The Void Emperor

Chapter 22

Having heard how the events of the downfall of his family unfolded or rather how "The dawn of justice" occurred, Ryuu"s feelings flared up and his aura was already enveloping their surroundings, though Ryuu didn"t even notice that the aura of a Crimson Dragon was oozing out of himself now, the thing that followed them in shadows did, and it ran away with a tail between its legs.

Long Xingyue: "Wait, what? Why did it run away from Ryuu"s aura, it"s not yet that strong even though it"s a little bit domineering because of my dragon aura!?"

Much to her surprise, Little Dragon couldn"t find a reason why such a powerful beast would run away, but that is only because Ryuu"s aura wasn"t discernible to her because he had not a single shred of hostility to either her or his current family, but anyone else would feel as if they were p.r.i.c.kled by countless of daggers which would intensify the closer one went to its origin.

This Soul Spirit"s particular aura wasn"t supposed to be like this but during the four years in Illusion Realm, Ryuu"s constant fight against Spirit Beasts and the pain of being helpless and constantly protected by those who he should protect made it evolve completely into a terrifying oppressive force which would later become well-known among many places and worlds.

But alas, the spirit beast didn"t run away because of Ryuu, rather it seemed that something even more terrifying threatened it---

The viridian lake began slowly gathering and dispersing, rising and falling and miniature ripples unseen to the naked eye began forming. Just a few moments later, Ryuu"s closed eyelids shot open and his aura receded because he felt a transformation occurring within himself - something calling for him in the depths of his soul, as if summoning him.

Ryuu looked at the exhausted Long Xingyue sleeping and the first thing he had to do was to put on his clothes, and afterward her clothes too and bring her out to the sh.o.r.e of the lake.

Only then did he sit down to meditate and check what was happening.

As Ryuu slowly entered the depth of the meditation process, Little Dragon who observed everything from within him decided to leave his body with her Spirit Body and came in front of the sleeping Long Xingyue, observing her from a close distance.

Little Dragon: "The Sea G.o.d mark, is it? I wonder how is the blue doing now?"

Little Dragon"s eyes stared at the colorful sky intertwined with variety of countless color shades and a colorful giant star in the middle of it, and began wondering: "Why did it occur in Ryuu"s Illusion that the sky had no stars and instead there was that weird thing which warped the light, something like a disc? What is that? Is something like that even possible in reality?"

As if noticing that she dozed off, Little Dragon then again glanced at the sleeping Long Xingyue and with a sigh, on the top of her finger, a crystal viridian drop of blood appeared and a moment later - it shot into Long Xingyue.

The difference now was that Ryuu didn"t feel anything because he was already in the depths of the meditation. Little Dragon"s look became gentle again upon falling on his back covered in the black coat.

Little Dragon: "Black clothes, black soul, yet the first half of his personality brighter than the sun and second darker than myself... How did he manage to do that?", she wondered.

But at that moment, behind Ryuu appeared ten Spirit emblems, two of them had a dark green and crimson red color respectively while the rest were pitch-black. Then, suddenly a third one began trembling and a colorful viridian dot appeared in the middle of it.

Long Xingyue: "Viridian color? Which one will it be this time?"

But alas, before she could even recollect herself, Ryuu"s monstrous and mysterious influence yet again surprised her as all of the water in a viridian lake suddenly floated up and condensed endlessly until only a drop of crystal clear viridian water remained with starlight embedded within it.

Long Xingyue: "Sea G.o.d"s origin blood? How did this happen?"

Long Xingyue"s eyes nearly popped despite the fact that she was now a Spirit Body and had no physical form - actually she had but wasn"t able to quite exactly use it yet.

Long Xingyue: "T-th-this ... he can"t even be considered a monster anymore, this is pure madness....."

Her eyes drifted to the sky yet again, while longing appeared within them - "Old blue, what would you think if you knew that yet another bloodline apart from the demons would have your inheritance? And it"s partly a human whose race you despise the most..."

"Human? Hmph! He"s everything just not human. Old Black, we are waiting for both of you, hurry up here it ain"t fun without you." The deep and ancient voice reverberated within Little Dragon"s head.

Little Dragon began shaking like a sieve, her eyes which barely stabilized shot open again while she wanted to scream but couldn"t. She could only scream in her thoughts in hope to hear that sound again.

Little Dragon: "Old Blue! Answer me! How are you? How is everyone? Why is your Spirit Origin here?"

Little Dragon: "That nine-colored blood, was that you in the void dimension? Old Blue? Old Blue???"

Little Dragon continued screaming for a bit more in her thoughts before she managed to calm down. When she did calm down, excitement overtook her whole heart and her black cheeks had a faint green* shade, obviously from excitement - "So you guys are still okay up there? Don"t worry we will be coming soon, in twenty-thirty years I will see you all again, and I"ll have to introduce my future husband to you all!"

"We are waiting.", the sound occurred again.

This time, Little Dragon only got a bit surprised but then noticed something fast and surprise vanished: "If they did hear my thoughts, why didn"t they answer? Could it be that something happened?"

Her eyes slowly drifted towards the Spirit Emblem that began changing and at that moment a viridian droplet with the stars shot into the Spirit Emblem while it changed color from black to viridian and a unique dragon shape formed as Ryuu slowly opened his eyes which were now deep blue. Ryuu slowly stood up and turned around watching the Little Dragon"s Spirit Body with ten different-colored wings behind her and couldn"t help but be amazed by them. But then Little Dragon"s slightly panicked voice brought him back to reality...

Little Dragon: "Hey, Ryuu..."

Asura Ryuu: "Um?"
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Little Dragon: "Why are your eyes deep blue? Shouldn"t they be viridian?"

Asura Ryuu: "What do you mean?"

Little Dragon: "..."

Asura Ryuu: "Little master?"

Her slanted colorful brows almost touched as she thought about it, then she looked at the Spirit Emblem again and noticing that it was viridian, while Ryuu"s eyes were blue, she couldn"t understand why it happened. She couldn"t understand until that moment - when Deep Blue dragon scales shot out from Ryuu and his eyes began glowing, precisely at that moment the viridian color on his Spirit Emblem instantly changed to deep blue and ground began trembling.

Soon, the cracks in the ground began manifesting as the water shot out from them and it all happened in a basin where the water was drained from, only now the water shot out was viridian instead of deep blue, what Little Dragon was expecting.

Ryuu lowered his head and observed the spiky deep blue scales, and led by curiosity he raised his hand to touch them and found out that it was not a hand, but a dragon claw. Ryuu only smiled and touched the scale, but it parted the way as if alive and he actually touched his own skin.

Asura Ryuu: "Ay, what"s this?"

Little Dragon: "Hm?"

Asura Ryuu: "Why are these scales different from the others?"

Little Dragon then paid attention and noticed the water-like substance which scales were made off was parting the way for Ryuu"s claw to pa.s.s and touch his own skin beneath.

Little Dragon: "Isn"t that Old Blue"s natural ability? Why do you have it as well?"

Asura Ryuu: "Eh? Who"s Old Blue, and what"s that ability?"

Little Dragon noticed that she said something unnecessary and then with a *Cough* she explained it in a roundabout way.

Little Dragon: "Old Blue is my old friend, and he had that same ability, whereas he could make extremely hard objects fluid and manipulate them the same way as you."

Asura Ryuu: "Oh? Dunno- maybe I stole his abilities in my past life, hehe. But I have to say this is cool. It reminds me of a certain G.o.d from my past world. He could command all of the waters on my planet and was called Poseidon, but he was only a legend from the past."

Little Dragon: "... Old Blue, you"re right. He"s everything apart from human, isn"t he, Heh-heh, lucky me."

Little Dragon couldn"t help it but smile brightly when she thought of it and her mood became cheerful again. "Yup, Ryuu was right. I"m better off when I"m happy and smiling, hehehe. MUHAHAH---- oops. My habits came back again."

Little Dragon: "Okay, you little idiot. Come here quick!"

Asura Ryuu: "Ey? Why are you scolding me?"

Little Dragon: "Stop asking unimportant questions and come here!"

Asura Ryuu: "Aye, aye, little master. Commin" right now!"

Ryuu came near his sister and observed her condition, still worried that she wouldn"t wake up or would have nightmares from those memories that she evoked when explaining her past, but Ryuu only found that her skin had something similar to a transparent starry layer and at that moment her eyes slowly opened, while her forehead flared up.

A pattern appeared on her forehead and it was the exact same pattern of a trident that her mother had, only her pattern was viridian instead of crimson, and her eyes were the same color as the pattern - viridian.

The first thing she saw was Ryuu"s deep blue eyes and his deep blue armor which made an extreme impression in the depths of her soul, stimulating the feeling inside of her to become even stronger and at that moment---

Ryuu"s eyes began glowing with deep blue light and deep blue armor of scales got covered in black cracks as if the s.p.a.ce within the armor was torn and a very gentle, yet vast aura enveloped their surroundings.

Under that aura, instead of feeling oppressed by its vastness, Long Xingyue became excited and her heart began beating faster and faster and even went up above five to six beats per second. As a human, this may be troublesome state even for a Spirit Master, but she had a Starry physique and a Demon one at that, so it wasn"t problematic at all for her. And right at that moment ---

A viridian light flared out of her eyes while the coat of viridian water enveloped her whole body and formed a non-transparent coc.o.o.n with stars embedded within.

Ryuu couldn"t quite understand what happened and then he had to resort to asking the Little Dragon about it: "Yo, little master. Why did this change happen?"

Little Dragon: "This is how a Soul Spirit Awakening occurs, Ryuu. Now then you"ll have to be creative when crafting up how yours did when you need to tell others because you"ll quite possibly have ten of those."

Asura Ryuu: "Oh? So this is how it looks like? How long will it last?"

Little Dragon: "Usually, it"s instantaneous, but since her bloodline was stimulated by your third Soul Spirit, it probably evolved since it wasn"t awakened yet, so it"ll take a while before it"s finished."

Asura Ryuu: "Heh, then I"ll be meditating to stabilize my third Soul Spirit, please notify me if something happens."

Little Dragon: "Yeah, yeah. Go already, it"s boring listening to your nagging."

Ryuu could only shake his head and sit cross-legged and enter the meditation state again.

What Ryuu was unsure, however, was what stabilizing an awakened part meant exactly, but he decided to do everything in order to potentially make it better and stronger so he took that process as the "stabilizing" in his own dictionary. But that wasn"t it at all, what Ryuu did was much more than stabilizing - it was evolving it at the same time and surpa.s.sing the limitations, unlocking infinite possibilities for each and every Soul Spirit he had observed. This was a thing that Little Dragon would never know about Ryuu, and if she did, he wouldn"t even be a madman anymore, he"d be a mystery to her for all the eternity.

Little Dragon glanced at Ryuu who recalled his deep blue scales and then glanced at the viridian coc.o.o.n floating in midair, and then... coc.o.o.n changed from viridian to deep blue, the same as with Ryuu a while ago.

Little Dragon: "What the h.e.l.l is going on? Old Blue had never succeeded in pa.s.sing down the entirety of his origin to anyone, why would it happen to both of them now?"

She couldn"t help but look at Ryuu again, and then she noticed something - Ryuu"s hair lost two colors, red and blue. She didn"t notice it at first because black was black, red happened only recently and she didn"t go out with her Spirit Body and only now did she notice it.

Little Dragon: "So he needs to awaken all of his souls before he can look normal, is it?"

Little Dragon: "I can"t wait to see what he"ll become in this wretched world of mine... Would he able to change what I couldn"t?"

As she fell deep in thought, her eyes drifted to the sky again, while her thoughts were swimming who knows where at that moment.


*green shade - instead of the red shade when someone is excited or ashamed, it is green in Little Dragon"s case, because her blood is green. If it was Ryuu, then it"d be ten-colored, if it"s Long Xingyue it"d be half-viridian, half-red and so on... I want it to be as realistic as possible in a way that would go by the logic as much as possible so if I ever forget to change something in the future like this, please do remind me to correct it or if you"ve got new suggestions leave them in the comments!