
Chapter 4.2 – It is said that I am very beautiful

 Chapter 4.2 – It is said that I am very beautiful


The other party paused for a while. Jun Lin Tian Xia: “That’s not it, I want to legally bind you.”

After a while, he sent another message. Jun Lin Tian Xia: “I am rich and powerful.”

Yao Yuan: “……”

Jun Lin Tian Xia: “Give it some though.”

If this isn’t a threat then what is it?

Afterwards, Ruo Wei Jun Gu got disconnected, she actually got disconnected. Yao Yuan watched as her computer automatically shut down. She was dumbfounded.

That day, the building in which Yao Yuan was living in had a power outage for an hour, but even after the power was back on, Yao Yuan didn’t sign in to the game again. She went to bed after taking a shower. Of course, all night long, her quality of sleep wasn’t great. During the night, she had a nightmare, but after she woke up, she couldn’t recall what the nightmare was about.

The next morning, Yao Yuan went to school in a lethargic state, returned home after a busy day, got herself a simple dinner, ate alone at home, was bored, then turned on the computer.

Once Ruo Wei Jun Gu signed in, a lot of message notifications came in. Yao Yuan skimmed over them. The most eye catching was a certain clan leader’s message.

Jun Lin Tian Xia: “139××××××××, my phone, contact me when you go online.”

Yao Yuan was shocked, why are we suddenly jumping to reality?! In Yao Yuan’s opinion, games, including QQ, inboxes etc. are part of the virtual world and are separated by a distance. Communicating casually is acceptable. But phones feel like we’ve escalated into communicating in real life. The distance (between virtual and reality) is too big, can’t really accept it.

Therefore, she was stunned as she looked at the sequence of numbers. Naturally, Yao Yuan couldn’t bring herself to dial the number. She wanted to but also didn’t want to, it was an endless debate. Half of the reason was because she felt sorry for the other party. That day she went offline in the middle of the conversation. Although the reason for going offline was beyond her control, the rest of the day was because she was avoiding him on purpose. How should we put it, she is still very friendly, although for some things, she is too friendly. The other half of the reason was that why was a perfectly normal person giving me his phone number? Yao Yuan didn’t know why but she started thinking that he must be up to something, she shivered.

As Yao Yuan was still debating, a private message notification came in. Fortunately, it was not a certain clan leader who would make her heart skip a beat everytime she saw him.

Ah Mi: “Sister Jun has come online! Sister Jun can you come and help me beat an outdoor boss?”

The rare outdoor boss was even more valuable than the bosses in the quests, can only be found with luck. The items that are dropped, as long as their RP [1] isn’t too bad, are basically all rare items.

[1] RP: slang that stands for 人品 (rénpin), a person’s character, moral quality, or fortune

Therefore Yao Yuan immediately replied: “Coming! Report your location.”

Ruo Wei Jun Gu rushed over to Ah Mi, they met behind a large rock. Then, Yao Yuan saw that around her……. behind the trees, behind the rocks there were players scattered everywhere. At the same time, she was focusing on the outdoor boss that appeared in the forest.

The main reason why outdoor bosses are difficult to defeat is that it’s finders keepers, unlike the bosses in the quests who belong to to the group completing the quest. Anyone can fight an outdoor boss as long as you see it. This directly led to players fighting each other for the bosses. Therefore, you must we wary of the other players while fighting an outdoor boss, it takes a lot of attention and effort.

But at this stage, the outdoor bosses in Prosperous Century have basically been monopolized by a few large clans. They have dedicated personnel to search for outdoor bosses in each area. Once they found one, they would call everyone over to fight it. Small clans or individuals are lacking in compet.i.tiveness in that area.

Yao Yuan stared at the players across from her who were also staring back, they weren’t making any moves yet, probably because they were waiting for more players to come.

Ruo Wei Jun Gu: “Ah Mi, who else did you call over from the clan?”

Ah Mi: “Clan Leader isn’t here, I called you, Sister Jun, Hua Kai, Ya Xi Ya, and Little A.”

Yao Yuan was nervous, Little Ya hadn’t reached full level yet, needless to mention Little A, the new player. Looking at the situation, it seemed like one can only rely on her, Ah Mi, and Hua Kai to try and fight together.

Ruo Wei Jun Gu: “We must be quick, there are players from large clans here. If the additional players they called over arrive, we’ll be done for.”

Ah Mi: “En en, I was also thinking about that, as soon as I discovered this boss, I called you over. They arrived right before you, the players I saw before were all scouts, their skill levels aren’t high, won’t be enough to cause trouble yet. I’m only afraid that they’re sending their elite forces over, so once Hua Kaiarrives we must start immediately, otherwise there will be no hope!”

Their little Hundred Flower Hall really is a bit too weak to fight for bosses with larger clans.

Ah Mi: “Speaking of which, why is Hua Kai taking so long??” Encountering an outdoor boss, comrade Ah Mi couldn’t help but be restless.

In the end, Hua Kai and Ya Xi Ya didn’t arrive, instead the players from other clans arrived. The leader was called Ye Zui Shuai (Lord is the most handsome), a male swordsman dressed in red, full of murderous aura. Following next to him was a female priest named Mei Ren Yi Jiu (Long Lasting Beauty). Yao Yuan stared at the two IDs and asked herself why did they looked familiar? Behind the two players followed two burly players.

Ah Mi: “Sister Jun, they are from Tian Sha Clan, although this clan is only a third-tier clan, recently they’ve attracted a number of experts from seemingly nowhere. The two players behind them are very powerful experts. So now, the players from Tian Sha Clan are very arrogant, should we hand over the boss?”

Yao Yuan just took some time to look at a guide for the outdoor boss called Pi Xiu, “If you really want to defeat it, I will deal with the other players. Hua Kaisaid that she will be here soon, once she arrives, you go fight the boss with them. I’ll be the external support, the worst that can happen is that you die, give it a try, what do you think?”

Ah Mi: “Sister Jun, why do I feel that you are so superior everytime I listen to you speak?!”

Yao Yuan laughed, Hua Kai’s three man party arrived in the next moment. Ah Mi immediately formed a team and everyone listened to the simple tactics, n.o.body had any opinions. Hua Kai sighed, “Little Jun is so ambitious.” After the ladies and Ah Mi rushed towards the boss, Ruo Wei Jun Gu jumped out and stood in front of the group of players. She can deal with the scouts later, her main focus is the group that obviously wants to fight the boss.

Ye Zui Shuai’s team was originally observing the situation, but discovered that someone took action first so they had to immediately catch up. But Ruo Wei Jun Gu and her team were blocking the way: “Sorry, if you need to pa.s.s, beat me first.”

The situation went silent for two seconds. Ye Zui Shuai: “Kill her!”

Yao Yuan was prepared to fight and sacrifice, therefore the two experts who stood out were immediately friendly and recognized her.

Bei Ji Xing (Polaris): “Are you Jun Lin Tian Xia’s wife?”

Nan Dou Quan w.a.n.g (Champion of the South Dipper): “Ruo Wei Jun Gu? It really is her, I have heard a lot about you!”

Ye Zui Shuai: “What are you guys doing? Finish her off, did you not hear me?”

Bei Ji Xing: “I’ll say Tian Sha Clan Leader, this person is Jun Lin Tian Xia’swife. Kill her? We don’t dare.”

Ye Zui Shuai: “Doesn’t your mercenary group perform deeds as long as you receive money?!”

Nan Dou Quan w.a.n.g: “Well, it also depends on the opponent.”

Yao Yuan: “……” So, we’re not fighting?

Ah Mi: “Sister Jun, how is it going on your side?! Can you hold up?”

Ruo Wei Jun Gu: “En, you guys go fight first, there is no problem for now over here.”

Ah Mi: “Sister Jun is indeed formidable!”

Yao Yuan thought to herself, the formidable one isn’t her, I just used someone’s power and prestige.

Yao Yuan helplessly thought why not temporarily lie and admit to the relationship? Whether or not they truly fear Jun Lin Tian Xia, they’ll give her respect, it would be good to delay some time, although this approach is very cowardly.

Ruo Wei Jun Gu: “Hi, how are you, I’m Jun Lin Tian Xia’s wife.”

Then, Yao Yuan saw a familiar figure coming out from the right side where she she wasn’t paying attention to. At that moment, Yao Yuan’s expression was :⊙﹏⊙b

The person who came was a certain clan leader who would make Ms. Yao’s heart skip a beat everytime she saw him, Jun Lin Tian Xia.

With the hem of his clothes elegantly drawn, Jun Lin Tian Xia casually stood on the right of Ruo Wei Jun Gu.

What was I saying a second ago? Did he see it? Yao Yuan choked.

Bei Ji Xing: “Yo, Jun Lin Clan Leader, long time no see!”

Nan Dou Quan w.a.n.g: “Old Jun, what have you been busy with recently, you didn’t even reply when I asked you to PK?”

Jun Lin Tian Xia: “You lose every time, is there even a point?”

Nan Dou Quan w.a.n.g: “Kao kao kao (cursing)!”

Bei Ji Xing: “Old Nan calm down! At least he didn’t say that you lack strength this time.”

Nan Dou Quan w.a.n.g: “Is there a difference? Is there a difference?!”

Ye Zui Shuai ,who was standing on the side, finally recovered from shock. Then, decisively left with the beauty by his side, leaving Yao Yuan staring……. at Jun Lin Tian Xia with endless admiration. Great Master, how cruel do you usually act to make everyone so understanding? Alright, I can begin to understand from these two experts’ words. But that beauty looking back at the Great Master before she left, what does that mean?

Could it be…… subconsciously she tilted her head to look at Jun Lin Tian Xiabeside her.

Jun Lin Tian Xia was absolutely still, but the notification, very precisely and very BT [2], flashed, “Unrequited love, it has nothing to do with me.”

[2] BT: slang that stands for 变态 (biàn tài), perverted, deviant, abnormal

Yao Yuan: “……”

Jun Lin Tian Xia: “I’ll deal with these two people. You go fight the boss with your fellow clan members, Cang Qiong and the others will take care of the surrounding players.”

Yao Yuan didn’t know what she should say, hesitated for a moment, and said “Thank you”, then ran over to the boss to help, but her heart felt complicated, a feeling she can’t describe.