Within A Grey Twilight

Chapter 6

"Why didn"t you tell me that you were getting a free lunch?" Masami opened the door of the inn. Angry at them for leaving here. Although Kazuya ordered something for her as well. And it was counted as part of the payment.

"I didn"t think that someone will help the boy and give me a free lunch." Masami rolled her eyes when it came to that. It was true and there wasn"t anyone else that he could turn to at that point in time.

"As for Yuki, why are you here? I thought you got lost somewhere." Masami stared at the girl who had eaten quite a lot. Even without trying much.

"I went out and met him, and he promised good food." Masami looked at Kazuho. The same kind of expression that she had. Even if that boy did have a handsome face doesn"t mean that he is good in the heart.

"And that he brought her here to mess with her," he whispered to his sister.

"Wow, again you"re the one reason why she isn"t going to her herself into deep trouble." And at the same time, it came. A fresh bowl of food for her.

Kaoru stared at them all. Masami sat down to take a bite. Finally able to do so. He knew that his sister will handle the house well. It wasn"t like her to just leave it hanging.

"I settled the house and the keys are with me." She ate quickly, as she was the only one who did. Pa.s.sing Kazuho the same keys, reminding himself that today was the last night they will spending there. Tomorrow, they will move.

Once he was done with this. Since he was here, might as well follow through on his promise.

"How did you find us?" Kazuho asked. Curious, for he didn"t know how it was even possible that Masami could know this place existed.

"I asked around." That was not half as bad as compared to what Yuki did. Continuing to eat her food, which was fast. Considering the time, his sister must have been starving by the time he got here.

Once she finished it, they all stood up from their chairs. Ready to leave. "Do come back again." Hajime called out. Although Kazuho wondered whether Yuki was tempted to reply.

He wasn"t too against the idea, the inn had good food. Prices were reasonable, just that he didn"t like Hajime. Especially after that. Given how he was luring Yuki into a trap, and his sister didn"t seem to mind his behaviour. Good to be sober there, just don"t try to let their guard down too much.

Once they were out, he sighed. Not that interested in berating Yuki, they were still outside. And he didn"t feel like wanting to spread the fact that Yuki was naive.

Masami walked out, while Yuki came last with Kaoru. "Thank you, and I"m sorry." He bowed down before Kazuho. Who by all means will not have done anything to him.

He apologized, and he still got his house waiting for him. Still remembering that promise to him. "Come on, bring me to your home. I made that promise and I won"t break it."

He was feeling generous today, or maybe he simply was when looking at someone like him. Even a little bit will have gone a long way.

Just like why he was here. To fulfill a promise, and to pay a debt. The boy nodded. "Follow me."

Through the streets, as Kazuho pa.s.sed by the city. In spite of the nature, and the beauty

Inside the house was made of wood, in one of the more run down districts in Okiban. Some parts of the city was glamourous, but most were reflective of the country and the state it was in. If the city has more people who are full rather than starving, the country was prosperous.

If not, it was a rebellion waiting to happen. In this state, it was different from the country he once knew it was. His last visit here, before he left. The boy, Kaoru led him inside the house. Familiar with the surroundings, as this was his home.

"Kaoru," a weak voice called out. Kazuho remained outside of the house. It wasn"t his place, that was for sure.

And most of it was covered in dust, he didn"t have much experience when it came to cleaning the house. Which was by far the least surprising, as it seemed that all his time was spent taking care of his mother.

Masami and Yuki was outside of the house. She didn"t bring her parasol, since the weather today was colder. And the sun was cloudy. She has left it in the inn which they stayed in.

Masami went outside to look for a physician, which was relatively easy. As they got one quite early. Kazuho brought his fair share of coins, which will be more than easy to handle. The boy didn"t steal because he enjoyed it, but the fact that he was truly left with no choice.

No one here will hire a child, at least not without taking advantage of them. And he was alone, with only his mother for company. Wondering whether Kaoru was fed because that innkeeper took care of that. She might have been unable to afford to allow them to have a doctor to really visit, but was able to show them kindness.

Food was still more important than medicine itself, that was certainly true. Without it, even Kaoru couldn"t survive. Much less able to take care of his mother. That was the truth that he knew to be honest.

Well, Masami went out instead. Since Yuki really could not be trusted in such matters after all. She did after follow a total stranger previously, who knows what kind of people she might bring here instead.

She sighed. And Kazuho agreed too. While he was here, thinking that it was much more trustworthy of him to be here. Not that he had a wish to be robbed. Even though he wasn"t left with much money. But to the common thief, well he was a target.

Yuki had took a chance to peek, and remained there as they waited. Kaoru, by all means was capable to handling this on his own. He proved it many times.

And now he returned back in, sitting down on the ground. The house was quite broken down by all means, and could use a renovation. As much as he helped Kaoru take some water and come back.

He opened to see if there was anything that could be used to cook. After all, he did remember and know how to do it. Even if his appearance was anything but that. And he hasn"t done it in years.

No, he almost forgot that he did. It has been a year. But he could still cook. He told himself that. He set up a small fire, and cooked it over the fire.

"Kaoru, do we have a visitor?" She asked. It quite was, although he hasn"t introduced her to them. But, they knew of course.


"Invite them in, you shouldn"t leave them standing. It is not polite." Kaoru went out, to only find Yuki there. As expected of course. Since Kazuho sent Masami. "And is there someone in our kitchen."

Kaoru was still outside, as he looked at him. Afraid of coming inside. Deciding that he might as well help him, since they already came so far. He opened the door, showing himself.

Also, having little idea about how to explain why he was here. Might as well be truthful if not he doubted he could come up with anything reasonable as to why we were here.

"We came here because Kaoru stole from Kazuho, and we hope to help you." Yuki was blunt, whereas Kazuho wanted to think of it in a different light. He could guess that Kaoru kept that he stole to keep her afloat from his mother.

What sort of mother will she be if she let him steal? "Good job, Kaoru. At least you can survive the streets when I die." His guess was wrong, so utterly wrong.

But it wasn"t as though she was wrong. She knew her days were numbered, and Kaoru was going to be alone. He had to learn how to survive on his own.

Kaoru was pet on the head.

"Did you know this will happen?" Kazuho leaned in, asking Yuki.

"Well, I asked him what his mother was like. And by all means, she was someone who will not have minded the truth." He smiled at her.

Although as ridiculous as it seems, encouraging her own son to continue this. But they were alone, and rarely were there anyone who will help them. If there was, they will have been here in the first place.

Masami opened the door, to reveal a physician that she had fetched from outside. Coming inside.

"I"ll be paying." The man looked at the quality of his kimono knowing that he could. It was new, as he just had it tailored.

It was a chance to judge. Whether he could. "Leave." They closed the door. Yuki leaned against the wall there, as did Kaoru. Talking about it.

"How did you explain your existence there, aniue?" She looked at him.

"Yuki simply told her the truth without subst.i.tuting any words, and she just accepted it. Even praising him for what he did."

"Well, what is morality if you aren"t going to be alive to practice it." He couldn"t deny that it was true, it was after all a principle that he chose to live by.

Leaving the three of them, Kazuho chose to take a step outside the house. And nearby, Okiban after all was a city meant to impress. It impressed, but in another side was one of the most depressing places to live.

He took out a small locket. On it was the picture of the city of Okiban. Far back, perhaps even before he was born. With nothing better to do, he wondered just that little bit.

About the person he owed a huge debt to. A main reason why he was here. To repay it. Wondering just that little bit about that girl he met in his childhood, the one who despite all never seemed to have changed. He hoped she was still that girl.

"The physician just came out. It is certain that she will not last long, but something that could help her pa.s.s peacefully." Masami mentioned. And stretched out her hand. It was asking for money to pay.

"Do you really want a commission that badly?"

"I ran an errand for you, besides you let Yuki eat a hole in your pocket. She barely does anything right." Kazuho couldn"t hold back himself. She wasn"t wrong, although the reason why be allowed Yuki to do as she wished was because of the fact that he didn"t have a choice.

Yuki was not the kind to change her mind easily. And she was a terror. Even if she still has rare moments where she showed that she knew people well.

Although this couldn"t be said for most of the time.

Masami used it to pay the man since she was the one who called him here. As much as he followed her to add some credit. But it was known that she was holding money, and he doubted anyone will have asked about its origins.

He was a physician who was called, not really expected to hold to some high moral standard. If he was, then Okiban will certainly be a better place than it is now.

"Goodbye, I"ll visit sometime." Yuki mentioned. Although whether she could actually do it was doubtful. Given that she didn"t know Okiban well, and neither was wise enough to navigate it.

"Same to you, onee-san."

Well, given how Yuki was it was far more likely that Kaoru will show up on his house than her managing to make it here. But they don"t say it. They still after all, had a long night ahead of them.