Villain Retirement

Chapter 881: Randall Gentle

Chapter 881: Randall Gentle

"Why are you fighting each other like savages!?"


The red-skinned humanoid, Randall, brushed his hands across the four horns on top of his head. A sort of rhythmic tune, singing in the air with each of his fingers tapping on his horns; strips of neon lights then started dancing around his horns, and before the lights could grow wild, Randall pulled his hands away, grabbing the lights with him and turning them into some sort of energy weapon that hovered around his arms.

Magic, or as Miss Peponvondosovich said, mystic arts.

Randall started looking around, before settling on the sad mangled corpse that Miss Esme brutally devoured. Randall then pointed a finger at the corpse, before shooting out a light that rippled across the ground as soon as it hit all the flesh and blood. And soon, the light grew brighter and brighter and sprung the dead G.o.d back to life.

"Ah, Randall!" The previously dead G.o.d started patting himself, "I owe you my grat.i.tude, that would have taken me a few minutes to recover if I had to regenerate myself."

"Hm," Randall only nodded before fully placing his attention back to Miss Esme, who also seemed to be trying to figure out his scent. Riley did not actually know whether or not Miss Esme could see, but it did not really matter since a themarian"s senses were already incredibly abnormal as they are.

"You!" Randall then pointed at Miss Esme, "Why did you attack your kind!? If you wish to battle, then go to the City of Warriors! We are not savages here and only our creatures should be fighting!"


"Speak! Tell me why you have done something like this!?" The light dancing around Randall"s hands grew wilder as continued to point at Miss Esme.

"I apologize, Randall."

"Hm…?" Randall could really only squint and look at Riley as he slowly approached him, "Who are you and why are you the one apologizing for this chaos!?"

"Because I own her," Riley glanced at Miss Esme, "She"s my creature."

"Creature…?" Randall once again turned to look at Miss Esme as the light dancing around his arms very slowly started to dissipate, "She"s not a G.o.d? A creature was able to mortally wound a G.o.d? How did you make her?"

"Oh, she is not—"

"Why would we tell you that?" And before Riley could finish his words, Miss Peponvondosovich stepped forward with her arms crossed, "That is a very expensive secret you"re trying to get for free, Randall."

"...Peponvondosovich?" Randall"s eyebrows quickly lowered as he looked down, "You are with this white-colored G.o.d? Perhaps you can introduce me to him."

"Why don"t you introduce yourself first, hm?" Miss Peponvondosovich let out a small scoff as she looked at Randall from head to toe.

"Are you still mad about our last duel?"

"You cheated. Your summon just flew in the air and dropped those exploding stuff!" Miss Peponvondosovich pointed at Randall"s head, "Give me my gems back!"

"...You should have not bet that much if you were not confident, Peponvondosovich," Randall let out an almost chuckling sigh before turning his head to Riley, "But you are right, I should introduce myself first…

…My name is Randall Gentle. I could tell you where I am from, but I have already long forgotten."

"I am Riley Ross. I could tell you where I am from, I am just not," Riley introduced himself, "And I apologize about Miss Esme, she is a little hungry from being locked in a cage for so long."

"I have not seen you or your summon around here. Have you perhaps stayed in the City of Isolation?" Randall looked at Riley from head to toe, "No, I suppose it matters not. Your summon, you said she was hungry?"


"Then why don"t we give her a chance to feed?" Randall stretched his arm to the side, and all the G.o.ds near them started backing away. No, he did not activate his Territory, the G.o.ds just backed away by themselves; their faces, seemingly excited with what was about to happen next.

Randall then pointed his finger down on the floor beside him, shooting another beam of light that rippled across the floor. And soon, a creature very slowly emerges from the ripples; seemingly pulling itself up from the light.

"Since your summon is capable of killing a G.o.d, then I hope you do not mind that I use my strongest summon," Randall smiled as he took a step to the side and watched his monster come out, "Kurvah."

Like him, it had four horns on top of its crocodile-like head. It had even more, however, as even its shoulders each had a large horn protruding from them. It had four arms, with the extra too thinner but exaggeratedly long.

"Kurvah!" The summon let out a roar as it continued to pull itself out from the hole; just its presence alone, causing the G.o.ds to clap and cheer. The cheering did not last long, however, as they watched Miss Esme suddenly appear right in front of Kurvah, grabbing it by the horns and forcefully pulling it out of the portal; revealing the rest of its body that was similar to that of a bull except with 6 legs… 5 now that Miss Esme just casually pulled one of it.

Miss Esme then climbed on top of Kurvah, grabbing its horns again before just pulling them apart along with its head and entire torso. And without even any care, started tearing its flesh and devouring it for all to see.

"Wh—The duel hasn"t started yet!" Randall could not help but scream as he looked back and forth between Riley and Miss Esme, "Control your summon!"

"Pft," Miss Peponvondosovich pretended to control her laughter as she stood close to Randall, "Do you really think your summon would have had the chance against Miss Esme? Look at that."

"Why are you so proud even though it"s not your summon!?" Randall pointed at Miss Peponvondosovich.

"Because I partly named it," Miss Peponvondosovich chuckled, "Anyway, you lost. Give me my gems back."

"Whatever are you saying!?" Randall backed away from Miss Peponvondosovich and approached Riley, "Control your summon! It took a while to design my creature and I do not want to redo it!"

"I am afraid that is not possible, Randall," Riley sighed, "She is not my summon."

"You just said she was! "I said she was my creature," Riley shook his head.

"...You did not create her?" Randall squinted as he once again took a good look at Miss Esme, who was just standing there with a wobbly stance, "I do not know what that means, are you saying you brought her here with you, to the Domain of the G.o.ds?"

"Yes, Randall," Riley nodded.

"But that"s not possible," Randall turned to look at the other G.o.ds watching on the side, only for them to nod their heads in agreement, "You can not bring someone else with you here, and this came out of a gla.s.s cage from your pocket?"

"She is an undead, Randall. Technically not someone," Riley said.

"An undead, an unholy creature." Neon lights once again danced around Randall"s horns as he heard Riley"s words, but with a shake of his head, they faded as quickly as they disappeared, "No, there is no such thing as an unholy creature. Where did you find her?"

"On a dead universe, Randall."

"Oh? You have also traversed the multiverse?" Any hostility in Randall"s face disappeared as he looked Riley in the eyes, "Finally, someone I can actually talk to about that."

"Pft. Sorry, bud. This one"s mine," Miss Peponvondosovich patted Riley"s leg several times as she shook her head, "I"m his official guide."

"Guide…? Does that mean you are new here?" Randall let out a small gasp.

"I… I meant guardian, I"m his official guardian," Miss Peponvondosovich cleared her throat, "So, he"s off limits."

"Are there not many G.o.ds who have traveled the multiverse?" Riley asked before Randal and Miss Peponvondosovich could begin arguing.

"There are a lot, but most of them do not like to mingle with the others," Randall sighed and crossed his arms, "They think they are better than most, after all — what they do not understand is that all of us are equal here, we just have different abilities, uses, purposes in this wave called Creation."

"And your ability, you can resurrect people, Randall?" Riley turned to look at the G.o.d that Randall resurrected earlier.

"I could if certain conditions are met," Randall nodded, "One of my memories that is still lingering in my mind is that I used to make a deal with people, and in exchange, I would revive their dead — I was a different man back then, greedy… evil."

"Then is it possible for you to revive him if we make a deal?"

"Eek!" Miss Peponvondosovich quickly took several steps back as Riley just retrieved a decayed head from one of his many pockets, "How many weird things do you have in your pockets!?"

"That… is just a head," Randall could not help but squint as he looked at the decayed head.

"My father"s head," Riley said as he raised the head to Randall.

"Hm…" Randall closed his eyes, "I am afraid it will not be possible with just a head. Have you been carrying your father"s head all this time?"

"Yes," Riley nodded as he just casually returned Bernard"s head into his pockets.

"I am sorry," Randall sighed, "I am not able to revive him, but I could revive her."

Riley turned to look at where Randall was pointing,

"You… can revive Miss Esme?"

say whot