The Void Emperor

Chapter 28

Ryuu closed his eyes and entered a specific stance with his palms pointing to the ground, shoulders relaxed and a deep breath out.


A sound breath left his lips and then, in almost an instant, Ryuu"s entire body transformed to black scales which seemed to absorb s.p.a.ce around them, Ryuu was like a hole in the s.p.a.ce in a shape of a human. When one looked at his scale armor, there was an entire universe behind it with stars and colorful nebulas, but the most dominant color was always green.

Long Haoran stared at Ryuu and couldn"t believe his eyes, was something like this possible? A Soul Spirit that absorbs the very fabric of s.p.a.ce? But he didn"t have the time to question anything, because very strong and oppressive aura crashed on an entire area around them, pressing them to the ground. The ground was shaking as if the strongest earthquake hit it, Long Haoran hugged Long Xingyue and coated both of them in a specific type of crimson red Soul Energy which served as a shield from any external influence.

Even then, Long Haoran felt chills up his spine and his legs were embedded in the ground all the way up to the knees. "Unbelievable...", he thought.

The scroll began vibrating when it felt Little Dragon"s aura as if it was dancing with joy and on its own launched itself towards Ryuu"s head. Ryuu didn"t panic because he didn"t have the time to, the scroll already entered the black-green emblem on his forehead in a millisecond. There was no time to blink, let alone dodge the projectile.

Long Xingyue didn"t manage to see anything because everything happened so fast that it seemed like an illusion even to Long Haoran, let alone her.

Of course, this wasn"t Ryuu"s power. Everything up to this point was the power he got with Soul Spirits because every Soul Spirit that Ryuu has is special in its own way.

When the scroll entered Ryuu"s forehead, it appeared in his Spirit Sea and then exploded inside, while Ryuu"s brain instantly got filled with a huge wave of information. Ryuu only felt a searing headache because of which he fell to the ground gritting his teeth and crawling like a squashed bug.

If he didn"t have the Spirit Power over a thousand, he would, most likely, have collapsed immediately because of all the information he got.

Little Dragon: "Yes, that"s it! I finally found it. To think that it was with humans all this time..."

She watched Ryuu holding his head in pain and her heart began feeling pain as well, but of course, considering that she felt how painful it was for him because of their bond.

Ryuu"s Dark Dragon Soul Spirit vanished as fast as it appeared because it took a toll on him. After all, it was Divine Rank Soul Spirit and he had nine more Heavenly Types so the toll on his body is high even though he has a strong const.i.tution and peak quality of bones and veins. (*)

Ryuu endured the pain and soon, it stopped, but it wasn"t the end. It was far from the end because Ryuu had to understand what everything he learned actually meant, but he didn"t have the time to do that right now.

Asura Ryuu: "Little Master, what is this thing?"

Little Dragon: "That is the first art that I ever made, and the strongest one as well. It contains the secrets of laws and rules behind not only this world but the entire universe with countless worlds and races. My teacher and brother helped me perfect it before they went to that place."

Asura Ryuu: "You mean before they became G.o.ds?"

Little Dragon: "... Yes. Did you figure it out?"

Asura Ryuu: "Well, kind of. I mean it was slightly obvious that neither of us is normal so..."

Little Dragon: *Sigh*, "Well, that"s true. My master and my twin brother left at the same time, while my younger brothers and sisters left a little after me when they earned their Divine Positions. My master and brother even sent me their Divine Wishes with which I revived you and with the second one you broke apart the second Soul Spirit."

Asura Ryuu: "Is it hard to get the Divine Position?"

Little Dragon: "I don"t know, others got it easily. For some reason, I am the only one who couldn"t do it..."

Asura Ryuu: "Did you ever wonder why you couldn"t get it? Didn"t you find it strange that your divine position didn"t appear even after so long?"

Little Dragon: "... Of course, I did, wait why are you asking me that?"

Asura Ryuu: "This is only my intuition, but I think your family up there doesn"t want you to come so they forcibly suppressed your Divine Position."

Little Dragon: "Why would they do that, we are family they wouldn"t..."

But Ryuu cut her off before she could finish: "Precisely because you are family."




Little Dragon: "What do you mean?"

Asura Ryuu: "Maybe I am wrong, but there was probably some trouble with that realm, maybe they were in the war or maybe you are too unique so some G.o.ds might try to get you by force for their own needs or something similar, I don"t really know. You will have to ask them when we get there, hehe."

Little Dragon: "... ....... Maybe he is right."

Little Dragon"s hand gently touched Ryuu"s cheek and then she disappeared, returning to his Spirit Sea.


What Ryuu didn"t know nor did notice because of the previous pain is that in the very moment when the scroll burst apart in his Spiritual Sea, all of his Soul Spirits awoke, his Spirit Sea expanded and the quality of his Spirit Power rose under the influence of laws contained within the scroll.

Little Dragon appeared in the Spirit Sea and became shocked. There were ten dragons in the vast starry sky, circling around the enormous Black Hole which was the center point around which they circled.

Her shock made even her spiritual body lose strength in its legs and she fell with the knees on the surface of the water.

She looked at each of the dragons and finally stopped at the black-green one which seemed the most special of all.

Little Dragon"s eyes were already br.i.m.m.i.n.g with tears and she was shaking: "Brothers, sisters, we will be together soon..."

The dragons were just circling as if they didn"t notice her existence but that was far from the truth because they shared a telepathic communication with each other and intentionally ignored Little Dragon because they didn"t want her to know that they were not in the Divine Heavenly Realm anymore.

"Old Red, our entire family is now here, only big brother and master are still up there."

"Old Blue, we will all soon return and avenge ourselves, don"t worry. I guarantee within the next fifty or so years, this kid will bring us all up together."

"Hehe, you two are pretty confident in this brat, aren"t you?"

"Old Green, mind our manners. This is the person chosen by our big sister."

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"Hah, so what. If I don"t like him he won"t be getting out unscathed from my claws, Old Purple don"t defend him from me."

"Hoh, Old Green, if big sister heard you I wonder what she would do to you."

"Hmph! I will retreat this once but it gets on my nerves that those four are as quiet as always."

"Old Black, Old White, Old Silver, Old Gold - they were always the quiet types so it isn"t strange at all that they"re quiet"

"Ara, you"re all so cheerful, as if what happened to us up there didn"t leave any aftereffects to you all."

"Ol" Violet, that was the past. Now we all can only thank this kid that he freed us from their sick fusion thing and help him become the strongest of all the G.o.ds. After that, we can all get our revenge."

"Hmph! We will see."


Long Xingyue ran away from her frozen-in-place father and ran up to Ryuu, hugging him tightly: "Bro, what did you do, you scared me. Don"t ever do something so dangerous."

Asura Ryuu: "Haha, sorry sis. I had to do this otherwise something even more dangerous would happen."

Long Xingyue stuck her tongue out while saying: "Blehh, you always find excuses, hmph! Just you wait until I beat you one day, even if you are my Younger brother."

Asura Ryuu and Long Haoran found it funny that Long Xingyue emphasized the word "Younger" and both began laughing. After they stopped laughing, Long Haoran came near them and asked: "How"s it Ryuu, did you find out anything?"

Ryuu remembered everything from a while ago and nodded excitedly: "Father, where did you find that scroll, it has so many mysteries that I can"t even count them. It"s an absolute treasure."

Long Haoran: "Oh? I got it from the academy where you two will be going. Don"t tell anyone about this except for the owner of The Void Academy, get it?"

Ryuu nodded with some doubts on his mind but didn"t ask anything.

Asura Ryuu: "Ah, sis. Give me your hand."

Long Xingyue looked at Ryuu with a confused look and extended her hand with a ring on it. Ryuu touched the ring with his index finger and poured a bit of his Spirit Power from Little Dragon into it, and the ring reacted as the vermilion runes lit up. The strong aura burst forth from the ring, making a very strong wind which almost blew them away and then disappeared as if it was never there."

Ryuu turned his head to the side and saw a transparent tear sliding down Long Haoran"s cheek as he mumbled: "Mo Lan, it"s your aura..."

Ryuu sighed and turned his head back while telling his sister: "Xingyue, try sending your Spirit Power in this ring."

Long Xingyue: "Eh? Why?"

Asura Ryuu: "Just do it, there is a surprise for you."

Long Xingyue"s eyes sparkled with countless stars: "A surprise? What is iiit? Let me seeee!!"

She sent her faint Spirit Power, which in comparison to Ryuu felt like a stream of water compared to the raging river but it had the gentleness of that little stream which Ryuu"s Spirit Power didn"t have.

When her consciousness came into contact with the ring, she felt as if she was getting sucked somewhere and soon, she found herself in some kind of a very big s.p.a.ce. Out of fear, she quickly left it and began gasping for air while she threw herself in Ryuu"s embrace like a little scared rabbit.

Ryuu smiled and caressed her long hair.

Asura Ryuu: "Don"t be scared, that"s the gift your mother left you with. It"s the spatial ring."

When Long Haoran heard words "spatial ring", his pupils fiercely contracted and he tried doing the same, sending the consciousness inside but he didn"t feel anything strange about the ring.

Long Haoran: "Ryuu, are you sure this is the spatial ring, it feels like a normal ring no matter how you look at it."

Asura Ryuu: "Hehe, that"s the trick I got from the scroll. This ring isn"t based on Soul Energy so it appears that it is normal and only Xingyue can access it because it was left for her by her mother. Xingyue let a drop of blood on it."

Long Xingyue: "Eh? A drop of blood? But I"m scared, will it hurt?"

Long Haoran: "Don"t worry it wo-"

Asura Ryuu: "It will. It will hurt, but I"m here so don"t worry. It will only feel like I pinched you."

Long Xingyue: "Um! If brother says so then it must be! Here, do it brother.", she said and extended the fingers on her other hand to Ryuu.

Ryuu smiled and said: "Good girl, now relax and don"t close your eyes."

Long Xingyue opened her closed eyes and said with a surprise: "Don"t close them? But I was always told to close them so that I won"t feel the pain when I was small."

Asura Ryuu: "If you want to, you can close them. But I think it"s better if you actually see what will happen so that you won"t have to be afraid in the future. There is always a point in time when you have to overcome your own fears, so be brave. If you want to be as strong as me, you have to work hard, you know."

Long Xingyue"s spirit became stronger while her eyes were full of resolve when she heard Ryuu"s words: "Brother. Do it! I will watch because I will always be with brother!"

Ryuu smiled and patted her head while saying: "Good girl!", which Xingyue obviously liked as her face had a wide smile br.i.m.m.i.n.g with happiness: "Hehe, brother your hand is warm."

Ryuu released his scales on only one finger and gently poked Xingyue"s finger and extracted one drop of blood with purely Spirit Power as to not press her gentle white fingers. It looked like he was working with the finest work, not wishing to inflict even the slightest bit of unnecessary pain to her. Then he put the drop of blood on the ring and it got absorbed and filled up the gaps where the runes were embedded, becoming completely uniform - in other words, there were no more visible b.u.mps or hollowed parts and the ring now looked like a polished deep blue crystal.

Long Haoran saw the entire process and couldn"t help but sigh while thinking to himself: "Ryuu is amazing, I"m nowhere near him even though I"m way older, but at least Xingyue is in safe hands from now on, I don"t have to worry about them."

Long Haoran said his goodbyes with Ryuu and Xingyue and disappeared behind the mountains, returning to their home. When he left, he explained to Ryuu how to get to the academy and gave him the instructions as well as the recommendation letters from the - the highest-ranked elder of the academy and told them to find her when entering. He left a message in their house and left on a journey to fix the things he left unfinished.

"Ryuu, Xingyue. I hope we will see each other sometime in the future when you get stronger. I love you both, Long Haoran."


* Heavenly Type is a rank lower than Divine Type, but Divine rank is a qualitative leap. Divine Type can hardly be found in their current world because it is a standard in the Divine Heavenly Realm ( Realm of G.o.ds ).