Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 22

A few minutes after Ashton left, Amber had another visitors.

"So what happened? How did you know them? Why are they here? Who was that young lady? What did you two talk about? Why was she taken out unconscious? Why did your student council president stayed behind for another hour? Whe- OUCH!!"

Hayley"s none ending questions was put to an end when Alissa finally gave her a smack in the head. A heavy smack in the head.

"How are you going to get your answers if you won"t even let her speak?" Alissa berated.

Amber had just finished preparing some coffee for the two of them, "Why am I getting so many visitors on this day? Is it a special day?"

She sat down across the two of them and sipped at her own coffee, "Well atleast I had more excuses to drink more coffee," she thought as she enjoyed the fragrance of the newly brewed coffee.

Just as she was indulging herself, two pairs of peircing eyes are looking at her. Hayley have finally stopped asking and she and Alissa have just decided to stare at her. Questioning her plainly with her eyes.

As she could no longer take it, she placed her cup down and looked up at the two of them. Their eyes are asking her, "Why did the three student council presidents visit you and took the young lady with them?"

"*sighs* I met them when I signed some papers regarding my scholars.h.i.+p. It seems that they are close friends."

"Hmmm, so who was that girl. They knew her and she knew you. Quite entangled isn"t it? Your connection with the three of them?" Hayley asked narrowing her eyes.

"Indeed, the young lady even wanted to change a contract you had. And she seemed so serious, I wonder what contract she was referring to?" Alissa added as she picked up her own cup and sip from it.

"You know Alissa I think that it might be connected to her bruised neck, don"t you think? No wonder she was wearing a scarf which she usually didn"t wear," Hayley added as she followed Alissa in drinking the coffee.

Amber"s eyes grew wide as she touched her bare neck. She had forgotten that she removed the scarf after Ashton left. It completely slip her mind.

Their eyes were interrogative and Amber felt like she was in a hot seat, her eyes looking around her place as if she never truly checked her place out.

Seeing her getting uncomfortable, Alissa and Hayley looked at each other before they sigh. Their eyes too went to the dress that had been hanging around Amber"s living room for quite a while now.

They remembered that it was this dress she was wearing when she first arrived to the hotel. That day she looked like a beggar and was kicked out from Fire Empire Hotel.

"We knew, we are still considered outsiders and strangers to you. But we genuinely care for you, how many times have you defended our hotel from the staffs of Fire Empire? How many times have you encouraged us? That alone made us to genuinely care for you. In reality I really want to break the wall between us and be more open with each other," Hayley started as she looked at Amber"s eyes sincerely.

"We just wish to know if you truly are fine. The bruise that you hid from us, that young lady that was talking about a contract. We hope you could atleast allow us to care for you."

Alissa nodded in agreement to Hayley as she too looked at Amber with sincere eyes.

Amber sighed and smiled defeated after looking at their eyes, "I already told you, I never wanted to get you involved with my messed up background."

"Well you already said that you"re sure that you will be fine during your university days, right?" Hayley said.

The first day they saw her tattered dress on display, they asked her and she said it is what makes her resolve firm on moving forward against some strong people. When they asked if she is safe or if everything will be alright, she replied that her university times would be fine.

Amber tapped her cup as she plunged into her thoughts. She knew that the lesser they knew, the lesser that they would be placed in danger once those people tried to get back at her. That is why she never intended to stay after graduating, she could have had some people forge some doc.u.ments for her but the three year promise was her priority back here.

She didn"t knew that she would be able to find them so easily, so she had decided to just enter a university to give Amber Wood a proper doc.u.ment.

She halted as she came up with something, "That"s right, if people are to create a background check on me. Isn"t this better? I really entered this university and lived here and became acquainted with people. That"s right, Amber Wood is from this place."

She nodded after this thought, "It could be a good cover up of my real ident.i.ty. Then the Amber Wood of before university days, I could get his family to create something for me. I was only Amber Wood from this country after all. I have different ident.i.ties in different places."

"She"s on a debate with herself again, isn"t she?" Hayley whispered to Alissa as they watch the changes in Amber"s expression.

"Yeah, I get that feeling as well," Alissa whispered back.

"Plus I can acc.u.mulate more things if I stay laylow for now. I can get informations about them from the people"s point of view. Sometimes the things that people gossip about could be the truth as well."

"Uhmm Amber, you know we"re still here right?" Alissa asked as she waved her hand in front of Amber"s eyes.

"Oh, I"m sorry. I suddenly fell into deep thought..."

She paused as she look at them, "I"ll say this now. I am completely fine, this bruise is something I gained in order to have a better future. Maybe... Ah no."

The two of them were confused when she didn"t continue her words. Seeing this Amber chuckled.

"Maybe in three years, when you have gained a footing in each of your profession despite being a freshly graduate. I can tell you more and ask for your help. Don"t get me wrong, I am not belittling you but I don"t want to make you dive into this ocean of mess without anything to help you float."

She took up her cup and drank a few more gulps, "I too, felt grateful and I care for you. And that care is the reason I must not let you know so many things about me. People in the future might suddenly get a background check of me and if you know too much without a strong backing, then you will be in grave danger. I can"t have you that."

The three of them, including Elloise, had an understanding. The way she moves, the way she acts, the things she knew and the way she carries herself. They knew that Amber was not just a simple person who got into an accident, they knew that the things she wanted to do and she needed to face were as high as a mountain.

That"s why, they knew they must not ask too much now. Not until, just like what Amber said, they had a strong backing.

Somehow this became a resolve for the two of them, the things they want in the past have changed so much after meeting Amber. So they will do it, they will become strong enough and fight alongside her.

"Very well, a different question this time then. Are you close with them? I mean the three student council president? You do know, the other two are our seniors right?" Hayley said in defeat and decided to change the topic.

Ashton, Blake and Devon are all entering their last year in the university, though they really didn"t need it, because of the three year promise, they ended up being in the school for two years. Their last year is still something to be thought of in the near future.

"No, I am not close to the other two. We just got the chance to introduce ourselves to each other but I really haven"t spoken with them that much. And Ashton, well we have some kind of agreement."

"This might be something we shouldn"t ask, so just answer what you can. But is that his younger sister? They somehow look alike, even their outstanding looks," Alissa asked this time.

"Yes, they are siblings."

Seeing as she didn"t add another information, they knew that she could only answer up to that. That means that whatever the contract they"ve heard a while ago, it is something they currently shouldn"t ask.

"Well that"s too bad, I was hoping you could build us up to our seniors, you know so that we could atleast take it easy and- OUCH!! you do love hitting me don"t you?" Hayley complained.

"Take it easy and laze around? If you really want to establish yourself and be known worldwide, then from this point on you must start taking everything seriously, especially your studies," Alissa reprimanded.

Amber watched the two of them interact with a smile on her face. She must really be lucky, to actually meet such people in a foreign land, where she could only be alone.

"The contract will still push through but I hope that what had happened today will serve as a lesson to that young lady. It would be sad for someone who experienced such tremendous difficulty during childhood, to experience a different difficulty once she grows up."