The War That Transcends Timelines!

Chapter 123

Time: 11th of April

Location: Ghost City

POV: Rudolf"s

The train just arrived today, everyone was exhausted, but we still forced ourselves to go to the meeting room that was pre-made for us by the Marshall. In the City there was no one, the only thing we saw there were piles upon piles of resources, the lights shining brightly. After making our way through the central HQ, using the signs, did we finally arrive in the conference room, only a small layer of dust covered the furniture signalling that completion was very recent, maybe a week or 2 ago?

We all sat down, Sector heads and Generals. Unknown to others Agent Zulu already made his way to the location the Marshall told him to go. ""Gentlemen sit down,"" I said as I made my way to the head seat, in front of the seat were 2 large b.u.t.tons on the wooden table, I suppressed the urge to press one of them immediately and sat down, waiting for everyone to follow suit. After confirming everyone was silent did I press the b.u.t.ton with the words "1. Civil" on it. The lights dimmed and a projector was activated, it counted down from 3 until the Marshall"s body appeared, located in his old office.

""Gentlemen, if you are watching this, that can only mean one thing. I have died and the Nuclear Missiles are currently being shot at their designated targets. This film will tell you the 10 commandments to follow when establishing the new order out of the Ashes. The Nation shall be named the "Human Federation" and will encompa.s.s the entire planet, hopefully, the resources I left behind here will be more than sufficient to supply you to end this conflict. (The Marshall lights up a cigar), The nation will have to follow 10 commandments at any moment, failing to do so means failing the Organisation, if you are able to fulfil 5 out of 10 commandments the sector heads have the right to use the key located inside the b.u.t.ton to open the safe located in the main conference room. The commandments must be enforced at all costs, they are as followed:

1. The Human Federation must always use its power to improve the living standards of its Citizens;

2. The Human Federation must protect the rights of its citizens at all costs;

3. The Human Federation must be operated through a direct Democracy model;

4. The Human Federation must Guarantee the Freedom of Speech, Movement, and Ownership;

5. The Human Federation must adopt a balanced Capitalist-Socialist economic model;

6. The Human Federation must produce energy only through none-fossil fuels;

7. The Human Federation must always spend 10% or more of its GDP on the Military, 5% or more on Science and 15% on s.p.a.ce exploration;

8. The Human Federation must ensure that the world"s environment is kept stable during development

9. The Human Federation must guarantee its citizens: Free Healthcare, Education and Public Transport;

10. The Human Federation must make English the Primary Language while guaranteeing the ability to practice others;

Some are of course impossible to be measured statistically, hence only 5 of the 10 need to be achieved for you to open the safe.

Rudolf, if you are the one listening. I am sorry for not spending more time with you as a friend, I hope you can forgive me and lead this new nation as its president. May my spirit always be present in the Organisation! (The Marshall salutes)""

""IN THE MARSHALL WE TRUST!"" The men saluted out of reflex. I sighed deeply before anyone could speak I pressed the b.u.t.ton named "2. Defence". The projector counted down again from 3, but this time the Marshall wasn"t in his office but at the Missile silos,

""Gentlemen, if you are watching this, that can only mean one thing. I have died and the Nuclear Missiles are currently being shot at their designated targets. This film will tell you the 10 commandments to follow when establishing the new military for the Human Federation. The military is a vital role for the Nation, although there will be no enemy nation remaining, I hope you understand that they aren"t the only threat, an army of a good size must be kept, for this. The Army will have to follow the 10 commandments at any moment, failing to do so means failing the Organisation, if you are able to fulfil 5 out of 10 commandments the High Command will have the right to use the key located inside the b.u.t.ton to open the safe located in the war room. They must be achieved as soon as possible, they are as followed:

1. The Human Federation"s Army must always consist out of 5% of the population;

2. The Human Federation"s Army must always seek to improve their equipment through actual conflict created by itself;

3. The Human Federation"s Army must always have an airforce of 1,000,000 planes minimum;

4. The Human Federation"s Army must always have a navy of 1,000 ships minimum;

5. The Human Federation"s Army must always have an armoured force compared to active personal of 1 tank for every 100 soldiers;

6. The Human Federation"s Army will be split from the Organisation"s Army;

7. The Human Federation"s Army must expand into a "s.p.a.ce military force" when possible;

8. The Human Federation"s Army must only use WMDs (weapons of Ma.s.s Destruction) when only utter defeat is in sight;

9. The Human Federation"s Army must always be prioritized over economic favours;

10. The Human Federation"s Army main duty is to protect the Citizens at all costs!

Some are of course impossible to be measured statistically, hence only 5 of the 10 need to be achieved for you to open the safe.

Rommel, from now on you are the supreme commander of all Military Forces, I am sorry to force you the position, but I have faith in you to keep the military in shape even in the upcoming period of peace. After this video ends they will be destroyed, but printed copies of the 10 Commandments are located in the storage beneath the b.u.t.tons. Gentlemen, I hope you are able to fulfil these last orders of mine, LONG LIVE THE ORGANISATION! (The Marshall salutes)""

""IN THE MARSHALL WE TRUST!"" The men saluted out of reflex again. The faces of the Sector heads and generals were all solemn, sad and depressed, not because of their promotion, but the inability to see their Marshall again, he was for 99% of the time their spiritual leader as well, (thanks to the indoctrination). Men let us prepare to execute the orders, let us show our marshall in the afterlife that we are able to make his last wish come true!"" I said full of confidence, many of the people in the room gained a new resolve.


Time: 11th of April

Location: Ghost City

POV: Agent Zulu

I followed the directions of the Marshall to the letter, soon arriving in front of a wall, many would think it was just a wall, but to me, it is nostalgia, as it was the standard secret entrance, I press 2 places on the wall in a certain pattern causing it to open. Walking through the hallways checking each room, each filled with large containers, "Probably supplies," I remarked as I walked towards the main room, as soon as I opened the door a film started to play, counting down from 3,

Soon the face of the Marshall appeared flanked behind him were the Agents from Alpha to Zulu, only zero missing. "I don"t remember this? Maybe old agents who died in the field?" I thought.

""Zero, if you are watching this that can only mean one thing. I have died and the Nuclear Missiles are currently being shot at their designated targets. (I was shocked as it originally was Zero that needed to stand here), This film will tell you the 5 commandments the Secret police needs to always follow through any means necessary, you are the representation of my will! You are that which acts on my commands even after death, the secret police are the ones I trust to the fullest. Hence I hope that you are able to fulfil these commands;

1. The Secret Police must under no circ.u.mstance be known by anyone but the members and me;

2. The Secret Police must always operate in the dark to eliminate any threats to the Organisation;

3. The Secret Police must from now on always have 100,000 members to operate effectively;

4. The Secret Police must remove any internal threats in the Organisation or Country;

5. The Secret Police must make sure the other commandments "Civil" and "Defence" are enforced;

Below the screen is a box, in it, is a serum, when you inject this serum you will gain something but also lose something, it is up to you to take it or not. I hope you will be able to continue the Secret Police in all its glory, and I have one and final mission to you Zero. There is a High Chance I will return, thus making the according preparations for my return! (The Marshall salutes)""

""YES MARSHALL! I SHALL SHOW YOU I AM WORTHY!"" I saluted back to the screen, "I will never let the Marshall down, I will be his extension, his will after death!" I said to myself. Soon I walked towards the box and opened it, the syringe looked very weird, the liquid inside was luminescent green as well. But I only fidgetted to see how to use it before injecting the serum without hesitation. ""AHHH!!"" Pain a.s.sault me as if worms were wriggling in my body. After which I fell unconscious.