Villain Retirement

Chapter 880: Miss Esme

Chapter 880: Miss Esme

880 Chapter 880: Miss Esme

"I choose you…

…Undead Princess Esme!"


No one truly antic.i.p.ated what would happen next. Even Miss Pepondosovich, who had already known that Riley was not really normal even in the Domain of the G.o.ds" standards, was quite bewildered as to what he was doing now.

All he had to do was place his hand on the Well, and yet he went and grabbed something from his pockets instead and threw it on the ground, attracting everyone"s attention. Miss Pepondosovich wanted to go on the journey as incognito as possible so that no one would notice Riley"s peculiarity. After all, with all sorts of already weird individuals here, it shouldn"t be hard for him to blend in, but no. The origin of this chap"s debut can be traced to biiin novel.

He just had to pull something off.

"What… is that, Riri!?"

And as the gla.s.s cage expanded in front of all of their eyes, the creature contained within also started to move, albeit extremely clumsy to the point it looked like it was only convulsing in the spot — no, perhaps it truly was just convulsing inside its cage.

"Pft…" The other G.o.ds who were previously excited to see what was happening, could not help but just let out tiny fits of chuckles as they stared at the undead princess.

"What is that? It"s just a normal-looking humanoid. I thought he was going to bring out something cool since it was contained in a nice box."

"That is just the way it is, some of us lack the proper imagination to create life," one of the other G.o.ds let out a sigh as he brushed the fur of his creature, which was literally just a stick with legs covered in fur.

And although the other G.o.ds" words may sound condescending at first, none of them seemed to be truly mocking Riley. They truly were just disappointed as they thought they were finally going to be able to see something cool — but alas, it was just a humanoid in a cage.

"What… is that, Riley?" Miss Pepondosovich, however, knew that something else was going on here. It was impossible for someone who caused Grea to be worried to not have something else going on with his so-called summon,

"Why did you just create a human? And why put it in a cage when you can just use your Territory to—Oh, I suppose you don"t know how to use that yet. Wait, that"s not even… how did that thing even fit in your pockets!?"

"You are not capable of doing that, Miss Pepondosovich?" Riley asked as he approached the cage, "I thought that as G.o.ds, you would have all sorts of abilities."

"I do — and I have a similar ability to what you just did," Miss Pepondosovich opened her palm, materializing a hat as she did so. She then placed her entire arm inside the hat even though it was clearly shorter than her arm, and as she pulled her hand, she was already holding an axe that was bigger than Riley, "Mine is s.p.a.ce magic — you just literally pulled that one from your pockets."

"Oh, I suppose it is also somewhat similar," Riley shrugged, "I have the ability to change the size of things, Miss Pepondosovich."

"Woah…" Miss Pepondosovich, "...Can you make me bigger?"

"I probably could, Miss Pepondosovich."

"Then—no, wait! We"re getting distracted here!" Miss Pepondosovich quickly shook her head as her hat disappeared, "Aren"t you getting it out!? I want to see what it can do! Let it fight Mister Pewpew here."

"Mister Pewpew?" Riley turned to look at the stingray with muscular legs that Miss Pepondosovich summoned, "Okay, Mister Pewpew seems strong enough just from the sheer tone of its muscles alone, Miss Pepondosovich."

"Of course, who do you think created it!?" Miss Pepondosovich puffed her small chest as she raised her hand and took several steps backward. And as she did so, all the G.o.ds who were still curiously watching them were pushed away as the floors started to shift — only Riley and the cage remained in their position.

"Hm…" Riley glanced at Miss Pepondosovich for a few seconds, before tapping the gla.s.s cage. A loud hiss then whispered in the air as the cage started to open; there was a weird smell at first, but it quickly disappeared along with the warm steam coming out of the cage as the Undead Princess clumsily stepped out.

She wasn"t just clumsy, she outright rolled on the ground as her legs seemed to have already hardened from not moving for too long. And as everyone could hear her bones crack with each movement, the G.o.ds could not help but be even more curious.

"Have you had a nice nap, Undead Princess?" Riley then stood beside the Undead Princess, whose limbs were still slightly contorted, "I apologize that I was not able to use you for the very reason I trained you and the others. But you do not have to worry, I know you are going to have more fun here."

"Grr…" Several more cracks snapped in the air before the Undead Princess was finally able to stand like a proper humanoid; its head, just bobbing as it seemed to try and smell its surroundings.

"Do you see that?" Riley then pointed at Mister Pewpew, forcefully turning the Undead Princess" head toward the legged stingray, "I know I have kept you hungry, and I apologize. But now, you are free to eat that stingray with legs, Undead Princess."

"Grah!" And as soon as Riley said that, the Undead Princess quickly moved.

"No!" But before it could take even a single step forward, Riley raised his finger, "Stay. Not yet."

"Gk…" The Undead Princess let out a soft growl as she turned her head toward Riley.

"Are you ready, Riri!?" Miss Pepondosovich raised her palm.

"She is, Miss Pepondosovich."

"Then…" A wide and excited smile crawled on Miss Pepondosovich"s face as she waved her hand down, "...Let"s go!"

"Go," Riley also lowered his finger.

"My creature won"t—" And before Miss Pepondosovich could finish her words, she instinctively caught Mister Pewpew"s left foot as it was blown away as soon as Riley lowered his finger. She then very slowly turned to look back, only to see Mister Pewpew being mangled and eaten; not even his bones were spared, "What in… I knew it couldn"t be normal! What sort of creature is that, Riri!?"

"It is an undead themarian, Miss Pepondosovich," Riley let out a small hum as he floated next to Miss Pepondosovich and joined her in watching Mister Pewpew being devoured, "A special one even among her own kind. It is capable of destroying an entire universe on its own."

"Huh… it"s already stronger than half of the residents here. That is absolutely bonkers," Miss Pepondosovich squinted her eyes before just casually throwing Mister Pewpew"s leg to the Undead Princess, who immediately caught it and started crunching on it, "...Does it have a name?"

"I just call it Undead Princess, Miss Pepondosovich."

"What? That"s boring. You called it by a name earlier, what was it?" Miss Pepondosovich placed her hand on her chin.


"Then let"s call it Miss Esme from now on," Miss Pepondosovich seemed to be proud of herself, "Anyway, I lost."

"You do not seem to be disappointed by that, Miss Pepondosovich."

"You have no idea the number of times I have already lost, Riri," Miss Pepondosovich let out a chuckle, "And I still haven"t formed a bond with Mister Pewpew anyway, so it is fine. Want to go another round? I"ll summon one of my best champions. We can—!!!"

And before Miss Pepondosovich could finish her words, she could not help but raise her foot to block Miss Esme"s face; whose hands were now threatening to rip her torso off. Miss Pepondosovich, however, kicked Miss Esme away before quickly running behind Riley.

"What the…why is it so strong!?" Miss Pepondosovich grabbed Riley"s shirt as she stood on one leg as the foot she used to block Miss Esme was completely shattered, "And why did it attack me!?"

"I apologize, Miss Pepondosovich," Riley let out a sigh as he looked at Miss Esme, who was currently drooling some sort of slime from her mouth, "It would seem that she is still hungry after being kept in the cage for so long."

"Then return it to the cage!"

"Well, I won"t be doing that," Riley shook his head, "Why don"t you cancel your territory so we could feed it more, Miss Pepondosovich?"

"Oh, good thinking," Miss Pepondosovich nodded as the ground started to shift and the onlookers got closer and closer again, "We can just have it fight the other summons."

"...The summons?" Riley blinked a couple of times as he looked at Miss Pepondosovich, visibly confused.



"Ah! It"s biting me!"

And before Miss Pepondosovich could finish her words, a loud scream reverberated through the air as Miss Esme"s jaw started gnawing on the nearest neck she could find.

"Hm," Riley placed his hand on his chin as Miss Esme then proceeded to completely pull the G.o.d"s head from his mangled neck, "It would seem that some of these G.o.ds are physically weaker than Miss Esme."

"That is a joke, right?" Miss Pepondosovich could not help but just force out a chuckle as she watched as Miss Esme devoured a G.o.d, "Your summon, it"s abnormally physically strong — most G.o.ds actually are not…

…they rely on their mystic arts."


And as soon as Miss Pepondosovich said those words, Riley quickly stepped to the side to catch Miss Esme, who was blown away by some sort of light.

"Yeah, like that one."

"What is the meaning of this!?" A red-skinned G.o.d with four horns on top of its head let out a roar,

"Why are you fighting each other like savages!?"
