WAR-Destiny Of Future

Chapter 79

Sal who was at Alliance reception corner is now in an unknown area, or more accurately in a hidden dimension created by that Archangel who is now flying in the air with that overly shiny golden wings.

"Almighty Archangel, Master Gabriel. What"s the meaning of all these? Are you planning to interfere with Kingdom?" asked the Wolf Guardian.

"Well, I always respect the Kingdom and the Trinity, but for your information, I will never acknowledge you as the Earth Guardian of the Kingdom. His Majesty must be too senile to even accept you to his Kingdom." said Gabriel with a polite yet mocking tone.

"You can mock me as you like, but do not say a single bad word about His Majesty!" said Sal, slightly enraged.

"Fine, I don"t care much about him anyway, I guess I"ll destroy you at here right now." said so, Gabriel"s body glows with eye piercing golden light and the whole dimension starts trembling vigorously.

"I"m sorry, Terence. I guess I have no choice but to disobey the King"s order again." said Sal in a ready to fight mode.


Meanwhile, null dimension, crepe shop.

"Are you okay?" Dark Prince asks Ai.

"I"m alright... Although I am able to get rid of them by my own strength but still... Thank you for your help." said Ai while looking at the destroyed crepes on the floor. Dark Prince noticed Ai"s concern, so he took out a card from his pocket and give it to Ai.

"Here, this is the VIP card of this shop, you can still buy at least a hundred more items with this. Don"t worry, I still have a spare with me." said Dark Prince. Although she wants to reject it, but those crepes are too tempting to let go, so she took the card, nodded to Dark Prince as a sign of appreciation and left without buying any crepe.

"Te-chan, Te-chan, are you interested in Dolly Nee Chan?" Athena asked with an innocent look.

"Uh... I"m not."

"Ah! Te-chan blushed!" said Athena.

"Tsk... Let"s go home...Argh!" suddenly Dark Prince felt an acute pain from that scar above his right eys, the sudden pain caused him to lose his balance a bit and leaned to the nearby table.

"Te-chan!" Athena quickly reached out her hand and hold him.

"Sal... What have you done again this time..." said Dark Prince, then he felt his own energy getting drained out drastically...

At the same time, Ben"s hospital, the two had successfully dissected the giant toad and is currently examining it. Then Chris suddenly looked out the window, his breath getting slightly heavy.

"Chris, what"s wrong? Are you alright?" Sky asked with a concerned look.

"Someone broke the magic seal I placed on them." said Chris.


"I don"t know... Just hope nothing bad happens." said Chris.


Alliance /hidden dimension.

Sal is now in a half demonic form, his right arm had totally turned into a giant claw, a magnificent black ragged bat wing emerged from his back. However a very deep cut can be seen on his left abdomen, he stared fiercely at the Archangel with a heavy breath. The Archangel looks at him from above with a pair of despising eyes.

"Ha! So this is your true form, much more uglier than I thought, let me cleanse you for once and for all." said the Archangel. Then, Sal"s body suddenly trapped by a wall of incantation spells and magic circles. The Archangel snapped his fingers, the whole area within the incantation wall exploded and burnt with a golden flame.

"As easy as killing an insec..."

"*sigh*... That"s a close one."

Gabriel heard a different yet familiar voice from the other direction, it"s Ben holding a badly injured Sal who had turned back to normal... Rather than holding, it"s more like locking his movements.

"Ah... You are the son of Mr. Shiya, that legendary healer. It"s a great pleasure meeting you here." said Gabriel while giving a rather sarcastic bow.

"Or rather, I prefer to be addressed as the Head Healer of the Kingdom." said Ben while adjusting his gla.s.ses.

"May I know what brings our almighty Head Healer into this wicked hidden dimension, or rather how did you get in here?" said the Archangel with a slight hostility.

"Well, I don"t see any reason why should I explain anything to you, Mr. Archangel. But it depends on your choice, I could be here to have a small fight with someone." said so, Ben took off his gla.s.ses and keep it in his pocket.

"However, I think I should at least let you know that, although as a healer, I rarely fight, but when I do, even His Majesty will be shaken." said Ben as the area around him getting badly deformed due to the special aura emitted by him...