The Void Emperor

Chapter 29

Ryuu and Xingyue were left all alone to handle the rest while Long Haoran left on his way to solve his past troubles. There were several reasons why Long Haoran decided to do it that way out of which, the most important one was to leave the two kids to grow up themselves while traveling "to the past" in order to make up for his mistakes - in other words, to collect the debt from those who deserve.

Ryuu looked at the waterfalls and something seemed a bit off to him, but he couldn"t pinpoint what it was.

Asura Ryuu: "Little master, do you feel like something"s off here?"

Little Dragon: "Yea, but you have to find out yourself what it is. Don"t worry, I"m here at every possible moment with you but that doesn"t mean you can slack off. Maybe Long Haoran left but I"m still here, hehe."

Asura Ryuu: "Y-you aren"t planning on involving my sister in this, are you?"

Little Dragon: "Hmm, why not? She wants to be by your side all the time so I don"t see any reason to leave her out of this h.e.l.l, hehe."

Asura Ryuu: "Hm? h.e.l.l?"

Little Dragon: "Well, you haven"t seen yet what is in here but when you do it will seem like h.e.l.l. As I already told you, this area is the easiest one and it only serves to temper your body and prepares you for living every day in constant pain and suffering that comes after."

Asura Ryuu: "..."

Little Dragon: "What"s wrong? Did you become scared all of a sudden? What about that talk from before that you will protect me and your new family, was that all a lie? I never knew you had a cowardly side to you, heh. How pathetic."

Asura Ryuu: "..."

Little Dragon noticed that Ryuu didn"t answer and decided to leave his Spiritual Sea in order to see his scared expression, but what she saw was not fear - it was excitement. Ryuu was trembling with excitement while in front of him was a transparent pearl that reflected ten-colored light, the light of Ryuu"s Spirit Power.

Ryuu"s head was filled with all the knowledge that Long Haoran left behind in a crystal pearl which contained the names of all areas and additional info related to each of them.

Little Dragon had an amazed expression as well, but for an entirely different reason - she was surprised that something escaped her perception.

"How could that pearl have reached the origin state, it makes no sense... Whoever made it is a genius craftsman. Only objects of higher quality than my Spirit Power can escape it, yet this crystal ball escaped it entirely....", she thought.

Little Dragon: "Whatever, it isn"t harmful anyway. If it was I"d know right away. Now then..."

Her head turned in the direction where Ryuu stood shaking with excitement while holding the transparent pearl in his hand, while Xingyue stared at him with confused eyes.

Long Xingyue: "Bro, what do we do now? Father has left us all alone here without food or anything."

Asura Ryuu: "Xingyue, don"t worry. With your brother here, you can rest easy that we will definitely pa.s.s every test that father gave us and successfully enroll in that academy."

"Kyaa, brother"s serious face is so cuuuute and cool. I feel like I"m melting, ahhhh... my soul"s gonna melt...", Xingyue thought.

While lost in her thoughts, Long Xingyue didn"t notice that a very quiet "ah..." escaped her slightly parted pink lips. If it was someone else instead of Ryuu, it would not mean much, but with Ryuu"s Spirit Power, that faint sound was as clear as the normal speech.

Asura Ryuu: "... this might become a bit troublesome..."

Little Dragon: "Hehe, don"t worry. She won"t have the time to savor your charm when you begin your training."

Asura Ryuu: "Little master, what about the energy of this world, why haven"t you told me how to gather it yet?"

Little Dragon: "Oh? I didn"t think you would know of that. Usually, people don"t discover Spirit Energy in the world around them because their Spirit Power is way stronger from the moment they are born and you can do most of the things with Spirit Power so until a cultivator explains you about Soul Energy, the chances are low for you to notice it."

Asura Ryuu: "There"s no way I wouldn"t know - after all, I"ve read loads of novels, mangas and seen tons of anime back in my previous world.", Ryuu thought.

Asura Ryuu: "Well then, how do I gather it with my Spirit Power? And what are the cultivation levels in this world?"

Little Dragon: "You truly are impressive knowing even that, let me explain everything anyway."

Little Dragon: "What you really want to focus on right now is breaking through the first cultivation level in which you and your sister currently are - The Awakening Realm. I think there is a Spirit Device to test the exact level of your strength, but that means nothing to you and her because both of you are level 10 already and now all you have to do is find a way to break through to the next level."

Asura Ryuu: "How do you know we are level 10?"

Little Dragon: "What kind of pointless question is that? You have ten Soul Spirits and she has the divine inheritance which awakened her Sea G.o.ddess Soul Spirit and that"s the peak of the Soul Spirits if ranked solely by the quality of them, so there is no way that you aren"t level 10. If you really want to check, you should find that device first."

Asura Ryuu: "So you are sure that we are level 10, why don"t I feel another type of energy inside me aside from the Spirit Power then?"

Little Dragon: "You don"t feel it? Seriously?"

Asura Ryuu: "..."

Ryuu didn"t know whether he said something shameful or not, but to the dragon who lived million years with such knowledge, it would indeed seem trivial and pointless question unless it was Ryuu who asked it.

Little Dragon: "Okay, I"ll move a little bit of my Spirit Energy and you tell me what do you feel exactly then try moving yours, okay?"

Asura Ryuu: "Sure!"

Little Dragon"s Spiritual Body manifested in front of Ryuu and she manipulated her energy hidden within Ryuu and made a little ball of it on top of her finger. Ryuu looked with great interest at that little ball on top of her finger and he even forgot that his sister was right next to him.

Long Xingyue: "Bro, what"s that?"

Asura Ryuu: "Um? Ah. I don"t know, it seems like some kind of Spirit Energy."

Long Xingyue: "Ah, you mean this?"

Long Xingyue extended her finger while making a shy pose and deep blue pearl of slowly rotating wave-like Spirit Energy circled above her finger, then she flicked it toward the little point in front of Ryuu with the intention to knock it away but what she didn"t expect is that her Spirit Energy didn"t even graze it a bit and got entirely sucked inside that little black-greenish point which seemed to float in the air.

While Long Xingyue was wondering why her Spirit Energy wasn"t able to touch that little thing, Ryuu was thinking about something else.

Asura Ryuu: "How come I don"t feel anything like that inside me?"

Long Xingyue: "Let me check your body then."

Asura Ryuu: "Eh? So straightforward, can"t you at least wait until we grow up a little, and my sister is there as well."

Under the weight of Ryuu"s tease, Little Dragon"s cheeks blushed with greenish shade and she knocked him on the head while explaining herself: "Fool. Not that! I mean let me check your body with Spirit Power, don"t resist it when it enters."

Asura Ryuu: "..."

"Why does everything have to sound so weird... Especially about the "entering" part", Ryuu thought.

Soon enough, Ryuu felt something pressing on all parts of his body as if he was in the center of a contracting ball of water - something like pressure, but it wasn"t the pressure. The power seemed familiar but contained an overwhelming strength behind it which made Ryuu hold it in high regard.

"How oppressive, worthy of the ancient dragon.", Ryuu thought.

Ryuu let himself be examined all the way to the depths of his body which made him a little uncomfortable as if he was laid bare for all to see, the feeling was similar but much stronger.

Asura Ryuu: "This feels so strange..."

Little Dragon: "What the f.u.c.k is wrong with you? How can something like this happen?"

Asura Ryuu: "What is it?"

Little Dragon: "Y-you don"t have Spirit Energy, none. None at all! But wait, how can a cripple have ten Soul Spirits, it doesn"t make sense..."

Asura Ryuu: "I felt something was wrong, do I need a core or something to absorb the energy from the air and store it or what? And besides, shouldn"t Soul Spirits automatically be attracted to the Spirit Energy and absorb it?"

Little Dragon: "c.r.a.p."

Asura Ryuu: "Mm?"

Little Dragon: "Uh... sorry, this one"s on me actually."

Asura Ryuu: "What do you mean?"

Little Dragon: "Well, since you weren"t born physically, rather made from my original body, you don"t have the Spirit Energy because I wasn"t storing in it my body at all..."

Asura Ryuu: "But you had to use something, didn"t you?"
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Little Dragon: "Well yeah, but it was the power of laws, not the Spirit Energy and I can"t let you use the power of the law if you haven"t mastered the Spirit Energy, so it seems you will have to take the hard path..."

Asura Ryuu: "That"s not a problem, I will think up of a way to solve it. Anyway, can I even absorb the Spirit Energy as the things are right now?"

Little Dragon: "You will be able to, but you need the cultivation manual and The Origin Art can"t be used for the Spirit Energy - it"s for the power of law, as you know."

Asura Ryuu: "Well, I don"t really need to seek the manual if I can just make one myself, do I?"

Little Dragon: "..."

Little Dragon: "You know what... Nevermind. I"ll hold back with this, for now, go ahead and try but first let me form a core so you can absorb the Spirit Energy."

Asura Ryuu: "Wait, don"t!"

Little Dragon: "What"s wrong?"

Asura Ryuu: "I will form it myself, just tell me how can I feel the Spirit Energy in the atmosphere without actually having it myself."

Little Dragon thought to herself: "This little... He even wants to form the core himself which should be naturally formed by Soul Spirit. I can"t believe this... Don"t tell me he wants to do something outrageous again... No use overthinking it, let"s wait and see."

Little Dragon told Ryuu the detailed way how to feel the energy in the air and explained all the key points he should be sticking to when forming a core - it needs to hold a lot of energy in so it should be stable and he should pick a good position in his body where to form it."

At this moment, Ryuu turned around to his sister.

Asura Ryuu: "Xingyue, can we start with our training right now, or do you want to rest a bit?"

Long Xingyue may be only a six-year-old kid, but her intelligence was good and she could tell that Ryuu was extremely excited to start with the training, which of course influenced her as well. Little did she know that her motivated spirit came from Ryuu"s Soul Spirit. Neither of them knew that Ryuu"s Soul Spirit could separately influence someone if Ryuu didn"t release it.

Long Xingyue: "Yeah! If the brother is going, then I am going too!"

Ryuu smiled wholeheartedly, took her by the hand and ran up to the waterfall.

Asura Ryuu: "Sis, I don"t actually have any Spirit Energy inside me so I have to form my own circulation path and those things, and I will do it under the waterfall. You should try resisting it with your Spirit Energy which will at the same time temper it."

Long Xingyue: "So both of us are going under the waterfall, right?"

Asura Ryuu: "Yep, it"s just that we will be doing different things from the start, but I will catch up to you definitely!"

Long Xingyue: "I don"t know why but I have a feeling that I can"t cultivate anymore if I don"t change something."

Asura Ryuu: "That"s what you call a breakthrough, but don"t do it yet try to compress your Spirit Energy before you breakthrough and make it denser."

Long Xingyue: "Eh? Compress it? What does compress mean?"

Asura Ryuu: "Ah... I forgot they don"t know my world"s terms.", Ryuu thought.

Asura Ryuu: *cough*, "That means something like this."

Ryuu let his ten-colored Spirit Power outside and made a visible half-meter ball in front of them to which Xingyue t.i.tled her head to the side and did the same: "Bro I can do that already, that ... compress thing."

Asura Ryuu: "That"s not compressing, you just released your Spirit Power outside - try to do this."

The darkness in Ryuu"s green-black eyes became more visible - in other words, it grabbed attention, while green streaks emanated a very faint glow. The sphere began shrinking in size becoming smaller and smaller as it was compressed by Ryuu until it became only a size of a spark - a few millimeters. When Xingyue saw this little spark it seemed as if an idea popped up inside her mind.

"Was that why my Spirit Energy got absorbed before?", she thought.

She didn"t waste any more time thinking about unnecessary things and decided to try it herself and see what happens.