The Telltaler

Chapter 1

Part 1

THIS IS STORY about Jim. Whose from small believe all of the living destined to have one true love. Which is true, because most of you have the same story too [1]. But this story becomes different than ours when Jim couldn"t realize "Love" is a verb. And because of that, It needs actions, not just feeling.

Forgive, not like a common love tale, this story must be started with separation. Painful separation. Even though in all everlasting love story you that know, will surely have word "separation" too.

That day, Monday, July 7, hundreds of years ago. One strange day at the end of winter, in one of the most beautiful towns in the northern continent ever been. People come and fro wearing a thick coat, scarf in the neck, and a big hat that covers ears.

The new day just started a few minutes ago. The town routine is back again with hanging mist in the gaps of the old buildings. The air is not cold as usual, but still will uncomfortable outside without layered clothes. Thousands of soft morning sunlight get through between pine leaves. Falling in the gra.s.s and park benches, create a magical and calm beautiful shadow.

Charming. It"s like you could see the color of light in that mist. Floating

The sparrows singing loudly. One two even alight near the sidewalk. Jump delightfully tease its mate. The male bird shows its st.u.r.dy beak, the female bird shows its soft fur chest.

But no one interested to pay attention to that beautiful scene. For town dwellers, a morning like this is common. As common as when spring comes. When hundreds of Bougainvillea [2] in the park blooming with a thousand colors. And a hundred kinds of a b.u.t.terfly flying above it.

In this early time in the morning, they already busy thinking about the work that piled in the office, the expectance to sell more, the agreement to be signed, important plans that must do be before the day end, and something things like that.

There is indeed one-two that stands under the window frame on the second floor, dazzled stared the charming morning. One two stands under the inn curtain and bakery. Also, the couple that leaning in the front of the old post office. The warm air from their breath slowly tears the mist. They are not the resident of this town. They are the visitors who happened to stop by. Because they not used to, this morning is very beautiful in their eyes.

Some children with a uniform that escorted to their study place appeared in the turn of the road near the park, some struggle to release from their parent holding hands, then running pursue the sparrows. Throw some breadcrumbs from their lunch, laugh cheeringly, cheerfully shouting, even though at the moment sulking-don"t-want dragged by their parent back to the sidewalk.

Jim who was sitting in one of the benches on the edge of the park laughed wide. One of the children escaped from the chase. His movement is nimble even with his big and fat body. His mother grumbled tried to catch him, unfortunately, she gasping fast because she must support her body that three times than her son. The chase is long enough before her son with voluntary back to the sidewalk. Join in.

Ah, they just want to play. No more, no less!

Jim laughs, waving his hand, pretend to praise the "hero". The mother frowned at Jim. Pat at her son"s pants. Walk again. Of course, Jim knows all town dwellers, as they know him too.

This town is not too big. Homely and friendly. After his brief fun moment watches the boys, Jim tries to comb his wavy black hair with his hand.

Imperceptible, maybe more than three times he tries fixing his appearance in the last fifteen minutes. Try to fix his big thick coat. Brush of the dust on the scarf tips. Try to sit in a more comfortable position.

Glancing at lying blue rose on his side. His young and handsome face looks happy as if the sun was there. His eyes blinking enthusiastically, benevolent.

But, his heart can"t be deceived. Jim is anxious, waiting for minutes ago. His eyeball never stops glancing at an hourgla.s.s that stands firmly in the center of the park.

Almost seven. It"s time.

And she"s not there yet.

Part 2

WHEN THE HOUR hand and minute hand precisely pointing at seven and twelve, all clock in the town rung and clank low-high simultaneously. Fill the sides, the alleys, and all corners in the town. Clink-clanking each other. Ah, this is the reason too why that seash.o.r.e town also called as hundred clock town.

But that morning, even though the big clock in the center of the park clinking so loud like always, clinking noisily like other clocks, it turns out still losing to a sound that suddenly appeared cut across town sky.

The giant bell in the old chapel on top of the hill tolling! Echoing full of prestige. Thrill the feeling.

Jim close his eyes. Grasp his blue rose. Looking up to the sky. Counting the toll with solemn one by one. Seven times.

All town dweller knows, that giant gold platted copper bell was sounded just once a year.

Every seventh, seventh month, seven in the morning. Unfortunately, not many that really care anymore.

Some people that pa.s.sing on the street near the park stop their steps. Look at a row of hills which from distance like a guardian fencing the southern border. That town surrounded by a belt of hills in half, and facing the blue ocean in another half. The giant chapel building looks magnificent from here, although actually dirty, not maintained when seen closely.

People in the street murmuring, like a snake that crawls under gra.s.s. Mumbled each other. Asking. One-two realized something. Remember something.

Of course, this is an important day! Jim sneering look at them.

That giant bell never sounded all year except to remember a couple that first step on town in this southern continental peninsula. The first one that builds a house, planted the first grain of wheat, growing stalks of first grape, raising dozens of sheep, having a child. This city founder.

There says, exactly today, seven o"clock this morning, two hundred years ago, the male founder decide to kill himself when his mate die because of age in his embrace on the bed. For that eternal couple, their lives ended when one of them dies. Live together. And so die together.

Tired after a long time accompanies his mate dying, tired waiting a piece of good news about his wife"s body that never recovers, while kiss his frozen wife"s forehead, he decides to drink a gla.s.s of poison.

Went after. Die together in an embrace.

That is a legend that Jim ever hear and all children in town. The story that makes Jim believe that everyone definitely has one true love. Pity, that story old swallowed by time, and today mostly town dwellers just think of it not more than beautiful bedtime fairytales.

The giant bell sounded just for a ritual to attract visitors from other cities.
Feels really romantic right? Look, one-two visitor that stand behind inn"s window frame looks like wipe their tears. Moreover, the couple which stands in front of the old church look hugged, crying. Tourist!

They busily make a vow their love again.

Meanwhile busy people in the road near the park just stop for a moment, and like sudden bee buzz, they hurriedly back to their way. There is a lot of work waiting today. There is no point that feels melancholy in that hundred years old romanticism.

Jim has no time to think about that contrast thing.

His anxiety peaked.

Their meeting time should be fifteen minutes ago. And they, like some that tourist couple, make a vow while holding hands, looking at the hills with reverence, enjoy the rite of old chapel bell toll in this park. But she hasn"t arrived yet.

No! There must have a good explanation!

Shake his head strongly. Strongly Jim confronts all bad thoughts that suddenly appear in his head, until not realize his hand strongly squeeze a stalk of rose. He knows, their problem is really serious. That black cloud hung like soot in the blazing day. Like a black ink that poured in a clear pond. Make heart restless everyone that sees.


But they are a strong couple, at least like that what Jim sees.

Fifteen minutes pa.s.s again, which is equivalent to he restlessly wipe his face, ten times awkwardly stand-sit-stand-sit on the park bench, eleven times sigh deeply, and countless glancing at junction impatiently, where she should appear, waving her hand.

But she"s not there yet.

Part 3

A FESTIVE WEDDING. One year ago. Unbelievable! Look, this is the biggest wedding since this city founded! Someone shouted while laughing wide. Raising high his gla.s.s.

The other guest shouted in agreement. Laughing no less loud. All of town dweller present. Dressed neatly, the man comes with his shiny oiled hair, the women come with a frilly dress that so many years just hung in the closet. The children wear a colorful ribbon, running around. The guests came with gifts, although what meaning of gift for the host. They are the richest family, respected and the ruler of that town.

The host is marrying his fourth daughter. The last wedding in the family. Their youngest side by side with a respectable n.o.ble son from the neighbor country, subcontinent. Which easily can be seen from the groom"s family clothes. They wear long turban, a long dress that makes sound and fluttering when walking, a big belt from fabric and pointy-curved shoes.

That wasn"t an uncommon culture sees in this town. Trade relationship that created a long time ago makes people with a various custom come to visit. This town"s wine is the best in the northern continent, and that more than enough to invite many merchants.

What still mesmerizing is to watch the trinkets worn by them. A bead from gems hanging in their necks, arms full of a bracelet, till ring in all fingers. Their dress made of the best silk. And one-two even wears a gold belt. Great and sparkling. Showing how great are the groom"s big family. A merchant from the subcontinent.

"C" mon Jim, just start it! You don"t want us to fall asleep because full belly before hears you, right!" Someone shouts from the huddle of guests.

The crowd clapping noisily.

"Yeah, play it!" The other didn"t want to lose enthusiastically. Cheering. Laughing.

Jim grinning, move forward. Till now, it"s difficult for him to move on the huddle where the party held. Moreover, bring something.

People clap their hand again when Jim finally arrive in the stage, sit in the chair that prepared. The groom"s family with turban look a little puzzled. One-two bride"s family kindly whispered explaining. Nodded.

Jim took out his violin. The people with the sparkling face waiting.

Jim glace to the host"s seat. That town ruler with age around 60 years old nodded, his middle-aged wife which still beautiful, sits beside him, smiling.

"Play a beautiful song, Jim!" White dressed bride like swan[4] shouts cheerfully in the middle of the hall. Blinking her eyes. Raise a finger.

Jim laughing wide. Of course, I will do that, Marguirette! Jim nodded. Put violin in his shoulder, then with solemn he starts his performance. The strings trembled slowly, and instantly that big hall filled with new merry energy. People clapping their hands. Someone shouted. Cheering and move his body.

Jim smiling. This is his job- if it can be called a job. At first, he just trying to play his violin in one of the wedding party. Play it when the party starts to feel slow and boring.

Unexpectedly the guest like it. A beautiful song Jim! That was their comment while moving to greet their acquaintance and munch the food. Some weddings after that even more progressive, they dance accompanied by Jim"s violin. And became more and more fun. From that day, there is no wedding in this town without Jim and his violin.

Including the biggest wedding party in this town. Moreover, Marguiretta, the bride, is his close friend.

Not finished yet, Jim plays two songs when the corner of his eyes catch something. Just a glance, but somehow like lighting struck his eyes.

His violin pitch broke, Jim stuttered hurriedly fix the wrong tune, luckily no one cares too much. If you sing well, one-two wrong not, no one care. But no one care or not, his heart beating fast. He choked. His hand that holds the violin sweating.

Oh G.o.d, this feeling is so unimaginable.

That girl approaching. Her round and beautiful smile look at Jim bravely without hesitation. Her face sparkling, her lip smiling. That song finishes after some minutes, but Jim feels like he just moved ten hills. He wipes the sweat on his forehead.

Just a glance. He just sees her just a moment. The pity is, it was a stabbed deadly glance. A firm glance.  He never knows this girl before. How could this feeling appear irresistible? Even a moment he couldn"t muster the courage to raise his face and glance the girl that stands in front of him. Jim trembled.

The folk clapping their hands. One two whistled. Bravo, Jim! What a great song! Jim just nodded his head and smile wryly, pretend to wipe his sweat. Busy fixing his sitting position. Bowed his head.

That girl approaches him one step again. Her musky body scent smelled by Jim. And Jim suddenly feels choked.

"Ma ajmalal ghina" greet that girl.

Jim that trembled raises his face, not because he confused don"t understand what that girl says, but he trembled because he heard that sweet voice.

They look at each other.

Jim finally realizes the girl is one of the groom"s family guest from the neighbor country, although she wears something common for a girl in this town. No wonder Jim can"t recognize her. That girl greets Jim warmly. The pity was not only he doesn"t understand what she said, but he also confused about what just happened in his heart.

"Your music so beautiful, Jim[5]", the bride interrupting from behind. He walks approaching Jim, helps to explain. Meanwhile, the guests back to the food table.

"Ah, apologize. I"m not aware I use our language... That"s it! Sometimes when I fascinated I don"t know what to says. I am here but my heart not....", That girl from east realize something. Still smiling happily look at Jim.

"You just don"t know her yet. This is Nayla, my husband"s acquaintance from a neighbor country. Nayla, this is Jim, my good friend from small."

Marguirette stands between them while lifting her wedding dress. Introducing.

Jim"s body shrinking when his hand touching that girl soft and smooth hand. He forces himself to smile. But it"s more like horse smirk.

"You can speak our language?" Just words that can come out from Jim"s stiff mouth.

That girl nod politely.

"Nayla stay and grow up in Capital, Jim. Of course, she can speak our language, even her family is from the subcontinent. In our place, swept music instrument is unusual" Rasyid, the groom, walk approached.

Jim nodded, Numb look at that girl.

"You"re very good at playing it. Can you teach me?" That girl gazes at him with sparkling eyes, like a hopeful child that promised by plays.

Jim gulping. Rubbing the tip of his nose. Ah, from whether since when in his heart suddenly clinking string that plays a beautiful song full of hope. Love!

They were silent for a while. Nayla encourages herself to politely touch Jim"s arm, whispered with a trembling voice:

"Could you play one special song for me?"

Part 4

"ARE YOU MISTER Jim?" a boy look at him doubtfully. His clothes look like a servant. Maybe one of Rasyid and Maguirette servants.

Jim whose pacing back and forth turns around. Look at him carefully. Nodded. No! Definitely not something bad.

The boy gives him a folding paper.

Jim"s heart pounds hard when he saw that white paper. His hand trembled to receive it. Awkwardly his finger opened it. Letter. There"s a message.

"Please, read it for me!" Jim give back the paper to the boy. The boy looked at him not understand. Jim weakly says "I can"t read."

The boy read the letter with a stammering voice, word by word. He is also not too proficient. But that not important. What"s important now for him-- suddenly, he feels like a thousand sledgehammer pound his chest when the boy finish read that short message.

Jim suddenly jumps from the bench park, running into the crowded street. Forget about the servant in front of him. Even forget to just say thank you and give a little tip... But how could he remember?

Their relationship is fast. It can be said too fast. But for someone who falls in love, there is no term for fast or slow. It"s all about feeling. What the meaning of a month when you happily flirting with a lover; pa.s.sing by like a second. Otherwise, what the meaning of a second when you feel a longing for your lover, feels like a century.

She was a prestigious n.o.ble daughter from the neighbor country. Rich and have a big influence at the subcontinent. Fortunately, she has a lifestyle the same as other girls in this town, considering the strictness neighbor country"s family to regulate their girls. Restrained[6].

Jim and Nayla often meet after Marguirette"s wedding party.

Firstly it"s just once a week and then a few weeks become every other day. After a month increase to every day, months till countless times a day. Nayla stayed a few months in that beautiful town. Her family who did not really understand the real reason are reluctant to allow, for a good relationship with Rasyid and Marguiretta"s family.


Nothing she did all day, except listening to Jim"s song a beautiful song on the park bench. Enjoy throwing birds with breadcrumbs. Watch b.u.t.terflies perched in blooming bougainvillea when spring comes. Walk together in the sidewalk with a full moon as a frame. Or just watch people rushed comes and fro under a thousand-morning ray of lights.

And of course, take time to visit the old chapel on the hill. Listen to Jim explaining about story of the town"s eternal legend. Gaze at Jim"s face thoroughly.

"Will you die for me too?" Nayla whispered to Jim. Gently hug him.

The one was asked gave a long stare at the old chapel wall. Then nodded. What a brave thing to do. Too brave nod from a young man who was an orphan, a poor man, grew up by citizen generosity, have no education, and too weak to take
a decision in life.

But Jim doesn"t care about his background, he never thinks their relationship will become a disaster. Besides Nayla (and all town dweller) never care about that background. The couple never imagines that background is a problem for Nayla"s family, neighbor county ruler.

And it"s true! That love story must end.

She was forced to go home on the first morning in the winter six months later. Her mother dies. Fastest horse carriage from Capital comes to pick her up.

The morning wind piercing molar, breaking the bones when that parting happened. But not more than a stab in Jim and Nayla heart. Marguirette and Rasyid accompany too until the town gate. After last a weak hug, the horse carriage dashed five kilometers to Capital, then crossed to the subcontinent.

"Promise me you will always send a letter!" Nayla whispered to her lover, seconds ago.

"I promise to send one letter every day!" Jim whispered, look at his lover"s eyes seriously - although he is not good at writing and reading.

"Promise me, one day you will come to propose to me!"

"I will come. Even that was the last thing I can do in this world..."

Nayla smiling, her eyes wet, hug Jim tighter.

Pity, Jim"s words just hanging in the town"s morning air.

After a year, it still hanging in the same place. If you can see, that sentence really hanging, become proof of cowardice. A big problem blocks their relationship. In reality, Nayla not just mourning her mother"s death.

Nayla comes home to pick something.

The second month after their parting, Nayla sends a letter full of droplets here and there. She must be crying when she write word by word. Her hand must be shaking when she incised ink. The paper"s letter was full of remnants of her sadness. Even more its contents...

Marguirette read it for Jim.

Nayla"s family arrange a match for her with a young man from her tribe. That was her dead mother"s last wish. The wedding will be held. Six full moons later.

Jim stunned. Shaking, asking Marguirette to write a reply. Complaining about how could something like that happened. No one can obstruct their love. No one can separate them. Couldn"t Nayla explain their relationship to her parents? Couldn"t her parent and relatives understand that they are a true lover? Could it?

Nayla"s reply comes a month later.

More heart-piercing. More grieve... No one dares to oppose their family"s decision. Their life has been outlined by family decision. The girls must obey the match.

The wedding is not only because her mother will, but it has done to strengthen their kinship between families. It was to prevent a bloodbath between two big ruling clans. The wedding must have happened.

Listen to the letter Marguirette read, Jim can only fall down don"t understand. Looking down deeply. He would never understand how high a tradition wall which he must face. Even Rasyid and Marguirette, even they from the esteemed and ruling family, can"t help much.

"The wedding will have happened!" Rasyid says weakly.

"It is nothing I can do?"

"Unfortunately no, my friend. Even there is, you must shoulder it by yourself... No one dares to help you. The price is life..."

"Tell me, is there anything I can do. Please" Jim whispered weakly, anxious.

"You and Nayla run from her family. Go anywhere. Hiding. As far as possible. That"s was the only way. But unfortunately, it will never easy. The price of the matchmaking agreement was blood. Nayla"s parents better choose to kill their daughter than give her to you, Jim! A group of Beduin horseman with a curved sword will hunt you everywhere you go. Even to end of the world."

Rasyid explanation actually a clear solution for a lover who dare to die stabbed by a sword, but who is Jim. He just a musician with a tender heart. He doesn"t have any power to chase his dreams. Too afraid to face anything in days ahead. Too flinch to take action. Hobbled to move his feet. Struggled with hope without effort.

Jim"s next letter just full of complaint. Hopes and expectations their fate will change. The replies from Nayla instead a delate that the wedding deadline is getting closer. She urges him to make a decision.

Jim is getting fl.u.s.tered about what he must do. He suggests a prayer, hope the owner of all change their heart.

But is a prayer enough to change fate?

"My dear Jim, my death is near... Today they come. Bring banners to decorate my grave decoration, golden gifts to adorn my offering altar, and silver swans to accompany the ceremony of the death of my heart... Jim, pick me up from this d.a.m.ned place. Please... We can go together anywhere you want!"

"Nayla, my love and my gem. How could I bring you with my small fist and my trembled feet... The stake is your life. No problem if I die, but how could a world without you. Our escape will never long. And if it must end like that, then all will be in a vain... Pray, hopefully, the owner all give a kindness. Pray..."

Nayla tired and feel tight waiting for Jim"s courage, while the wedding is on the doorstep. Nayla finally decides to come to this town. Want to ensure what decision her soulmate will take.

"Jim, my love... we are running out of time. Unimaginable my finger wear cindai[7] not for you. Face swept by a blush, not for you. Toes decorated by paint, not for you. The seventh of the seventh month we will meet in your town. I hope you have plans and decisions. The price of my trip is our lives, my love - desperate Nayla."

Part 5

JIM RUNNING break through the crowd. Nudge some people. Cursed, but he doesn"t care. Jim frantically kicks one of the inns mentioned in the letter. Like an eagle, he flies climb up the stairs. Pa.s.sed the innkeeper that shouts pointing at the front door that broken.

The inn corridor is full of people. City guard force uniform. Gathered. Muttered weakly. Sad. Concerned. Rasyid and Mrguirette there too. Close their mouth with a hand.

Bleak eyed Jim doesn"t ignore it all.

Keep running pushing to get in the room.

That message says something about his Nayla. Bad News. How bad? What happened to his Nayla. What happens?

Stunned. His body stopped. Immediately.

Look! Nayla lying down in the bed. So peaceful in her sleep. Smiling happily. Morning sunray that got through from window grille fall to her face. The white dress that she wears creates a deep impression. That face was frozen.

Jim"s heart suddenly feels like slashed by pains.

He falls beside the bed. Fall-like falling cotton. Close his face with two hands. For a long time. Without sound. Silence. Just his body that trembled. Until slowly weak sob audible. Become Louder. Jim crawl approaches the bed leg. With a great effort trying to squat beside his Nayla. His red eyes stare at her face carefully.

His lip trembled called her name "N-y-l-a..."

No one spoke in the room. Feeling hurt too, seeing a line of sadness in Jim"s face. Oh G.o.d, Unimaginable for the violinist with a cheerful face, a musician with a tender face, full of black cloud in this early morning. The clumpy black cloud, tremble the heart.

Jim"s hand reaches his lover"s cold and harden finger. There"s an empty poison bottle, without a single drop in next of it. What is his Nayla do? Are they promised to meet this morning? Are they will talk about the plans?

Jim sobbed. Stammering.

"Jim, we found this at the table," Marguirette approaching, touch softly Jim"s shoulder with sad gaze, showing a folding paper.

Jim turn around with silence.

"We were looking for you earlier... Maybe the servant having trouble finding you. Apologize, if it"s really too late. The innkeeper had actually found her when rooster has crowed. And they immediately reported to father."

Jim not listening Marguirette explanation.

His eye and heart concentrated on the paper. "Please read it for me."

Marguirette breathed out a long breath, slowly open the folded paper. Gulping. Read weakly.

"I love you, Jim. And I know you love me too.

There are many people knows that we love each other... The pity is there are many people too who didn"t understand and care that we are the couple that loves each other... Doesn"t even care...

My love, it"s not their fault.

I know, we have limitations too.

You never have the courage to choose that risk. And I never imagine lives without you...

You always comfort me with hopes and prayers. But it would never change our fate.

Just make all likes unreachable rainbow.

Let me go, Jim.

It"s better this way.

I don"t expect much from you besides for the last time you say "I love you, my love" in my ear which must have been frozen on the seventh day of the seventh month seven o"clock today!

When the old chapel"s bell tolling. Where our vow of love has been said.

I don"t expect much, then that you will always remember me.

Remember how beautiful our love all this time.

Goodbye Jim, my soulmate.

Hopefully, happiness always with you. I really happy could end this all in the town which first time I feel the first love...


Jim wails.

He groaned, howling like a dog that loses her cub. The paper falls from Marguirete hand that lowered her head sadly.

This is really too painful.

##### TL Note #####

[1] Sebenarnya itu berani hampir dari seluruh kalian juga memiliki cerita yang sama. - TL : Don"t really understand what he means...

[2] A flower, like this [3] Never know an hourgla.s.s that has the hour and minute hand... Just ask the author...

[4] the author writes "bangau", which is a stork. I think beautiful in white more like a swan.

[5] the author write "Marguirette", but I can"t understand why she said that to herself, so I guess it"s a typo

[6] "dipingit" in Bahasa Indonesia, Don"t really know the right term in English.

[7] A fabric or shawl that women use for her wedding. Don"t know how to use it in a hand. Maybe the author means a "ring"?