The War That Transcends Timelines!

Chapter 122

Time: 10th of April

Location: Second HQ

POV: Kyle

I heard the mocking tone in his voice as we ran towards the gate, I locked onto the hovering man who shouted for me, ""GET OFF MY PROPERTY!"" I shouted, ""Ah! there we have our puny ant!"" He exclaimed. I aimed my MG42 at him, ""EAT THIS!"" and pulled the trigger, VX coated bullets started to swarm towards the man, one of the cultivators which is able to sense danger very quickly looked at the bullets in fear, ""QUICKLY PUT UP A SHIELD!"" He shouted.

The man reacted quickly and put up a barrier, the bullets were stuck in it, yet it was quickly eroding it, ""What is this!"" He exclaimed, ""A present from your father!"" I mocked him before grabbing a grenade throwing it into the crowd of undead, ""FIGHT MEN! FIGHT! KILL THESE TRAITORS! NO NEED TO HOLD BACK!"" I shouted, the Red Skulls reacted first and started throwing grenades without holding back. Shooting every bullet, but in an orderly fashion, when one row empties their clip they switch with the people behind and they reload, this cycle continued as long as there are bullets. The soldiers swarmed through the gate were mowed down.

Some red Skulls which had no ammo anymore threw themselves into the fray, using their knives and bare hands to kill any enemy they see, ""This is MG nest 32, we need more ammo!"" Commands were issued by people all around the battlefield, men with ammunition cases ran around resupplying MG nests, sniper positions, Anti-tank positions.

""FIRE!"" A commander ordered after which 25 heavy mortars unleashed their fury, blowing large holes in the enemy"s numbers, ""G.o.d how many of them are there?!?"" a Red Skull shouted, ""NOT ENOUGH!"" Another Red Skull replied, many red skulls were the elite of the battlefield, able to get the honour of becoming a Red Skull through experience and guts, many turned crazy on the battlefield, but as long as they followed orders no one cared. That very red skull soon finished his ammo, instead of asking for a resupply he just jumped out with 2 combat knives.

Some Cultivators charged the flanks trying to cut the Red skulls down in numbers, ""FOCUS FIRE!"" A commander quickly noticed what they wanted to achieve and didn"t let them.

Watching as my men mow down the enemies like there is no tomorrow I smiled, ""You underestimate my men!"" I shouted. The man in the air frowned and said something in an unknown language, My head was quickly a.s.saulted with a headache but I couldn"t be bothered, Soon the man who summoned the undead started to cast another spell, "f.u.c.k!" I cursed myself for taunting the enemy, and soon that which I feared appeared, weird zombie-like creatures started to appear from the ground.

""SHOOT MEN! SHOW THEM OUR SUPERIOR FIREPOWER!"" I shouted, immediately multiple anti-tank cannons were pushed into position, ""FIRE!"" I ordered, immediately the 152mm Anti-tank cannons showed their might as a ma.s.sive booming noise sounded through the city, 500 anti-tank cannons fired their High Explosive Turning the creatures into minced meat.

The man in the air narrowed his eyes, ""WARNING! TIME UNTIL IMPACT THERMONUCLEAR WARHEADS IS 5 MINUTES!"" The intercom sounded. "I must hold out until then!" I told myself, ""NOVEMBER! TAKE THAT CULTIVATOR!"" I shouted pointing at the man who summoned the dead soldiers, "I need to kill this undead army first!" I a.n.a.lysed, agent November nodded as he rushed into the fray of zombies, but when people thought he would be overrun he instead was finally able to display the training of the Secret Police! Having two Katanas in-hand he started slicing through the enemies like a hot knife through b.u.t.ter. ""ONE FOR ALL, ALL FOR ONE!"" The agent shouted as he killed soldier after soldier after soldier, they weren"t even able to touch him.

The man hovering in the air noticed it as well and ordered a woman to intercept him, ""BEHIND!"" I shouted, and without hesitation November rolled sideways, slashing the legs of the woman out of reflex, she jumped up however and started targeting him again, annoyed that he escaped.

""COME HERE PUNY HUMAN!"" she shouted as her daggers increased in stabbing speed, sweat started to form on agent November"s head as he tried to parry all the attacks with his own katanas, but the speed kept increasing and increasing while more sweat started to form on his forehead from overexertion, he soon reached his limit as the human body even trained until the extremes could not compete, knowing he would lose he chose the only option available for him, mutual destruction!

Parrying the last 2 attacks to specifically stab into his shoulder he then proceeded to stab his Katanas into her sides, sadly for some reason the only went in a few centimetres, but that was enough.

The woman looked confused, while a wicked smile appeared on Agent November"s face,

""Die, b.i.t.c.h!""

He said when suddenly a large explosion engulfed the centre of the battlefield, agent November was no more while the woman was mortally wounded, but even with that going on I had to focus on keeping the enemy leader occupied, ""I CHALLENGE YOU TO A DUEL!"" I shouted towards the man. He chuckled, ""Although I find it not worthy for me to step down to your level, I will reluctantly accept."" he replied casually, "Suit. Remove all body limiters as long as possible and get me the equipment as soon as I reach the death count!" I said in my brain, activating the night vision while also getting ready.

""Behind."" the man said mockingly, Before I could react I feel a sword starting to puncture my suit, but before it could even go in one millimetre I became ethereal, ""Thank a woman cultivator for this!"" I shouted as I activated my cloaking ability, 4th-dimensional energy started to swirl around my gun, ""get a taste of your own medicine!"" I shouted as I started to empty the clip of the MG42, 4th-dimensional energy coated every bullet together with the VX gas, bullet after bullet went through his body, his face paled as he noticed his mistake. ""COMMANDER!"" The others cultivators shouted, but his body suddenly turned transparent before disappearing, ""Interesting!"" The man said as he reappeared on the spot he started.

I started to clash with the enemy commander, his attacks unable to do any damage while he was bombarded by, My katana parried some attacks that I noticed where different as they were coated by some white energy, sweat started to form as I displayed the swordsman skills of the Asian continent. I pulled the pin of a grenade and threw it into the man"s face, but the Qi shield stopped it again, the explosion didn"t harm him in the slightest, " Only One minute has pa.s.sed, I need to continue." I said to myself.

""FIGHT MEN! FIGHT!"" I ordered again,

but suddenly everything around me changed, the headache was gone as well, bodies lie all over the ground, Red Skulls were killing everything in sight, not only the undead soldiers but even their own brethren, it was a ma.s.sive slaughter as my men cut and shot everything in their sight, the Red Skulls and Gold skulls have been ma.s.sacring each other, It then dawned on me that he cast an Illusion when I got the Headache, only Agent November during the illusion actually harmed the Woman.

I looked around me... In despair, as my men killed each other, my eyes turned bloodshot, thousands upon thousands of my fellow soldiers surrounded me, purple flames in their eyes as they hungrily watch me. ""Wanderer! Entertain us!"" The man shouted, my mind quickly turned completely calm and rational again, I put away my Katana and equip another MG42 on my other arm, "Suit, I allow you to use all TUs for ammunition, Load EXPLOSIVE AMMUNITION, FINNISH DESIGN!" I shouted in my head, with both MG42s loaded I looked at the horde of zombies, ""I am sorry, and aimed my barrels at opposite ends and pulled the triggers, immediately all h.e.l.l broke loose, "Suit a.n.a.lyse the ability to resist Illusionary attacks through the cloak!" I ordered while shooting at the dead soldiers, running through the crowd as the soldiers fell like flies.

It took less than 3 Minutes to kill the soldiers surrounding me, "Ability found, protecting the user from and Mind attacks as long as the cloak ability is activated!" The system sounded, I was excited, but this lapse of judgement proofed fatally.


I looked down to see a sword stab me right through my heart,

"Oh G.o.d..."

I just realised I activated the suit in the illusion, not, in reality.

I immediately activated it, 4th-dimensional energy started to gush out in ma.s.s as I compressed the 4 times 1 hour into 4 times the power in one hour, ""AHHH!!"" A painful scream came from behind as the Cultivator named Death was being devoured by the 4th-dimensional energies, but it was too late for me as well, My legs lost their strength as I fell onto the ground on my knees.

"Is this the end?" I asked myself, I closed my eyes as I noticed the enemy cultivators rushing towards me, "I should have done better, I should have fought harder."

"I have failed, I am sorry." A tear rolled down my eye out of pure regret as I let down my people, ""Well done wanderer! You were able to entertain us, but killing one of us wasn"t part of it, we shall make sure you"ll live, so we can torture you!"" The man said with a wicked smile, my eyes started to become heavy as no blood reached my brain, while blood was still gushing out of my chest. I smiled lightly.


"It seems even in death, I can hear their voices..." I mocked myself, I can even see a mirage of them, I stretched out my left hand towards them while looking to the side at them,

"Zero. Nova...

You two were always there for me...

having my back...

protecting me...

I am sorry that even after all you have done I still fell to this state..."

I laughed inside my head, my eyelids closed as I tried to latch onto the last bit of consciousness.

Zero with his weakened body together with Nova started to attack the enemies, ""MARSHALL! PLEASE STAND UP! WE NEED YOU!"" They shouted as they could barely hold on, their bodies were just not on par. I could barely hear anything as even my back muscles could no longer support me.

It was then that the heavens seemed to smile upon me, ""DETONATION SUCCESSFUL! REPEAT DETONATION SUCCESSFUL! DEATH TOLL 20 Million, 40 Million, 80 Million, 120 Million, 180 Million, 240 Million..."" The death toll just kept rising.

"Wanderer has met the conditions of all upgrades, weaponry is being equipped, repairing injuries in return for 5 million TUs" the system said. With much weakness, the hole in my chest closed up and blood was regenerated, with a roar I finally managed to stand up again, ""MARSHALL!"" They exclaimed, ""Zero, Nova, Let us end these people once and for all!"" I shouted as I pressed 2 b.u.t.tons on my portable radio, ""WARNING ENCAPSULATING CITY, REALISING MECHANISMS, PREPARE FOR DROP! REPEAT PREPARE FOR DROP!""

Suddenly ma.s.sive walls consisting of Depleted Uranium and Lead started to rise up from the ground covering the entire city inner walls and floor, mechanisms holding the city like the Secret Police HQ were released, we suddenly became weightless, ""TIME UNTIL IMPACT 1 MINUTE!"" Sounded again when it finally cut off as the cables snapped.

I pulled out the device I was waiting for, ""Activating Anti-Matter explosive, estimated yield 150 Megatons! Ensuring matter breakdown on the atomic level!""

The device sounded, as I set the timer to 45 seconds. While immediately after which I pulled out 2 miniguns, using 21st-century gas and ammunition, I fired whilst flying backwards due to the recoil, ""RELEASE THE PLATING!"" I ordered the system as multiple plates of unknown material started to be placed on the already Depleted Uranium/lead wall, ""The cultivators didn"t stand still either, flying towards us, Nova and Zero also used the recoil to fly to the wall of the City using it as a platform to stand on,

""Zero, I thought I ordered you to be put on the train!"" I laughed as I fired the miniguns, the cultivators unable to get a step closer. ""Well Marshall, you see, Nova helped me stay."" Zero replied as he fired his STG-44,

""Nova, how could you go against my orders!"" I berated with a slight smile, ""Sir! We are unable to live our lives knowing that we were unable to fight beside our Marshall in his last battle!"" Nova replied while he fired his STG-44 as well, ""Time Until detonation, 10 Seconds!"" the device sounded.

""Gentlemen, when I see you all in the afterlife let us go for a drink, it will be on me!"" I laughed as I said, the Cultivators rushed towards the roof wanting to escape, ""OH NO YOU DON"T!"" I used one minigun to fly towards them ""NOVA! ZERO! YOU BETTER JOIN ME IN h.e.l.l AS WELL!"" I laughed as I threw the Device towards the Cultivators. ""3...2...1...""