WAR-Destiny Of Future

Chapter 3

Sky stands in front of the body of the boss with his sword stained with blood. Chris cast a spell and swiftly draw a pentagonal star on the ground, the star glows and all the clones engulfed by the starlight.

Sky takes out a handkerchief, cleaned the bloodstain on the sword and covers the dead body"s face with it "Hey Chris! "Take care" of this thing(dead body)." Without saying a word, Chris touched the body with his right hand, cast a spell and make a "tick" with his finger, the body turned into ash...

Sky walk toward Itsuki."Hey! Itsuki. You scared?" "...(speechless)..." "Well then...(continue to walk, pa.s.sed Itsuki)...Let"s go." "Wait!" "Hmm?" "I"m impressed with you and what you did, I...I want to be like you! Can I be your student?" "Hah?..." Chris and Seito are a bit surprised. "No!" "Wha..." "You are not ready for that yet." "..." (a few minutes pa.s.sed) Seito: "Mind if I say something?" "Huh?" "Can we go now? I"m hungry!" "Ha! Okay! Let"s go!"...

(In a place nearby)"(speaking to phone)Yes master, I have been following and observing him for a week... I see... roger... (click)..." there"s a girl stalking on Sky and other, one obvious thing about her is a hexagram patterned decoration on her phone...


(A few weeks after the incident)"Aww~School again!" "Stop complaining about that, Baka Sora(means Stupid Sky)." Said Chris. "Yes, you shouldn"t." "Ahh! I hate school! And by the way, what are you doing here Seito? Didn"t the bell just rang?" "Now now, you seem like you are still oblivious, tell him, my cousin. (Itsuki)" "You see, he"s our cla.s.smate now." "What??!!" "Hehe!"

"Why?!" "He-he, as you can see~" "I can see nothing!" said Sky while Chris pretends not to hear or seeing anything. "Okay okay! You know that my cla.s.s didn"t have any hot chicks right?" "Are you trying to tell me you come here for girls?" "Ha! Of course!" "Hey! How could you just change your cla.s.s like that?" "Because I"m rich." "That"s not what...never mind! So~you aim for Lucie or Haruka?" "No! How could I..." "It"s Yuna then." "Yuna is really cute and has a good figure, especially the b.o.o.bs... wait! No! It"s not!" "Then?" "Okay! I heard rumors that we are having a newcomer in this cla.s.s..." "You?" "Of course it"s not me!" "So?" "I heard that it"s a really beautiful girl..." "Okay, I see. Hey! Chris! Let"s continue with our game." "I"m waiting for this word, I"ll beat you for sure." "Okay~ scissors paper stone!" ...(what the h.e.l.l they are playing)...

"Alright! I win!" Chris draw a circle on a paper... "No! You can"t win as long as you haven"t completed your turtle!" For those who don"t understand the game, I will explain it to you... first, have a scissor paper stone game, the person that wins will draw a part of a turtle (for example circle of the sh.e.l.l) on a paper, and the step repeat and continue until one of them complete the turtle, and that person will win... trust me, this game is really stupid, not worth to try...(==")

"Scissors, paper, stone!" "Ha! I win!". Sky draws a line in a circle. Suddenly, the teacher came in. "Stand up, bow. Good morning Sir!" "Okay people, we have a new friend today." (Note *Sky and Chris are still playing with the stupid game) "You can... (see Seito try to get attention)Ha! Not you Seito-san, everyone knows you already. You can come in now." A girl stepped into the cla.s.s...


Chapter3- Newcomer

"Konich..." "Yes!!! My turtle is completed!!!" "Sky, please respect the others" "Ah?" Sky turned his head (he"s not facing the teacher) "...(noticed the girl)...Oops sorry..." "You may continue." "Konichiwa. My name is Ai, just Ai." As Ai is introducing herself, she looks at Chris with a rather surprised look, and Chris noticed it. After she had done with her introduction, noise can be heard from the crowd about how brief her introduction is. "It"s okay, Miss Ai, you can seat next to Itsuki, that tall boy there." said the teacher. Then Ai walks towards her seat, she smiled and whispered to Itsuki before sitting down.

(Recess time)At the back right corner of the cla.s.sroom, a small fish is swimming in a small fishbowl (actually is just a plastic bottle that cut into half) the water inside is quite dirty and the fish looks very hungry, Sky is looking at the fish."Wow! poor little fish~" "Blame the vice. He"s the one that brought the fish and did not take care of it." said Chris "Hey! Aren"t that"s a little bit over? He hasn"t fed the fish for days! And he doesn"t allow anyone to disturb the fish!" "Maybe we can release it..." "But Chris...Oh! Okay! I think I"ll release it after school, nothing much but a black record for hitting the vice monitor." "Never mind, that will be just a small black dot compare with your older record." "Chris! Why are you so mean to me?" "That aside, about the newcomer..." "Oh! She"s really cute, just a little bit too flat." "And then you ask me why am I so mean to you." said Chris with a despising look.

Ai walks into the cla.s.sroom, stopped in front of the fishbowl, looking anxiously to the fish. Suddenly, Ai lifts up the bowl and walk out the room, release the fish into a pond nearby.

"Wow! She"s doing it." said Sky "And so casually." At the same time Kent came back to the room suddenly and saw what Ai was doing..."What the heck do you think you are doing?!" "Releasing the fish. (in a very natural tone)" "You f..king b..ch, don"t you dare to think that I wouldn"t be rude to you just because you are a girl" "So~ Let"s give it a try." "You...(want to slap Ai)..."

Seeing this scene, Sky is about to lend a hand to the poor girl, however...slap!!!...Ai caught Kent"s hand, give him an evil smile and toss him over the shoulder. "Wow~!"...

Ai looks at Kent for a while and walks back to her sit as nothing has happened... "Wow~ Bravo!" Seito just get into the cla.s.s and saw this scene. Ai just smiled. "Hey Sky! What should we do with this?" Chris slightly kicked Kent. "Just ignore him." Yup, nothing wrong with that.

A few minutes later, the student come back to the cla.s.sroom. "Ahh! What happens to the vice monitor?!" "Oh! He suddenly gets a heat stroke." said Sky. "Quick! Get him to the nurse!" "Okay!" said the crowd "Cih! What"s the big problem with this?" "You are heartless Sky." said Chris. "As if you are any better than me." said Sky while making a funny face. "Err...may I interrupt? What happens actually?" said Itsuki who just get back to the homeroom. "Ask your cousin(Seito), Itsuki." said Sky. "Huh?" "Never mind..."...

After school. "Hey Sky! Don"t you feel anything weird about that girl? She looks a bit familiar." "Ha! Who knows?..."

(Itsuki"s house)"Master." "Huh?" "I heard that there"s a new student in your cla.s.s." "Yes, you know her?" "Of course not." "Okay~" "...(smiled)..."...

A few years ago... "At least we have saved the kid." "But are you sure about this? He has vampire gene inside him." "He"s just a kid." "He will grow up someday..."...

Present... Sky is gazing at the wall, thinking of something... "Sky-sama... Sky-sama!" "Huh?! Flash?" "What"s bothering you?" "Nothing." "I see..."

Next day in school..."You are really late today Sky..." said Chris. "I thought today no school. And how you could just leave without me...*make a pity face*..." "… *obviously annoyed*... I thought you are dead so I left. And for the G.o.d sake what makes you think today no school?" "Because yesterday had Biology cla.s.s." "Bio...how could you possibly relate this with no school?! Anyway, forget about that... Did anything bother you? I mean you know anything about that girl? Ai-chan?" said Chris. Sky looks at Chris for a few seconds and stands up. "It"s better for you to be oblivious about that... let"s go to the lecture hall, the bell just rang and next time don"t simply add a "chan" at the name of people you don"t know... Let"s go." "Sky...Hey! Wait!..."... Sky ignored Chris and was about to step forward but grabbed by Chris on the shoulder, Sky feels a sudden chill around him… "I told you to wait right? *evil and scary face* Just what on earth make you think you can boss me around with such a manner?" "Eik… Gomennasai gomenasai (X10)"… haha…

(Lecture hall)"This map shows the population of... (blablablah).." "d.a.m.n! I hate Geography... Hey! Where"s Kenji?" said Chris while taking off a pair of gla.s.ses that he seldom wears. "On the bench..." "Huh...(looking around and found that Seito is sleeping on the bench)...Hmm... So that"s the behavior of the top student hub? Hey Sky!" "Huh?" "I never seen you so concentrate on this subject before." Sky concentrates on writing some on the notebook. "So what have you write? The population?" "Here..." Sky shows Chris his notebook. "Hmm... Uh... What"s this?" on the notebook: "the population of Mr.d.i.c.ken"s(the teacher"s name)wife is three in a room, he have five room in his house, so~the population of his wife is 15, each wife has 5 children, so…" Haha... Itsuki is sitting at the second raw, writing down the notes, yes, the real notes, but seems to be bothered by something... "So can anyone tell me which country has the highest popula..." "China!" a voice comes out from the "bench", It"s Seito... "Man! Why are you asking such a stupid question? This is boring! I"m outta here!" Seito stands up and walks to the door, goes out. "Yes, top student..."...

(Recess time)"So that"s all for today, you can go back to your homeroom." Ai stands up and about to go out. "Hey! Wait!" Itsuki called Ai. "Huh?" "What you said yesterday...you know my parents?" "Your father was quite famous in the business world, who don"t know about him? (smile and leave)" "..."

"Sky." "What?" "We should go too." "Okay. (staring at Itsuki for a while and left the hall)"...

(After school)"Hey! Where are you going Sky?" said Chris "Bus stop." "Where"s your bike?" "No money to buy fuel." said Sky while pointing at his bike and showing his empty wallet. "Haha... anyway I"ll go first, see you at home. Bye! (vroom~)" "Cih! Wait until your turn! Oh, wait! He got Satoshi... No, that"s not the point, aren"t he can just give me a ride? Ah! d.a.m.n!" So Sky has to walk to the bus stop which is a kilometer away from his school. Suddenly he saw Ai. "Hey! Ai!" "Emm...Sky-san?" "Glad you remember me, so~ where are you going?" "Home. (smile)" "You live nearby?" "Yes, and you?" "Bus station." "Oh! I see..." "Hey!... Do you know Itsuki?" "The rich boy? Of course I know. He"s really famous in the school didn"t he?" "Ah yes! He is."

So they continue walking..."My apartment is just across the street there, you can... Hey! Look! The boy!" "Ah!". A little boy is standing in the middle of the road picking up his ball and a big truck is approaching him... "d.a.m.n! He"s going to be knocked down."...

In that split second, Sky rushes to the middle of the road to hold the boy and ran to the roadside as the truck just almost got them, they both fall onto the ground due to the great impact of the pa.s.sing by cars...

"Are you okay kid?" "...(nodded)..." "Since you are okay....(increase his volume) don"t you know that it is dangerous to play in the middle of the road?!" "...(scared)..." "Ugh... never mind, just go home." "...(fled)..." "Hah...kids..." "Sky-San, you sure are crazy, don"t you?" Ai walk toward Sky and give her hand to him help him to get up "Ha! Thanks. I have to admit that." He took Ai"s hand and stands up. "But you are almost the same right?" "Em? Sky-san?..." "I know what you up to, but I will not let you harm Itsuki... Ha! Need to go bus stop, see ya!" Sky leaves Ai and walks to the direction of the bus stop...

Ai took out her cell phone dialing a number..."Hey Master..." and there"s a hexagram decoration on her phone...