Villainess's Sweet Everyday

Chapter 5

Ah, a guard saluted Calcilast-sama. But he doesn’t seem to have noticed.

It seems the soldier intends to maintain his posture until Calcilast-sama is no longer in sight.

There are many serious people in this country…No, perhaps in this world.

I wonder why people who stand at the top excel. For example, the king.

I hope these happy days continue from now on. Ah, I wished for it.

Even though shooting stars aren’t falling. Or rather, I wonder if I saw something like a shooting star.

Wish three times before a shooting star disappears… That might be how the saying goes, but it’s a little impossible.

It takes the blink of an eye, so isn’t it fine to wish just once.

Woof. Woof. Yup? Am I hearing things or is there a dog barking.

Doggies are devoted animals I liked back in j.a.pan.

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Ah, it must be a mame shiba. How cute. But I can’t get over golden retrievers.

I heard Calcilast-sama’s voice. It feels joyous.

“Ooh, it’s a doggy. Moreover, it’s a mame shiba! It’s my favorite breed!”

Hee, Calcilast-sama also likes mame shibas, what a coincidence. Well, they are cute.

Oh, it’s running around vigorously. It’s a proof it’s still young. A doggy with light brown fur. It’s wagging its tail.

But, Calcilast-sama is fluffier than the doggy. I’m envious…

Calcilast-sama said “From today you are Mame-chan! I’m naming you!”

No, no, you can’t name someone’s dog.

Mame-chan licked Calcilast-sama’s enviously beautiful face.

An appearance of a ri, rival? It’s a pinch. I wonder if Calcilast will completely forget about me with this?

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Ah, I’m uneasy. So very uneasy…

I calmed my wavering heart and moved to Calcilast-sama’s side.

Mame-chan is flirting with Calcilast-sama. They’re intimate, aren’t they.

When Calcilast-sama stroked the doggy’s head, it barked woof in ecstasy. I wonder if it demanded more with it?

Calcilast-sama lifted Mame-chan and showed it to me.

“It’s quite a wonderful doggy. Please pat it”

When I gently held out my hand, the doggy sniffled it and twitched.

Ara, I wonder if it smells. I wash my hands well, but…

I called out to it “Mame-chan” while stroking it.

That child barked woof woof with narrowed eyes.

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Isn’t it a good child. We’re getting along well. I said to it “Mame-chan, let’s get along, okay?”

Calcilast-sama made a serious face and asked. There’s also some concern in his expression.

“Is it a stray dog? Or is it lost?”

Going by its collar and the price of mame shibas, I replied.

“I think it simply ran away. You wouldn’t normally abandon a mame shiba…”

Calcilast-sama looked like he made a decision. Then he spoke to a soldier who happened to pa.s.s by.

“You, might you know of anyone who keeps a mame shiba around here?”

The soldier spoke formally. Of course, with a salute.

“I do not know, but I will go ask other soldiers!”

And soldiers quickly sprang into action. A number of armed soldiers began visiting all houses in the vicinity.

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It grew into a minor uproar. A prince’s influence is amazing.

I stole a glance at the soldiers in clattering armor while playing with Mame-chan.

“Paw” I said. Mame-chan lifted its paw with a woof. “Sit” I said. Mame-chan quickly sat.

I stroked its head with “Good kid, good kid”

Calcilast-sama tried to teach it to jump.

However, Mame-chan seems to be unable to understand jumping.

It’s staring blankly at Calcilast-sama. As if it wants to ask what he means.

I bought dog treats from a nearby convenience store. I was lost with how unexpectedly many types were there.

I’ll teach the doggy to go round and round with the cheese snacks.

After he turns thrice, I gift it the cheese snacks. And like that, it learned how to go round and round.

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Calcilast-sama put dog food on a paper plate and handed it to the doggy.

At first, Mame-chan sniffed it, next it munched on it. I wonder if it was hungry.

It’s eating well. Ah, it wants seconds. It has a talent for eating heartily.

After finishing eating, Mame-chan lied down. Now, now, you’ll become a cow.

Is it okay for a dog? Calcilast-sama stroked its head.

It liked it greatly. Well, certainly it’s an intelligent child.

Soldiers came to report to Calcilast-sama every twenty minutes. They’re serious.

Diligence is a virtue. It’s a wonderful att.i.tude.

Mame-chan is sound asleep. Ah, it opened its eyes.

It looks like it wasn’t able to sleep well. I wonder if it became alarmed. I’m sorry if that’s the case…

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After a while Mame-chan became lively and started running around with Calcilast-sama.

It’s a contest. Seems fun. Good luck.

Ah, Calcilast-sama stumbled with whoops.

Taking the chance, Mame-chan bit Calcilast-sama’s trouser cuffs.

Calcilast-sama raised his hands in surrender. Ah, Mame-chan is rubbing against him like a cat.

The prince is also happy, and while holding it in his arms, cuddled it.

Calcilast-sama asked me. With a laugh.

“Was Marikana like this when young?”

I’m shocked I’d be compared to a doggy, but I returned.

“I believe I was more refined!”

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“Where’s the difference? What’s dissimilar?” Calcilast-sama said.

I quickly said “Unlike Mame-chan, I won’t lick a gentleman’s face in public!”

Calcilast-sama laughed loudly “Ahaha” and apologized.

“Marikana, sorry. My tension has risen. But, such a Marika is…”

I was listening carefully, but I couldn’t catch his words. Even though I was listening quietly.

Did he not say them? I tilted my head questioningly.

“I am? I didn’t hear you?”

Then Calcilast-sama said “The cake we ate before was delicious…”

I said “Are you trying to change the subject?”

Calcilast-sama returned “Yeah, I’m embarra.s.sed…”

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I wonder if it means he’s conscious of me? I’d be delighted if he was.

But if that’s the case, I want him to put it into words. That would make me more confident…

Or maybe I don’t want him to say it. Why is that? A black veil covered my heart.

It’s like black clouds hiding my blue sky. My mental state is overcast.

Afterwards, it’s only a matter of time before the downpour of tears of sadness will begin…

I’m gloomy… Trivial things unsettle me…

It cannot be helped, but… it’s pathetic…

I wonder if it’ll change when I grow more and become an adult. My mind steeling itself…

I want to think so, but it’s not easy or simple…

It’s sad, but that’s the reality. I’d like to be a splendid adult, but…

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It’s a difficult challenge for me… For example, like climbing a tall, tall mountain.

After freeing itself from Calcilast-sama and looking around, the doggy saw me, walked up to me and tackled me.

I wonder if it meant cheer up…

Mame-chan rubbed me with its head with a smile(?). My feet tickle.

I gave it a talking “Mame-chan, stop!”

I wonder if it was just an illusion that it delightedly moved it ears like it was praised.

I crouched and hugged that child.

Does it smell of shampoo? A somehow nice fragrance stimulated my nose.

That child is being treated with great care. Rather than being scared of people, it’s extremely cheerful.

If it was a stray dog it wouldn’t be like this. I’m sure it would be fearful of humans…

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Mame-chan rummaged in my arms. What a tomboy.

Mame-chan raised its muzzle and gazed and me. Then woofed gladly.

It’s a child you cannot hate no matter what. It has a disposition of a natural airhead.

I raised Mame-chan high, then lowered it. With that, it woofed in wild joy!

Calcilast-sama listened to a soldier with his handsome face twisted in grimace.

I wonder if they haven’t found the owner yet? They’re talking quite a lot. I wonder if there’s some information?

I’m worried. I might have to part with Mame-chan soon…

Mame-chan, thank you for meeting me. Thank you for getting along with me.

After saluting at Calcilast-sama, the soldier ran off in a hurry.

Calcilast-sama walked up to me and said. He looks both sad and happy.

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“The owner was found. He lives rather close by. He seems to have been searching for it.”

An old man dressed in a chic robe was led by the soldier. His beard is long enough to the ground.

Mame-chan took one glance at that person and leaped out of my arms.

Then, with an energetic dash, returned to its master.

A man and a small dog strongly hugged each other.

He repeatedly thanked me Master Marikanasu-san before leaving.

While leaving, Mame-chan looked back only once and woofed.

I wonder if it said thank you? Or was it bye bye?

Calcilast-sama nearby has tears in the corners of his eyes.

They got along so well… It can’t be helped.

I’m pleased Mame-chan will lead a happy life.

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Mame-chan, good luck! Fighto!

Separation is a lonely thing. It leaves its trace… It’s painful.

I want to have a dog a little. But, there’s a possibility of raising a violent doggy…

I wish Mame-chan would be a part of my family…

But I definitely can’t say that after seeing how happy it was.

It will be left in my memories as a pleasant incident.

I glanced at Calcilast-sama and tried asking him.

“Do you feel lonely? It’s a goodbye…”

Calcilast-sama forced an unreasonable smile and said. He’s smiling while crying.

“It, it’s lonely… But the next pet I raise will be named Mame-chan!”

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I gazed at the glittering pale blue eyes and slipped out a giggle.

Calcilast-sama said “Marikana, dirt is stuck to your hand”

I reflexively looked at my right hand. Certainly, it is. Although only a little.

I wonder if it was when I played with Mame-chan or pigeons? Although I’m a young lady… I’m no good.

Calcilast-sama coughed and suggested.

“I happen to have wet tissues. What a coincidence”

Calcilast-sama gently wiped my held-out hand.

Ara, it smells like roses a little. I wonder if it’s their fragrance?

Calcilast-sama said “Let’s join hands a little”

I was shaken by its abruptness, still I held out my hand.