Vampire In A Changed World

Chapter 15

As i was saying I had a crush on this star since i was little i fell in love with her since she played a part in a magic movie so how could i ignore my Mione call for help.

So after i ported in front of her house i smelled something weird or not human to be precise. I knocked on the door i waited for a bit she opened the door and invited me in.

"Who are you? "~Mione

" well maybe i should go back you don"t seem like you need help"~me

" please wait i"m sorry but i"m stressed and the new world is kinda dangerous"~mione

" sure but you should drop the disguise i can smell you"re not human"~me

"i don"t know what your talking about "~mione

"oh don"t worry i"m same as you well not exactly but same "~i said while i showed her my fangs.

so she dropped her disguise turns out she became a succubes,d.a.m.n she"s cuter now.

" mind protection stopped charm from affecting you"

thank you.

" well why don"t gather what you need and we"ll leave ?"~me

"leave to where and you don"t mind if i ask you some questions first ?"~mione

"sure and we"ll be going to my house that"s where my family and i live"~me

" what"s your name? are you a vampire ?and why did you come ?~mione

"name is lilith, yes i am , i came because i have a huge crush on you and you asked for help i can help you so i came"~me

"well i"m flattered i didn"t think i attrackted a lot of girls, will you do anything to hurt me ?"~mione

" if you don"t do or plan anything to hurt me or my family no , and i don"t know about girls but before the apocalypse i was a boy so the girl thing is still new to me :"( "~me

" oh i"m sorry!! .are you still interested in me? and if you are will you kiss me ?"~me

"yes to both questions"~me

and so she kissed me but i couldn"t enjoy it for a ling time as window apeared in front of me

" partner contract is initiated do you want to accept?"

when i asked the system about it it said that"s a pact of partnership and always standing together and never hurting each other. i had no reason to refuse it so i accpted after i did we kept on kissing for a few minutes when we finished she said

" so should i call you husband or wife?"~mione

"huh ? what do you mean ?"~me

"what you just accepted is our marriage contract"~mione

lol the system trolled me @@ i can"t believe it.

"oh i see ,well then as my first act as your husband i should punish you for using your charm skill all this time ,mind attack can"t affect me at all, and what you did was kinda rude so you deserve a little punishement"~me

"s.h.i.t i"m sorry i"m sorry please don"t hit me"~mione

"hey hey don"t worry i never mistreat my people and beside i"m pretty you"re gonna like this punishement i mean the spot between your legs kept releasing a delicious smell that i can"t stop my self from punishing it "~me


"okay i won"t force you then take your Time, let"s go home " ~me

as i started walking she grabed me with her tail draw me back and started kissing me so i kissed her back ,and then i felt something trying to enter my mouth how can i deny her tongue entry.

after a few minutes of kissing i couldn"t stop myself and i started touching and squeezing her a.s.s and hmmm so soft i love them. we kept going like that for for a few minutes then she undressed me and started undressing her self wow ? what a body she has ,we played with each other and niples with our hands and mouth and i couldn"t stop myself from moaning with her touches , then she started to go down until she reached my hole she played with it for a bit then inserted 2 fingers inside , wooow i moaned and started shaking so she kept fingering and playing with my t.i.ts until i came. Wow i can get used to that feeling i felt in like i was on the clouds, wait let me rest aaah why dosen"t it feel like fingers , and i saw what was entering me.

" no don"t use your tail i"m still a virgin"~me

" too late love i"m gonna take your first time"~mione

"aaaah"~i moaned with some tears in my eyes

"shhhh it will take a few minutes and it will be okay"~mione

after a few minutes

" you can continue" ~me

"hai hai"~mione

i don"t remember how many times i came but i remember that i want to have s.e.x evey day.

after 3 hours or something like that she gather all the stuff she needs and took my hands and i popped us back home....