"s battle, his learned more about his weakness. He thought less of the beasts like the animals back on earth. But he learned that in this world beast are much smarter and if he underestimated his opponent and may die a tragic death.